The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

In my opinion, rez is balanced within itself with all the restrictions built into it; and as such, its presence in mercy’s kit does not mean other pieces have less power than they would otherwise

How bloated a sense of self-worth do you have that you assume I keep a dictionary full of your definitions?

A speed limit is a hard-defined fact enshrined in law. If you approach over a speed limit, you are breaking a hard defined fact. You’re breaking a law because you sign up to a social contract where you agree to not break laws set by the government.

What type of test? A maths equation, where the examiner already knows what the answer is? An english exam, where there is no set answer but rather it’s open to interpretation? These “gotcha!” scenarios are very poor.

You are yet to define what a self-stun is in your opinion. I have clarified myself that I believe it feels more like a self-stun than it does not, so that is why I believe it is one.

But my name isn’t Ernesto, because that’s not my name. My name isn’t up for debate because I choose what my name is.

A self-stun is something that no central authority can claim has a definition. You cannot tell me that it means X when it’s open to interpretation. I looked up a definition of a stun on a generic gaming dictionary and it said “Restricts movement.” I looked it up on another and it said “Disables abilities.” Can it mean both, one, the other, who knows?

In more simple terms; look up any word on google. Most will have multiple definitions, meaning different things according to different sources. Who’s to say what is right and what is wrong? Does Slyther0829 decide that?

What abilities are you even referring to here? We’re discussing Mercy, this attempt at whataboutism is very poor.

Factually, I dont have a particularly high view of my own self-worth

I figure I am a member of these forums, no less, no greater than any other forum member

Magey called me a legend today, but that may well have been tongue-in-cheek


It does seem fair to have definitions if you’re a regular on any forums

in the steam tf2 discussion forums we call people bringing back 90 day old posts necromancers

skill should not be a factor when comparing the power of abilities just because a hero has a higher skill floor doesn’t mean they get to be better

same goes for this one!

we’re not talking about the current state brig! we’re comparing abilities!

sighs… yes absolutely… the SR system gauged mercy’s performance based on how many rezzes she had that’s why you could stay at your rank with a 40% win rate and you could rank up really fast with a 50% win rate that is not possible with a lot of other heroes! and hide and rez was not used in pro games rez was used the same way it is today to bring back a key teammate that was needed for the next fight!

enlighten me!

i simplify them so people would understand them!
anecdotal? well in higher ranks where mechanical skill isn’t an issue and not every game ends up being a goats mirror can you explain mercy’s low pick rate at these ranks?

it doesn’t matter whether it takes skill or not when it doesn’t work well with a character!

this might help!

yes! and it’s a thing that mercy does less well now!

I thought I made it very clear. At the very least through implication. And it’s very similar to the one you provided, you need to be completely disabled.

You are not actually disabled, thus you are not stunned.

You mean I can’t just say it is just because I personally think so? You mean that because there’s an objective answer, I can’t just call you Ernesto?

  • Rein is slower and can’t do anything else whenever he uses his shield.
  • Orisa is slower and can’t do anything else whenever she shoots.
  • Dva is slower and can’t do anything else whenever she shoots.
  • Widow is slower and can’t do anything but shoot whenever she scopes.
  • Brigitte is slower and can’t do anything but bash whenever she uses her shield.

This is what I’m talking about. If the qualifying factor of “a self stun” is “to restrict movement and disable use of abilities “ then all of these apply either perfectly or almost perfectly.

If you want I could bring up literally anything with an animation to it, such as Wrecking ball’s piledrive and Doom’s uppercut, which can’t be canceled, you have 0 control over their movement during that, and can’t use any abilities until it’s over.

If none of these count as self stuns, then I just want you to answer why?

If they do, then why is Mercy the only hero where this is a problem?

My point is Mercy isn’t a special case, so saying “she should be reworked because she has a self stun”, even when actually applicable, means next to nothing. It’s like saying Ana should be reworked because he has a gun for a primary weapon.


And now we need to define what disabled means.

Google says:

  • (of a disease, injury, or accident) limit (someone) in their movements, senses, or activities.

  • put out of action.

I believe it would actually fit such definitions, unless you want to make another one up.

The objective answer is at the behest of an official document from a government. My name is not Ernesto because every document in existence documents it as something other than Ernesto.

We’re talking about Mercy. Why would any other hero be relevant? You’re strawmanning me into defending something I never said existed, nor do I particularly care about.

When did I ever suggest they were or were not? Why are you making me defend something I have never claimed to have existed? Why are you diverting a Mercy centric topic into focusing on other heroes?

I never once said that was the explicit, definitive reason as to why she should be reworked. Actually, I have never ever said that.

I said the ability was stupid. I never said that she should be reworked because of its existence.

The question still remains, why is it stupid for her but no one else?

I am aware we are talking about Mercy. Which is why I’m asking you why Mercy is an exception here. I don’t want you to defend Rein or Orisa, I want you to tell me how Mercy differs.

If she doesn’t, then I fail to see why her “self stun” is more “stupid” than any other ability, and why it’s an issue worth talking about in the first place.

I am hoping to understand why the term self stun is used at all, when factually no such thing occurs within Mercy’s kit

Honestly, I’ve given up on that part. If they want to believe it, it’s become apparent that nothing I can think to say will change that.

