The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

ah I am gonna back out. Hopefully there is a Genji thread somewhere or an Ashe thread

Factually, I quoted what was stated

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Sweetie you can keep going around in circles nobody cares.

Factually, the implication wasn’t what was stated.


I’m gonna just hop in and break this cycle real quick.

You specifically said she has a self stun. Factually she doesn’t, as even with Res she can move around, albeit slower.

If you know that’s not the truth, then don’t parrot it as if it is.


For all intents and purposes, in my opinion, it functions like a self-stun. I have thought this since I first tried the new revive on the PTR and have never used an ability more restrictive in my several years playing video games.

Have I qualified that enough for everybody?

Factually, it is not a self-stun

You aren’t even getting the point lol. Mercy is the only support in the game that can only do 1 thing at a time. Therefore if you are main healing. With 50HP/S and you stop healing for just a split second to go and DPS your team isn’t getting healed and will report you for not doing your job. With the already low HP/S keeping the healing beam on targets that are low is more of a priority then trying to shoot.

You aren’t looking at the bigger picture. You need to look beyond the generic responses of Mass Rez haters and go what was the actual reason behind Mercy hiding?

I’ll give you 3 answers.

  1. Mercy provided nothing in a mid fight to help her team out besides healing and damage boost, (where other supports at the time did)
  2. Mercy was rewarded better SR gains based on how many people she Resurrected in a match not based on assists, so it was more rewarding to hide and Rez
  3. Blizzard enables Hide and Rez, and never once stopped it from happening

I mean, with all due respect, your “opinion” is objectively wrong in this scenario.

Either she does have a self stun, or she doesn’t. And she doesn’t, as it doesn’t meet the actual qualifications that follow an actual stun, the main one being a lack of control of movement.

There’s really not much left to personal interpretation here.

Factually, the word “like” indicates I am not saying it is a self-stun in that particular post, but functions akin to one.

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Your job isn’t just healing. Do what’s best for your survival or what you think will benefit your team the most, which is using your pistol in some situations.

I specifically said:

That means there are more reasons, this is the main one.

1st and 2nd were already known facts, just assumed I didn’t have to point them out.
The 3rd one… eh… what?

Opinions can’t be wrong. It’s an opinion. You just don’t like it.

Definition of stun; temporary loss of control, or the temporary disabling of a character.

I am temporarily disabled while using Resurrect. I am, for all intents and purposes, in my opinion, also at a loss of control because I move 75% slower, which, for all intents and purposes, functions more like I am stunned than I am not stunned.

The original statement I quoted does not include the qualifying word

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You quoted a different statement, which I was explaining.

If you wish to quote a different statement you are more than welcome to.

Factually, the original statement indicated that she stunned herself.

This is the statement that I was (and still am) addressing

Unhealthy? Unfun? Sure, that’s a subjective point but I can see i.

OP? Not at all, she was an incredibly niche/troll pick before invul, and only became somewhat largely picked after Ana got nerfed really hard.


Yes, and you seem to be unable to learn what an implication is. If you are only able to read everything at face value, then I don’t see the point in you repeatedly replying to me.

Please, stop.

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Your job as a main healer is to heal most of the time. Yes it’s perfectly fine to pull out your pistol and get a few hits off on a low enemy (people used to do that to get that extra 5% to get Mass Rez too you know) but for the most part you should be healing.

Well clearly the 3rd one is something people don’t understand too well.

By making a hero that’s already in a safe position in the backline and then allowing them to be in an even safer position behind a wall and still be able too ult was a recipe for disaster.

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There were no changes to mass rez regarding this issue, though.

Here’s a brutal truth for you:

Mercy had the lowest GM pickrate out of all healers when she had mass-Resurrect. She was virtually nonexistent in the pro scene unless played with a Pharah. Ana, who was regarded by many as a “troll-pick” during the Dive Meta, had a higher pickrate than Mercy in the top 33% of the playerbase at that time.

In other words, no, Mercy was not overpowered. If she was overpowered, that would have been abused in the pro scene and high-ladder play, as we saw when Mercy truly became overpowered after the rework.

No such abuse took place. Those players literally picked every other healer more than Mercy.


I don’t understand why a misrepresentation of a simple fact needed to occur at all, tho to be fair many in the anti-Mercy faction seem to do so on a regular and repeated basis, especially with this particular fact, ie Mercy’s slowdown during rez