The fundamental problem with Brigitte

The ultimate problem with Brigitte, is that as long as she’s in the game, all other short range heroes are worthless.

She has absolutely uncontested dominance over Symmetra, Roadhog, Reaper, and Winston. She needs to either lose it, or she needs to be the only short range hero in the game and everyone else needs to grow some range.


Or delete her. She’s changed the meta for the worse and I’ve seen countless accounts suddenly go from gold to GM in one season by one tricking her.


her problem is her power. she does everything, without any skill, behind a 600hp shield.


I kind of agree in the sense that because of Brigitte, the sniper meta is now a thing.

Back when dive was a thing, snipers had a very strong counter. Now, with Brig; Hanzo and Widow have uncontested reign over the DPS category. It’s quite sad, honestly.


The problem I see is that they made her a DPS hero with a passive heal. She’s not a support hero, at all. Her longest cooldown is her armour pack…her only non passive healing.


I think the biggest problem is the stun. It’s just a free win button against any other short range hero, and a lot of heroes are forced to fight at close range, so she gets a free win against them. So they’re excluded from the game. And since anyone can play Brig, they’re excluded from all games.

She was introduced as a Tracer counter, cos Tracer was OP but they couldn’t admit it, and now look.

Maybe we can salvage Brig, but I think we also need to put the blame on Tracer for this mess instead.


Brigitte is like Bastion. No 200 HP is meant to 1v1 her in her optimal range. She’s not immortal, she just needs to be focus fired by multiple people. The Overwatch Devs have said that she’s meant to be “a difficult target to take down”


Deleting heroes is a terrible idea.


Nah, Brig and Doomy are just a horrible idea that should never have gone in at all.


A lot of these complaints have already been addressed before she even went live–many by the reveal trailer in which Jeff introduced her. The constant stream of tweaks is to see if they can quiet the outrage.

The outrage won’t quiet for Brig until they drop Wrecking Ball. As we seen happened with Moira the moment they put Brig on the PTR.

It’s a vicious cycle.

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Better than making a brain dead one to counter the hardest meta to pull off.


Reaper and Mei beat her. Mei doesn’t even have to try, and you didn’t even mention her.

Sym is mid range, specially now after the primary fire buff.

She’s supposed to do great against Winston, she’s anti-dive. Also if we are mentioning close range main tanks then Rein wins the 1v1.

Roadhog vs Brig is technically even. Although not skillwise; Hog does have to put in more work. That’s okay though, Hog already steps on Reaps territory a bit too much.


Yeah, I’m all for a support being able to defend themselves and get kills but Brig is just way too much.
She’s got the combo that’ll either kill you or take away most of your health. Her shield to just block damage, plus her armor, but hey if she’s somehow losing the fight just stun, boop and run away.

Only heroes I’ve had decent luck at killing her with is Pharah and Zarya due to their splash dmg.

In all honesty, people should stop using this kind of terms.


I mean it’s true. If you don’t like it, I wonder why.


Which is her glaring weakness. Her shield is small. That’s what people should be exploiting.

I’m just really shocked we have people still complaining months later, despite her having settled pretty well in the League. I figured this was a non-issue, but as I said before, it will continue to be an issue until Wrecking Ball drops.

And then Brig will be forgotten, and people will have something else to be outraged over. It happened with Moira, it’ll happen with Brig.


She’s not so much overpowered, but she makes a lot of heroes just completely useless. When’s the last time you’ve seen Winston? Seriously?

The fundamental problem with Brigitte is the amount of salt she extracts from DPSers. No, wait, that’s fundamentally the best thing about her.


Kinda paradoxical since Brigitte is a DPS with passive self-heal.