The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

Factually, Mercy does not stun herself with any of her abilities


Factually, I never said that.

There was an implication. As always you seem to be unable to read between lines that everyone else can.

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Umm no it’s very common to get boosted teammates that run off while you tell them you are rezzing and die.

Alright well talk about this idea. I think it’s a great idea. Giving Mercy self defence while her staff is out would provide her much more impact to a fight especially when dealing with flankers. Personally I’d rather see Mercy with a projectile as an E ability that you throw from your left hand that deals damage to the enemy and slows them. Giving her some mid fight impact which she currently lacks.

I’ll give you a hint:
If you want some direct impact of your own, learn to use your pistol.

She was utter trash until they gave her invincibility during the res animation.
Anyone that played back then should remember how bad it was to play her.

Plus mass Rez wasn’t OP people were bad. Simple, painful truth.

You should have won a 5v6 without needing to overcommit ults, as the enemy is down their main healer who probably wasn’t hiding to begin with.


Factually, I quoted what was stated

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you’re missing some blush emojis

she wasn’t OP she was annoying,

thats why they changed her instead of nerfing her. nerfing a hero who already had low pickrates would just make her worse.

because nerfing lowpickrate heroes would be absolutely stupid of blizz to do
cough doomfist, sombra cough

instead they turned her into a monster

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who are you addressing, Kristal?

It wasn’t OP. Mercy wouldn’t have been the least played support in GM at the time and in the pro scene if it were, because high level players use and abuse OP heroes to stay on top, even if they hate playing as them (See: Moth Meta).

That said, GM and the pro scene were the only places she wasn’t getting used. She was the most picked healer, possibly even hero, for every rank up to and including Diamond, and by the time she got reworked, she was encroaching on Masters as well. To say Mercy was underpowered while she had it is, at best, selective ignorance.

She was effective and balanced, but annoying, that was all.


you. I think(according to some members) blush emojis add to the message :blush::blush::blush::blush:

  • No direct counter, you could only kill her to prevent it from happening. But first you had to find her, and this hide and seek playstyle is not really fun.
  • It didn’t require LoS, which means she could use it from a safe position. And that happened most of the time.

That’s the main reason why it was removed.
And also, how could the fight be 5v6 when the healer was not hiding (other than coming back from spawn?)

With apologies, I think you may have me confused with some other poster.

I have asked others about the relevance of the blush emoticon in posts, but have never used one myself outside of quoting someone who has used one


LMFAO. Just use her pistol 4Head. Just click their heads 4head

Mercy stop doing damage and heal me

Report Mercy for using her pistol instead of healing

I could go on. I’ve played in the highest ranks with Mercy. You’d think I know that Mercy has a pistol right?

What I’m saying is while Mercy is doing her job she doesn’t have an option like the other supports do, to help her teammate with some sort of damage or CC or debuff in a fight while she is healing. That was the main issue why Mercy players hid. There wasn’t a reason for them to actively be in a fight therefore they left and hid.


I was joking. as a kind of jab at some people. I like banter

ah, sorry, I missed that entirely…

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sorry for not being clear :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

np dudette…and now back the Mercy discussion, already in progress…

That’s the same as saying “Report Ana she’s shooting down the pharmercy instead of healing,” when she’s the only counter to them on that team.

You will never get reported for doing what’s best in certain situations. That’s just an excuse of the lower tier players who will rather complain and ask for buffs instead of adapting to changes.

The main reason why Mercy players hid was to not be the first to die with rez. Before her rework, whenever there was a Mercy, it was all about witch hunting Mercy. The teams would just fight each other (sometimes even without using ultimates) until the Mercy died.


Factually, the implication wasn’t what was stated.