The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

I only hided when I heard “Highnoon” or stuff like that


Requires mechanical skill.

Requires mechanical skill (to a lesser extent but still).

Brigitte is nerfed to the ground and is arguably the worst support currently once all the patches go live.

Not at all.

You don’t understand how Goats works then.

You don’t to be honest. Your points are highly simplified and anecdotal.

Rez works fine, just requires more skill than pressing Q.

It actually is, just requires a decent player to pull it off. It’s not press Q for instant reward anymore.

Pocketing has always been a thing Mercy does.

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Old Mercy was OP

Honestly… Fun > balance.

Old Mercy was fun.
Even on the enemy side, because for every game where a Mercy-5-people-rezz won a round, there was one where she rezzed and you just used an ult of your own to kill the entire enemy team again.

It was fun. It didn’t care about the 50 pro players who are frankly irrelevant given the majority of the players. It didn’t care about how it worked out in premades at the highest MMRs. It was just crazy, and fun to use, and fun to counter.

Seems a really alien concept nowadays, this “fun”.


Old Mercy never was OP. Rework Mercy was and is now boring and unengaging after so many nerfs. Rework her again but this time make it good and put some more effort and thought into it.

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Not just Mass Rez but Resurrect as a whole shouldn’t exist in this or any game.
In fact, it shouldn’t exist in ANY form of media.
Resurrect is, and will always be OP, even if you made it have s 1 hour cast time with the revived player at 1hp, it will still be OP.

Resurrect should never exists in any media (Games, TV, film) as the concept is completely stupid.

What is “stupid” about recovering from seemingly lethal injuries? In the past, when we had really bad medicine, even small cut could be equal to death.

Unless you call “stupid” anything, that is not yet possible. And even now, some people survive things, that were supposed to kill them, 100%.

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Resurrect works in RPG and MMORPG games pretty well. FFXIV has a good resurrect system where you can revive any player that isn’t in your party and you can an achievement for reviving random players.
It’s that resurrect just doesn’t sit well in FPS multiplayer objective based games. Like it requires a lot of balance to just make resurrect work in overwatch.


Some games just put player in incapacitated state, where they have temporary health and can be revived. Once that temporary health runs out, they die for real.

Using defibrillator to revive teammates in games like Battlefield, for example. It’s resurrect: teammate got shot and is supposed to be dead, but medic zaps them back to life with one click.


I actually own the 10th anniversary edition LP of AWKIF.

(And all their other albums, but those aren’t special)

I’ve seen them twice and regret nothing.

(Blah blah Mercy. This is on topic)

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Mercy was not overpowered when first released. Her pick rate was low, especially when Ana was released (Mercy benedited from Ana’s multiple nerfs that came along). Rezzing through walls should have been removed since day one, true but she wasn’t that powerful, mostly before having invulnerability while rezzing ('cause she constantly died after using her ult which ended up with her teammates dying anyways, after rez).

The best version of mass rez we could have had would be mass rez with line of sight in a smaller range and no invulnerability (and maybe max 2-3 people).

Mass rez would be a bad ult in 2019 'cause people wipe team mostly without using any ults now and we have ult awareness and economy thanks to the board display with “shift” that shows everyone’s ult charges (this feature didn’t exist until 2017 if I remember well). A revert wouldn’t make her better from now anyways so there’s no point in asking for this.

Mercy’s rez was efficient only because people used to throw 2-3 ults at the same time 2-3 years ago (no communication in their team and no ult charge display with shift). Had the enemies used one ult only to wipe 2-3 people and waited for Mercy’s rez in the next 5-10 seconds, they would have won most fights against Mercy’s ult. People often forgot that Mercy had a small window to use rez as dead teammates respawn very fast after they die, Mercy didn’t have all day to decide whether to use rez or not.

I don’t agree with this post for all the reasons mentioned. I’d agree only if you referred to “old Mercy” as Mercy 2.0 when she was first released (Guardian Angel’s super speed, 2-3 rezzes during Valkyrie. 20-sec Valkyrie, chain beam, infinite ammo and regen). That was really OP but no one asked for Mercy to be like this.

The devs just thought Mercy 2.0 was less powerful than Mercy 1.0 as they believed 5-man rezzes was the reason why Mercy was criticized but in the end, 5-man rezzes were rare. This explains all the nerfs that followed.

In the end, I’m fine with Mercy’s current state. I wouldn’t mind her “e” rez removed from the game to get a smaller version of Valkyrie on “e” instead. And as for her ult, it would be great if the devs came up with a new idea without any rezzes. I’m sure there are a lot possibilities to have a balanced and impactful ult just like other healers do. Flying with Valkyrie is fun but I’m not sure it’s “healthy” (as people often use this term) to have an ult that lasts 15 seconds. Its duration is too long. I would rather have a shorter ult with more effective impact within a short duration (just like Lucio or Zen do).

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If just stop for a second and think about it, there is no way you can find that balanced.

It really isn’t. Mass resurrection in a MMO or RPG-esque game? Absolutely brilliant idea (so long as there are limitations and proper costs involved). But, in a competitive game, that wishes to be viewed upon as a “serious” esport? 100% pure comedy. Then again, how Overwatch can be taken seriously with heroes like: Brig, Moira, Symmetra, etc. existing, I have no idea.


She’s still good. I boosted myself to GM with Mercy.

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Mass resurrection really does work well in MMO games and balanced well in games FFXIV. In order to get a mass resurrection in the game, you have to get a limit break at three full gauges. It’s balanced well in raid dungeons and trials.

It’s always fun to pull off Angel Feathers as SCH if party wipes when boss is at under 5% health.

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“NoBoDy EvEr PlaYeD HiDe N SeEk lmao tr0ll iM gOnNa FlaG U!!!1”

While I don’t agree that it was necessarily OP, I do agree that it was unhealthy for the game, and it was powerful enough that it didn’t allow Mercy to have anything else that was super powerful. I’m currently glad that it isn’t a thing as that would be frustrating to the enemy team and myself.
Valkyrie is more fluid and movement based but it isn’t really that much harder to use than Mass Res.
The only reason people miss it, in my opinion, is that it was Mercy’s WOW moment. The moment that gained the attention of all the players in the match. She’s currently missing that and it doesn’t really feel like she has much impact tbh. She’s a bit of a “behind the scenes” type hero and I don’t think people, including myself, like that very much.

Well, there are over 2 dozen other characters to choose from, as well as other games…

At this point, just remove rez. It’s inherantly stupidly powerful and is the only reason Mercy has to be weak in other regions.

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In my opinion, rez is balanced within itself with all the restrictions built into it; and as such, its presence in mercy’s kit does not mean other pieces have less power than they would otherwise

How bloated a sense of self-worth do you have that you assume I keep a dictionary full of your definitions?