The "Devs don't play their own game" claim

You must be very high or the good Chiba Chiba to type that nonsense. Would also explain why you’ve been white knighting for the devs.

First Captain America, you understood the reference which by your logic going to see a movie turns you racist then you’re just as racist as me for watching Pulp Fiction.

Now Samuel L is super racist for starring in it. So is Bruce Willis. Strange they still work and live out there since you used a generalization to say “my kind” won’t be liked.

And you are grasping for topic grenades. That’s not what my job is. Take a few million more guesses what I do. Not on my laptop or PC right now.

All my replies have been via cellphone while I am killing time.

That’s great that you think I need to move to California as a requirement to make Overwatch stop being stale. I could have thought of 20 more reasonable suggestions that don’t involve must get hired by Blizzard.

You want to troll me while shielding 3years of bad balance choices and ptr bugs going through like quiet footsteps, it’s cool see, it’s cool.

The game is still gonna be stale while you continue to argue about my hypothetical job status to transfer working for Activision…

Or how about I use your bait card. Derp if you think Pulp Fiction is so racist, herp. Why don’t you derka derka move in with Quentin, herpa-derpa teach him how to make movies. Cause that’s how improving things works, derka.

Tl:Dr, at this point ya being so ridiculously I will just go hard in the paint on being silly

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Back in the day I came across Jeff playing once. I haven’t seen him in awhile though.

From what it sounds like. Blizzard is going to be focusing on Overwatch II. But, throughout the last couple of years. There has been no addressing of the problems. So if they do NOT address the top problems in their next game. Over-2 will flop.

i never suggested that u move to california (that was you), nor did i paint that as the only solution (you went down that tangent). if u reread my posts with an open mind you will see that the only thing i have suggested u do it be positive. help out. not physically be there for the company (that was you). i just meant dont be a mensch. dont sit on some forum pointing out problems like its someone elses job to solve them for you. i said be part of a community that supports and encourages the devs.

white knighting for them? sure. if u call standing up to mean spirited demolitionists like you that want to tear something down thats too big for them to ever have dreamed up.

stop spending all your time on ur phone. look at the world around you. its a beautiful place.

How are they going to do that, is unclear. Most likely they won’t, as WoW went into similar state through similar decision making process. And since you mention Jeff - he was part of WoW dev team in the past.

Dude… Remember the absolutely broke Doomfist? Not the OP one, but the one with 20+ bugs.

The dev team acknowledged those bugs after some user made a post with a gif per bug.

The thing?
People was complaining about those bugs for more than a month by that time, and all you needed to do to replicate 80% of them in under 5 minutes, was playing a custom game against bots. Without even the knowledge that the character was literally broken.

From that moment on, it was clear that they don’t play the game.

You still arguing this? You suggested I go work for Blizzard. So I’m pretty sure since they are in California that I wouldn’t be staying in my current State. Cause that’s not how applying for jobs works.

I read your post and that’s a nice kettle you borrowed from my pot that I think I will call Black when you say I go on a tangent but you been topic jumping in each reply.

Soooooo just want to be clear, you insinuating me being racist is your definition of being positive. Cause you keep using that word but I do not think it means what you think it means.

You suggested I couldn’t hack it in California. I’m no linguistic scholar but pretty sure “couldn’t” is a negative.

Lemme check Google, “ok Google, is couldn’t a positive or a negative word?”

Google: “does this device have a sign that says, positive and negative word connotation storage on my garage?”

Well Google not really and not what I asked-


well… damn, oh and that’s racist Google.

Oh wait i was drinking from the hyperbole KoolAid.

Ya absolutely supercalifragilisticexpialidociously right Ninjagear

If only I type happy thoughts the devs would suddenly listen to the community and the game would so not be stale.

The power of love AND PEACE was all we needed today to not have a crap matchmaker for 3 years, or Paris not to suck as a map, or unfun metas that the community, Reddit, YouTube, and this forum warns about but goes live on the PTR anyway.

It ain’t that they are out of touch, don’t listen, slow to change and stubborn to address a fault.

It was my negativity that was holding them back.
If only Dorothy and the witch had told me I had the power to make the devs change for better this whole time with positivity.

We did it Reddit. We fixed Overwatch. We can all go home. Knowing positivity creates change for better is knowing best.

And Knowing is half the battle.

PS. We’re you not listening to the Dude’s story, all day on my phone? That’s like your opinion maaaan. Borderlands 3, and Ganryu my old main in Tekken is back. Ain’t nobody got time for all day on the phone when other games are out.

Dec 10th I’m bout that sumo life, boss

Or you know keep arguing with me cause that’s also positivity. I mean not arguing, happy disagreements :wink:


20 characters in this post

The devs balance the game in relation to what’s going to happening months from now. The real problem is that players wants the game balanced according to what’s happening today. While I agree that balance patches could happen faster, you need to respect the bigger picture. Remember, it’s the players who create the meta, not the devs, so they have to wait and see what we do. The devs tried to force the meta when they released Brigitte, and that didn’t go very well.

I think it has more to do with Blizz’s culture than anything. Their obsession to be inclusive ruined this game.

What do I mean by this? They kept adding incredibly easy to play heroes with low learning curves to have more mass appeal. It’s no longer about just skills but rock-paper-scissors, and re-countering the counter heroes/meta’s. This game has been a complete dog sh*t for at least a year.

This is honestly what I see whenever we get certain changes/characters. Instead what it can/will/might effect they look solely at what they want it to effect. Tracer and Genji have been needing mobility nerfs for ages so their counters don’t need to be beefed up monstrosities that destroy everyone else. But instead we got original brig which absolutely destroyed everyone.
They say “We are looking at CC.” and the next hero we get Sigma is 90% CC. It just boggles my mind how poorly they look at things.

I think this is an issue as well Rewarding the new Moira/Brig player over someone with 100 hours on a skillful hero (not saying aim only skill) is atrocious game design. Players who play entry level heroes with low skill floors should not be winning 1v1’s against heroes who require more aim, awareness, positioning and better cooldown management. Moira and old Brig were basically kits that played the game for you.

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Devs don’t really balance for long term - they just solve current problems, and like it often happens, solution breeds new problems.

Tell me about it… Ion Hatzikostas (the WoW developer) is maining a Shaman Restoration and the Shamans 2 expansions now are garbage :stuck_out_tongue: not even average… So I dont think that they play and see the “bad” mechanics

This thread kinda blew up. I kinda feel bad for how I phrased it. Hate venting but it’s just disappointing how they promised a big balance patch for role Q and it’s only now that we get one that is impactful and it still might miss the mark. Even then it’s They’re not nerfing broken, low skill floor, uninteractive heroes like Mei and Reaper. Sustain is way too high for Orisa and Sigma.

They aren’t though? Old brig yeah, she was stupidly OP. But Moira and current Brig are easy to kill.

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