Obviously its because they’re fans of Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

Rez stops you from going fast

jokes aside because instant is good and fast and gives immediate benefit and cast time is slow and bad and can kill me

They won’t answer it, they avoid questions that will nullify their logic.

I have the same issue on another topic.
Just a plain simple question when multiple people kept saying “Other heroes hide as well”

My question to them

Which other hero in the lifespan of Overwatch, has had a moment where they hide during a fight, tells their team to die and then do something after it?

Nobody answers and just keep strawmanning


Actually, yes it should. Skill is a very important factor about balancing. What’s the point of playing a mechanically difficult hero if a hero with no mechanical skill does the same or better? That’s utter non-sense.

You can’t compare abilities in a vacuum.

Clearly a losing strategy /s :

It does work well with the character. You being unable to use the character properly doesn’t mean that the character is bad.

This is factually wrong. Ana’s Q depends on the ability of the other player. It still requires skill. The same applies to the rest. They are proactive ultimates. Valkyrie is also a proactive ultimate, meaning it’s good. And it requires a good player to use it properly. You not using it properly doesn’t mean the ultimate is bad.


Mercy is fine. Players playing badly doesn’t mean the hero is bad.

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the point of playing a mechanically difficult hero is to challenge yourself!
every hero should be equal power-wise!

for the sake of that argument we should!

1:49 mercy rezzes 3 people 2:05 they still kill everyone and cap!
2:52 mercy solo rezzes 3:02 mercy and rezzed target are dead!
5:06 mercy rezzes 3 people 6:06 he admits he had to look for mercy!
9:36 mercy solo rezzes and they cap off of it and they deserve it! if it was any other offensive ultimate they would’ve got it too!
10:46 mercy rezzes 3 people 11:17 he explains he had to go top to prevent it! losing that ana to dva bomb definitely didn’t help their situation either!
13:38 mercy solo rezzes and it didn’t affect that fight!
14:38 mercy solo rezzes 14:46 mercy dies!
16:25 mercy duo rezzes 16:41 they win the fight and cap!
and funny thing is that you shared this video because mercy was very good on koth maps and she was more effective when a game was very close like this one!

quite the contrary it does not work very well with the character and i play mercy relatively well
mercy is high mobility character and her play style requires her to keep track of enemies and their ultimates, friendly heroes and their health and escape routes which rewards multitasking
resurrect takes away her mobility by slowing her down by 75%
and it doesn’t allow her to perform any tasks whatsoever!

because now she heals at 50 hp/sec

she’s not fine.
keep this in mind that the final resurrect changes happened on patch (jan 30th 2018)
players playing badly after a literal year of basically no changes to mercy means that she’s clunky as a hero and different parts of her don’t work together very well and it’s taking people a really long time to figure her out as a result of that!
(i excluded healing changes for the sake of the argument)

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That’s blatantly and fundamentally wrong. No point discussing anything further if you believe in this faulty premise.


it is not wrong and the devs think that way too they wouldn’t have buffed junkrat otherwise! lucio has always been one of the most powerful heroes in the game and he’s mechanically as difficult as mercy his play style is about timing foresight (and positioning to a degree)

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False, the devs has stated how every hero should have a niche. Which means that the work in certain scenarios. We’re finally getting at this point where heroes work in certain situations/metas.

This is a joke right?
Lucio has a way higher mechanical skill requirement than Mercy

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Nah to me,healing comes first on 99% of all occasions unless there’s no other choice. Especially during valk cause pistoling really is a waste of resources except in some rare occasions where half of ur team has died nobody needs healing and theres 3 squishies in a grav EASY PICK

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When did I say it wasn’t stupid for anyone else? But we’re discussing Mercy. Why do you care about my opinions on other heroes?

When have I said that

Give me a list of all of the abilities you belief to be comparable to her current iteration of her ‘E’ ability. You have changed your tone from saying that I claimed her “E” ability is the sole reason she needs to be reworked, to demanding that I call abilities stupid which are not consistent with revive. Here’s the ones you listed earlier.

Reinhardt can cancel using his shield at his own behest. Infact, Reinhardt does have an ability which functions more like a stun than anything else you’ve brought up; his charge silences him and he cannot interrupt it (easily)

For the record, I think his charge does function stupidly. But I doubt anyone wants to buff Reinhardt.

Is Orisa forced to shoot after initiating? Orisa’s other abilities aren’t disabled when she shoots, the animation just forces her to stop. Look at Mercy’s abilities when she next revives. They are red, indicating she is not allowed to use abilities. You know the only things that make abilities go red in this game? Being hard-stunned or silenced; so even if you don’t like the word “self-stun”, Mercy effectively has to undergo crowd control (and thus self-stun by some definitions) in order to use an ability, and is in no way able to stop the crowd control unlike every other hero on this list.

This is untrue! See: Micro Missiles and Boosters

Widowmaker can stop scoping at any time that she chooses. Widowmaker is not forced to continue shooting 1.75 seconds after she starts, nor are her abilities disabled.

Brigitte can stop using her shield whenever she chooses.

Please pick a single talking point.

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