The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

Don’t pick up on bad habits. Pistol is last resort only


If it was OP, she would have been used more. She was not because it was not OP. Valk was OP on release… And thus she was always picked.

No one is avoiding Op heroes out of courtesy :woman_shrugging:t5:

A misrepresentation never occured, you just misunderstood it.

I believe this is ad hominem 101, calling me anti-Mercy for simply holding an opinion you don’t like?

Mercy’s pistol is part of her kit, same as her staff functions, GA, and etc

There are no actual restrictions on when one can use the pistol, and in my opinion a good Mercy player uses it when it is the best option under the given circumstances.

Choosing to believe it is there for last resort only is a self-imposed restriction, same as a Torb player deciding in a given match that he will only use his hammer to attack with


I’m beginning to assume that anyone who hates and complains about old Mercy and her Mass Rez ult, just ignores her all game.
I mean, if the enemy Mercy consistently pulls of a 5-man mass rez, you and your whole team are doing something wrong.

Mercy wasn’t even a top support back then.


Goodbye mass ress.
Kindly never come back,
thnx :kissing_heart:


That’s where you’re wrong.


Isn’t that what everyone who’s arguing for Mercy to stay the way she is now has for their Goal? o have Mercy be good in low ranks and bad in High ones?

Since there is no self stun involved in any of Mercy’s kit, factually, this was (and is) a misrepresentation of the facts

Given my definition of what anti-Mercy means, there is no ad hominem involved.

Anti- is not innately a bad thing, such as its use in the word “anti-terrorism”

I mean her being op in her 1.0 state is very debatable. She didn’t really jump to being overpowered until she was reworked.


Since in my opinion there is an ability which functions more like a self-stun than not, this is a misunderstanding :slight_smile:

Anti implies I am against Mercy. I am not against Mercy for simply holding a different opinion to you.


Uh, it was very much a winning strategy. That’s why it was used so often and why it ticked off so many people (even after they patched it people still did it).

think of it like rounding pi.

pi is 3.141592653589793238 there’s more of course but I didn’t want to copy more than that.

However in most practical applications, if you round it to 3.14 you’ll be close enough and save yourself a headache.

That’s what most Mercy players are doing when they say she’s stunning herself with Resurrect. She technically isn’t, but in their minds it is close enough that they are mentally rounding her 1.75 second cast time and 75% speed reduction to a stun.


Do you have proof to suggest this?

There were large concentrations of Mercys in high ranks with sub 40% winrates because SR calculations said “These Mercys are reviving 4x as much as everyone else! They must be doing 4x as well as everyone else, so they must be the best!”


There were definitely some ridiculous use cases with it going through walls but she really wasn’t OP. The worst part of mass res was how you could use it to game the SR system.

Other than that old Mercy(if going for huge Resses) was very much like a less extreme version of Bastion. Mass res could pull off some game changing stunts or it could be completely nullified. Let’s remember that Mercy was a lackluster healer and not one of the stronger support picks in higher ranks before Valkyrie.

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Personally, I dont see this as a misunderstanding at all - rather - a misstatement of what occurs with part of Mercy’s kit

I have defined what anti-Mercy means many times, and there is no such implication within the definition, which clearly and unambiguously delineates those who wish to keep Mercy as she currently is with no changes from those who want her changed any any way.

The only problem with Mass Res was the invulnerability buff at Q and no requirement of line of sight. That’s what made some bad Mercy players hide and wait for their team to die.

Before the invulnerability buff Mercy was a throw pick because she was killed before or right after Q (it even had .9 second cast time). IMO Mercy should have never be invulnerable while performing Res, but right after it so it’ll have counter play. LoS should be also required. Instead we had a horrible rework that made her a must pick and way overpowered than her previous version.

Yes we have gotten use to flying around in the sky at walking speed watching our team mates die knowing we can’t save them. Or we die in the air because that we fly as fast as we walk.

Knowing all Mercy impactful play is removed and that we cannot heal anyone enough to save them, bar from the odd chip damage. Because now even heal outside of valk is at 50/s and most characters SINGLE shots do 60+ /hit. With the average being 90 damage /hit


Is this someone who is used to free value and now claims that apparently “Mercy” has no impact?


Put me in the camp of those who thought it was fine right up to the point they gave her invulnerability to cast it. From there it went downhill.

It took her time to generate the charge to cast it. Good Mercy’s were able to get it sooner. The typical Rez was 2 or 3 heroes. Once in a blue moon a really lucky Mercy might pull off a full team Rez. Then like team wiping with a DVA bomb it felt good to pull off.

I think the stigma now associated with Rez is overhype resulting from the Buff fiasco the DEVs tried implementing for Mercy when all they wanted was an E ability to help her out.

Damage done. Hero villainized. Like Widowmaker of old she’ll never be the same — just a shadow of what was.

The way I see it the fault lies directly with the DEVs. They went all out on her instead of giving her only what she needed.