The "Devs don't play their own game" claim

I mean perhaps don’t exaggerate since at no point was I using the caps lock or language we constantly hear being salt shaker through the mic during a loss.

Game testers aren’t gods. It’s a profession expected to be performed by professionals.

If OW is your only game, I understand your opinion. But you play multiple games from multiple companies like me you find Blizzard’s Q/A staffing a bit suspect.

I play Tekken 7, Spider-Man, Monster Hunter World, Borderlands 3, GTA 5, and many more. Of those games only OW has too constantly keep fixing things and is a state the community can’t stand.

Hell 2k is a horrible company but devs for Borderlands have had way more communication and faster response time to fixing the game.

I’ve played Blizzard games for a long time. While not known for balance they had solid polish and Q/A.

Today OW has so many problems and fixes it sounds more like Bethesda developed it not Blizzard.

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If there is Overwatch 2 soon, eventually there will be Overwatch 76.

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then apply to activision and ask to test blizzard games. no reason to be part of a community that talks about the problems instead of being positive influences.

and if being a positive influence is too hard for u then quit life. or at least these forums

Nice try, but won’t work anymore. :laughing:

They are not unique in that. I know many real-life examples where workers dont use their own product lol

I mean, most of us work to have bills paid.

Games are form of art, though, so working just to have bills paid isn’t something you want for that.

Yet most people try to get into big companies. Why? Requirements are higher but the pay is better :smiley:

Most types of work are some sort of art, but 99.8% of my coworkers are there to receive salary lol

Usually it’s point, when game stops being fun and becomes merely a source of revenue.

yeah, the state of blizzard is… wow, do people remember when jeff said " we are an indie company ( joking) and that joke is like, there are indie companies that do much better?

This may come as a surprise but there isn’t a sign on my garage that says “fixing dying game worker” because fixing dying games ain’t my job!

I already have a nice paying job. I’m not going to quit it and leave all my retirement benefits on the floor while uprooting my family and dog to live in more expensive area like California.

Also the last time people at Blizzard applied and worked their but off to make OW a high selling game with great lootbox revenue they were rewarded with job cuts or layoffs.

Uh yeah let me just quit my job for this company that tosses employees to the curb after they make them a profit.

“I don’t think so, Tim”-

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I think the best proof they don’t play all heroes equally, have low playtime, test in a very limited closed environment and/or have very bad perception is Symmetra 2.0

From the moment Symmetra 2.0 was on PTR until 9 months of being on live she had an obvious bug which took me literally 30seconds to notice on my first time testing her…

The bug was that anytime you used photon barrier and went near an object the cooldown would change from what ever number it was up to into a red number 10.

This also paused her cooldown so good Symmetra players who took cover were actually punished making the bug very game breaking for her.

Because the number was red it was extremely easy to notice yet the developers took 9 months to acknowledge it and that wasn’t because they noticed on their own.

If Blizzard had a perception stat it would be 0.


I actually remember an article from a developer how, most Developers shy away with interacting with the community because of the backlash they would receieve in the long run.

Which one tries not to make claims as to what is or isn’t coming to a game, because they will receive the “A-HA!” Backlash, as if the gamer knew they shouldn’t be trusted because so or so claim wasn’t honored.

Its why indie developers and those branching out have a hard time in the indsutry and those who use platforms like crowd funding. Have to watch every word they say.

With that being said, a lot of it has to deal with the backlash a developer would receive for not being vocal but at the same time for not being vocal can backfire as well. Which either way its not a win-win situation for a developer to speak out of subjects that deal with their properties so you always see them getting flack.

so what ur saying is u cant hack in in california?

prolly not if ur quoting racist movies, they dont like ‘your kind’ out here. especially since all u do is sit on ur computer and dream up ways some company far away should cater to ur needs. like i said before, find ur way off this mortal coil bigot.

not to mention the recent-ish infinite tp nerf they put in. it completely doesn’t make sense to implement.

  • making her tp really costly to move, i.e. encouraging bunkering down, yet then shift the balance of tanks to reposition teams more often (on top of how often that already happens) as well as bringing in a tug.of war game made (moving objective) on top of the many modes with moving objectives
  • locking away sym’s only independent way to get in or out of her effective range esp when she’s so fragile whilst also contradicting themselves not only in going back on their word about the point of the 3.0 rework but also outright being wrong in calling the change “less restrictive”

not to mention for some reason thinking doubling the beam charge time when 3.0 was first released whilst still keeping her fragile, short ranged and immobile wouldn’t have any viability issues…

like the whole history of sym basically the pinnacle evidence tbh.

It’s not first time they back down on their own promises.

Most disgusting thing about this all, is that they listen to players, who aren’t going to play hero in question, and have their own interest in putting that hero out of commission.

I honestly don’t even know if they willingly/knowingly went back on it or not. because the tp patch had the dev comment saying the infinite tp patch was supposed to be less restricting:

like they’re saying this should make sym more flexible (which flexibility and dynamic was the whole point of sym3.0 rework) yet their actions are the exact opposite. :man_shrugging: :clown_face: :woman_shrugging:

also as a side vent:
like that comment is a straight up lie, straight up wrong, and straight up shows how little they know about sym gameplay.
/end vent

They meant it to be restricting on how many teammates you can teleport. And viewed her teleport as her old sym 2.0 teleport, which was not the case anymore, since she lost her shield as ability.

Basically, they only view effects Symmetra has on her team, and completely disregard experience of Symmetra player.

except even in the pure team use perspective it’s still false because tp is forced to either be stuck in one place for really long periods of time or stuck in cd land.

i.e. with teams repositioning much more often than sym can get back a tp cast, and soon to be more often with the upcoming patch, you simply just won’t have tp in a valuable place unless you bunker down (oh hey an old sym issue rework was supposed to fix).

the only thing it helped were people who still haven’t learnt to be aware of nor bother to even try to track the notification text + tp HUD location chevrons for the past >1 year sym had tp as a base ability because tp wouldn’t move. which is so hypocritical of the community that frequently snaps “just adapt” or so up themselves about skill these days.

I found Symmetra 2.0 to be more dynamic, than…this. Put teleport in some important place, and you are free to go in combat with your shield and beam. Put turrets for extra protection of your teleport, or put them in other place your presence is needed.

They did same to Torbjorn, which made me drop him: they removed ability to be present in multiple places. Can’t create armor supply for my team in one place, put turret at second, and be myself at third, with ult to quickly fix my turret remotely, if it’s under attack.

This is what enters my mind every time Jeff talks about Symmetra.

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