The Brutal Truth: Old Mercy Was OP

Factually, you did indeed reply to me in the same post I requested you stop.

Post number 76;

“Please stop”

Post number 80;

“Replying to Dva”

See post number 76; click “1 reply”

Who replied? You did.

These are public forums, not private conversations

Each reply/post one makes is addressing the public, and as such when one makes a post, one should expect replies that in turn address the public

Factually, you replied to me when I requested you stop. You are continuing to do so even several posts after.

Factually, these are public forums.

Each reply is to the public, and each post made implicitly invites replies from the public

You do have a point on that right there. Nice counter into a hyper combo. That was a good shield-throw too. :eyes:

Factually, you replied to me when I requested you to stop. You are continuing to do so even several posts after.

You directly are replying to me when I am telling you to stop. If you wish to tell the public something, reply to the topic, not to me. Thanks.

Each reply I have made in these public threads in these public forums is to the public.

All can read, all can reply.

Dude, they raised a good point. You can’t really do that. And if it was something bad enough, then mods would’ve intervened in it. Gotta admit, they outplayed you. And pretty damn cleverly as well.

Factually, not every person on the planet can reply to this statement because some people lack access to the internet. Please correct this sentence!

The term can does not mean do or will

If one lacks internet access, one can travel to a place where internet access is available, and ergo read posts in this forum

If one lacks an account, one can arrange to have one, and ergo reply to posts in these forums

Factually, many people in the world lack the economic purchasing power to do such. The implication that anybody can reply to your statement by simply travelling to a place is very classist of you.

Personally, I dont see it as classist at all

If one does not currently have access to the internet (for reading), one can arrange to gain access

If one does not currently have a forum account (for posting), one can arrange to gain such a account


What is even going on in this thread?

All kinds of semantic and philosophical debates. Just normal forum activity.

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I thought I saw someone trying to summon Ho-Oh with the rainbow feather at 1 point, but I don’t know anymore. :man_shrugging:t5:

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Ah, how silly of me to question things. Carry on!

that has nothing to do with the power of a hero!
and they have moved away from that philosophy look at torb or symmetra changes they are a lot less situational nowadays!
i feel like i need to explain how a hero can be powerful but situational
in warframe there is a frame called Octavia she is insanely powerful but she has mobility problems
you usually use different frames on different mission types Octavia does really well on survival missions you just stick her in a corner with trinity (a support frame that can keep your mana up) and you can survive for literal hours the only things you have to manage are your abilities but you just can’t take her on ESO or the index (because killing quickly matters and she doesn’t kill quickly) or eidolon hunts (because the ability that does damage doesn’t do anything to the boss you’re trying to kill) she’s very powerful but she’s situational

i’m not joking getting to the payload quicker is not a relevant mechanical skill

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I didn’t say there’s any restrictions to it, I just said pistol usage should be a last resort. Meaning you should only use it when you have no other choice, like when you have no means of escaping the threat. Examples are getting caught in a grav or being singled out by an enemy in a position where there’s no teammates in LoS to GA to. Sure pistoling is fine 9 out of 10 times when youve nearly won a team fight and it’s 6v2 or something. Or to help take down an ulting pharah/cree/genji since you cant really outheal them anyway but other than that there’s not much value to the stapler gun she carries

Calling it a last resort is restricting it

In my opinion, good Mercy players see the pistol as a part of Mercy’s kit, to be used the same as GA, healing, and etc

If it was overpowered without question, why wasn’t she a mandatory pick for the pros since launch until her rework?

The pros have showed they don’t care about fun and will play whatever strategy is busted at the time. Why is Mercy an exception? Mercy has achieved some of the lowest pickrates ever seen in this game months after OW launched in every competition.

She was almost completely unviable for anywhere bar Pharah specific maps in competitions.

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