The current SR system is too broken

I am a bronze mei main but I should be GM. Blizzard keeps putting me on bad teams to keep me in low elo. If I had good teams I would be GM in like 1 day.

Stylosa grouped with OWL players, got GM, then went solo queue and dropped to masters, then made a video about how broken SR is.

He ignores the fact that every time he hit GM was with OWL players. The guy is immune to criticizing himself and ends up giving out bad advice to players who take it as truth because he is popular, he’s like the logan paul of overwatch.

The problem in your case, as far as the SR system goes, is that your initial placement was too high. This leads to a poor player experience as you fall through the ranks.

Your current rank is reasonably accurate, sorry. Low bronze is a crazy, crazy place, but it can be gotten out of fairly quickly and easily with non-horrible mechanics and very basic game sense. Work on improving your play (and probably your rig as well), and not worrying so much about your teammates.

Yet the fact that he could get to GM playing with OWL league players is overlooked by everyone who says SR system is fine. Contradict much?

I’ve been more than cordial to people in the few topics I commented on so far, but this toxic attitude you’re showing here is WHY Overwatch continues to suck more than it really should.

What part can’t some people wrap their tiny brains around – that a lot of us just play multiplayer video games casually, for the FUN of it? The SR is just a way to see where you rank compared to everyone else playing. I haven’t ever gotten above around a 710-720, and then I tend to wind up in games with leavers and throwers and what-not, who drag it back down to the low 600’s in no time. Oh well
 I guess the only way out of that is either a streak of good luck, or just wasting so much time and effort on the game that my skills go way past where they are now. Yeah 
 not so interested in that.

To hear half the people in here, that makes me unworthy of even posting on these forums. (My $59 to buy the game doesn’t count?)

Now and then, I put together a great group of teammates that friend each other and we have a blast, chatting about random stuff, cheering each other on, etc. That’s how it SHOULD be, but it’s rare. Usually, some toxic wanna-be has to insult everyone else on his own team and tell us how bad we suck, etc.

Do I honestly believe you deserve master with your 33% accuracy with soldier, when almost half your damage is on barriers? Or your 17% accuracy with zenyatta? No. Which gives credence to OP’s point that the SR system is broken. How did you get there, otherwise? Prob boosted or group with a stack that carried you is my guess.

I don’t know why you keep harping on his accuracy being bad when yours is god awful for someone in your elo

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Accuracy and other metrics like that do not scale with skill, they aren’t representative of somebodies aim against the average player. It only shows the average aim against people of the same skill level. If you magically changed his SR to be where you are in SR that number is going to go up drastically. Because while master players have better aim they are also better at being hard to hit and better at dodging. My main account (in high master) has a higher critical hit ratio and scoped aim on widowmaker than kephrii, that doesn’t make me better than him, because he is playing against top 500 players and i’m playing against master players. Stats are not representative of skill across ranks.

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i can relate to the endless cycle of toxic players and bad teammates, but honestly you can solo carry yourself out low elo you just have to admit that youre bad and git gud.

They think it would be much easier to change the system so that it favors them. Its actually much easier to just improve.

i carried myself from bronze to mid plat, i speak for the idea that most players just dont understand that the system does its job 70% of the time

No, if youre good then you will literally carry a 4v6 like its nothing in bronze. Just get good, the game isnt the problem, you are.

rag tag also made a video about it more related to this topic

you totally can carry but “just 1v6” really ISN’T helpful at all, your comments are pretty much just inflammatory.

Anyway its more frustrating compared to other comp games like dota and league, I and other people just want a system that measures all of someones skill, the current system does not do that.

I don’t want to change the system so it favors me, I want the system changed so that it measures every style of play, but sure, im just a badddie who cant admit it, no criticism of the system allowed, i just gotta gid gud and stop complaining!!

the player and the sr system can both be problems lmao, people need to admit they are bad so they can learn and get better and other people need to admit the sr system favors one style of play.

What style of play is that?

the style of play that involves focusing on stats even if its not actually the right call, you are rewarded less for teamplay and rewarded more for stat farming

the system cant reward you for great shotcalling, positioning, or clutch ultimate use

a non pbsr system can because the only thing its looking for is if you win or loose

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Okay well sorry i don’t deal with that because I’m in master and they removed performance from the equation for us 2 seasons ago. I’m all in favor of removing it from all of the other ranks as well.

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: D yay! im glad you can get on board! Its refreshing to not be told “but smurfs though” or something like that

Well i mean it does help, it helped my yesterday when i placed this smurf but if it didn’t it would only have taken me a few more games so it really doesn’t do all that much if you’re smurfing on a new account. Maybe if you’re throwing and getting an account to bronze or something it helps shove them out of those lower ranks faster.

oh where did you place? I feel like they could maybe try to fiddle with the placement matches or let people take placements again or something idk, just don’t make it directly tied to regular ladder games.

for people throwing the pbsr really doesn’t do anything to stop them cause they just keep throwing

you could argue that the pbsr makes them spend more time throwing games than stomping games but so people are discouraged cause throwing games is boring but i don’t really buy that it doest that much and the negatives outweigh the positives

3300, but im just trying to get this account to master so i can use it for a tournament.