The current SR system is too broken

er but isn’t there no pbsr in 3000+?

Im not actually sure, but i got placed at 3300 after 10 games so maybe its just when you’re doing your first placements. Unless it already pegged me higher before hand and then there was no pbsr.

I solo only and made this account to practice dps since I’m an Ana/Zen main and yes I obviously deserve my rank what I may lack in aim I make up for in game sense as you can see by my elims per life, it’s top 1%.

And what Lotus said is right you can’t compare stats across ranks, 33-34% may look worse than it is but when you have to constantly peel for your zen against 4200 peak tracers that’s what it’s gonna look like.
You have 21% against people that move in a straight line constantly down there in gold and OP has 15% against people that do not move at all in bronze now imagine what those numbers would look like in diamond or masters+. But you are still right about 1 thing mine is still subpar for my rank, if I could improve it by 6-7% I’m sure I could make gm.

Yes this is correct.

To OP, try to post a vid for criticism.

I’ve had some awful teams this season, and some bad luck with Leavers, but after receiving lots of useful critique I realise that if I get better I can surely climb.

Not been in bronze for a while. Spectate a bronze friend ofine in qp. 10 deaths in 2 minutes. I’m a crap silver and I’d have died zero times in his shoes.

Just a few tweaks can be worth several hundred Sr.

This…! I have said from the early days if we had a system like in most real world sports where you have a ranking leader board and you gain a certain number of points for a win, gain reduced points for a draw but lose nothing for a defeat you could wave goodbye to much of the toxicity overnight and we could all get on with enjoying playing.

I see your record was 9-1. Do you remember which game you lost?

Was game number 6 on lijiang tower.

Thanks. My data here: Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted (for me, a gold player), would have predicted that your initial placement with that record is 2995. So my estimation is that the difference to your actual placement of 3308 is based on your statistical performance being higher than a gold player. It may have just helped for your first few matches, though, before you were “diamond”.

You can respond to this or not. I’m primarily just gathering data on new accounts here, to make How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 10) more accurate.

Thanks again.

I believe qp mmr is also used in the initial placement of an account, but only for the first season that it places. and my qp mmr was at least close to master judging by the people i was playing with in qp.

It actually is not. If you follow that first link, I did careful experiment showing that a persons first competitive game is always around 2350, regardless of quick play performance.

Interesting, how much data have you collected?

Read the link. It describes it. One account. Lots of detail.

Pick up soldier 76 and carry yourself. If I can get quad kills frequently in plat. You can easily do it in bronze.

thus why you’re so toxic about my aim; nobody hates anyone more than we hate ourselves. the topic is about the broken SR mechanics, yet you continue to feebly attempt to make me feel bad about my aim, because your aim is just as bad. you’re a terrible human being for that, and I won’t take any more advice from you. ggwp kkthxbai

LMAO, that’s not the case at all. If I was playing against the bronze bots you play with I’d have 60%+ acc at least.

https :// youtu .be / cL9WnhHodrc

God i hate it so much. I dropped from 28XX to 22XX and i had a 2/2/2 Game since 15-20 Games. Its so frustrating im forced to play tank to have a slight chance to win the game and get some sr…

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Ive played in bronze and i placed there originally. I climbed from it because i stopped blaming the system and my team and started blaming myself. Now im mid plat, and continue to improve because i force myself to keep learning something new or improving on something crucial. I also have a smurf in bronze where i only play healer, and shotcall for my friends to help them improve as they too are in bronze. I cant say the system is always perfect, my friends in T500 sometimes want to just throw the towel in. But the system for the most part can tell if your performace is good or not and whether that rank is actually what you deserve.

Maybe 2-2-2 doesnt always mean a win and playing what youre best at is more important sometimes.