The current SR system is too broken

yea im not saying its bad to focus on improving yourself instead of blaming your teammates and you can climb with pbsr but the problem is, like i’ve said, the system doesn’t actually measure all of someones ability, like, factually, it cant, we don’t have the technology to measure all of someones performance. You could climb if the game consistently gave you 15 and took away 30 but that doesn’t mean its fair or accurate.

The good news is we don’t have to measure it, we can go with a much simpler system similar to dota and leagues, i’ve already explained it in other posts on this thread.

No system will do that perfectly.

how does the win\loss system not do it perfectly? Winning is all that matters in the end, if you are doing stuff that results in winning more than loosing you will climb, doesn’t matter what you do to win, its all counted, because it resulted in a win.

You know youre bronze for a reason, and im plat for a reason. The system recognizes that. Id say that we should have a system that makes a balanced team, such as a 2 tank mains, 2 dps mains, and 2 healer mains. Most peoples frustrations above bronze is team comp, cause having 5 mercy mains in one game is not fun.

Doesnt take into account the skill of the hero that youre on, maybe youre on a hero thats easier to play and therefor need less skill to get to the same elo. The system required to accurately represent true skill doesnt exist because it would have to be complicated and youd have to win and lose points based on the subjective perception about how much skill any given hero takes to play effectively. You see that system would work perfectly in a game like chess or counter strike where everyone is equal in their ability to do things.

yes im not good enough at the game to get out yet

its not entirely accurate though that’s the point, the system could be better.

what does this have to do with pbsr

yea uh this isn’t related to my thing at all dude

uhhh thats a separate issue of it being impractical to measure sr separately hero by hero, it would be entirely possible to do that, but i don’t think it would be very good for the game, people can just buy alt accounts and only play certain heros

the system not measuring your skill hero by hero isn’t really an issue tbh? Idk, do you think its an issue?

interestingly league of legends is going to have rank by role at some point, its the equivalent of ranking you at seperate sr’s for supports, dps and tanks.

Oh but its harder to do in overwatch cause of swapping.

pbsr is fine in low elo, and yes the system accurately recognizes youre a bronze boi

No its not, i’ve already explained why its not but you seem to only be interested in saying “no its fine” and insulting me so i think im done talking to you? Unless you wana have an actual discussion where you engage in what im saying.

Again, pbsr is semi accurate, but it could be more accurate, im sure i could climb out of bronze with the pbsr and im working on doing that but this isn’t about if i can or cannot, its about having an accurate, transparent, ranking system, the current ranking system is not.

Go watch ragtags video on it if you don’t want to listen to a bronze players, iirc hes in master.

yes im going to insult you because youre a bronze saying that the system is broken. No one is forcing you to stay down there, all you need to do is actually git gud.

well heck you buddy thats incredibly dismissive and rude

you aren’t even reading what im saying, cmon dude

im not saying its 100% broken and im NOT blaming the system for me being in bronze

im saying its not 100% accurate and that there is an objectivly better system we could should be using

go watch ragtags “SEASON 8 WILL NOT SAVE OVERWATCH” video, hes a higher rank than you so maybe you will listen to him, jezz.

oh theres also a diamond who agrees with me in this thread… please actually read what im saying instead of dismissing me as a bronze who wants to get a free ride, because thats not what im doing, jezzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

lmfao you really haven’t read what i’ve said have you

im not going to answer you with very much effort until you actually respond to what im saying

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