The Brutal Truth: Mercy will not be reverted. Stop asking for it

It would still be considered a revert, because it’s still mass rez.

Remember how “useless” Mercy was with no invulnerability?

Now add more tweaks to that so it has a counterplay and all you get is an utter garbage ultimate.


Soooo… does that mean Scatter Arrow and Storm Arrow are the same? :thinking:

I’m honestly confused by this definition.


… Their username is your argument?

Well, okay, whatever. They also confused the two like you but they don’t want to change their username because one, it costs money to do so and they don’t really want to pay and two, they said that it sounds more “smooth”. He has already previously acknowledged the distinction.

Following your logic, if we were to turn Mercy into a DPS, give her the ability to throw halos and make her infinitely hover every time she moves but still give her mass Resurrect, it’d still be a revert.

Sweetie, just no.

I can’t believe this is even an argument after I literally gave the definition of a revert…


Then maybe you should be off finding the cure for cancer instead of complaining about others complaining :wink:

We at least could give it a shot! The so called ‘PTR’ is supposed to be a testing place for hero changes, but now it’s a place for PC players to play a hero version that will 99% hit live servers

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No sweetie, you’re not getting it.

As someone suggested earlier, “dragonblade rez” is just a different version of mass rez. It works different, but the expectations and outcome are still the same.

It’s just a different iteration of something that existed before.


Elaborate please. Again, I’m still baffled as to how you completely ignore definitions and try to focus on your own arbitrary definition of a revert, which from the looks of things was just made to simply support your argument…


I get your point op and I agree, mass rez isn’t coming back. But posts like this have been made multiple times and only contribute to added fuel to the fire.
Ive read so many “not coming back” threads that they’re all just as repetitive as the mass rez posts.

Its a never ending cycle tbh. Someone posts a mercy post, someone sees it and makes a counter “not coming back” post, then a mass rez mercy sees it and makes a new rez thread.

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I agree that PTR has more potential… but it’s always been used just to delay patches by a few weeks. Very few changes actually didn’t make it onto the live servers.

But… you’re never going to get it back so what’s the point of asking for it?

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No matter how different mass rez might be if it were to come back, we’ve already had that game mechanic. Therefore it’s a revert.
A version of mass rez that is based on the concept of mass rez is still mass rez. And we’ve already had that.


I personally do not believe the discussion about whether or not X change would be considered a revert to be relevant, and I’m no more interested in the sterile conversation (if I can even call that a conversation) about whether or not it’s coming back.

I am disapointed to see that my favorite hero has been lacking what some people would call a “hero moment” for a long period of time, and my frustration gets only worse to see that the devs don’t seem to understand my (our) concerns.

I know of an ability that in my opinion was not perfect, but worked. Without breaking the game by making this hero the most broken hero in the existence of the game, which I believe was a negative experience for most people if not everyone.


That’s assuming that what Jeff said was talking about only mass Resurrect. It was very clear that he was talking about Mercy as a whole. In which case, this argument is moot. And even then, if you were to make changes to mass Resurrect and bring it back, it still wouldn’t be a revert because that version of Mercy didn’t exist before. You can’t say y is bringing x back when y didn’t exist and isn’t x. Also, the “mechanic” in this case is not mass Resurrect. It’s Resurrect.

I’m not going to agree with your arbitrary definition of a revert. So sorry.


tbh I just want something to make her more engaging or give me the feeling that I made a big play again

whether that’s mass res or not, I don’t care. I’d just like something where my teammates actually NOTICE I’m being impactful.

give us back laser beam valkyrie Mercy w/ nano boost


Thread is kinda useless tbh.

But if you want my two cents: Jeff’s post doesn’t necessarily mean that rez can’t come back in any other form as her ultimate, but I don’t care if it comes back or not.

“Mass rez had no counters”

It certainly did. How do you counter a resurrect? You eliminate them again. Sounds crazy I know. There were times where I anticipated the rez coming and I saved my Pharah ult to get around 2-3 more kills.


That’s not a direct counter to rez.
That’s dealing with rez’s aftereffects.

But nice try though.

just eliminate them 4Head


Dealing with the effects of an ability is what we usually refer as “counter”.


The effects of damaging ults is to kill people

the effects of support ults is to prevent them from dying

the effect of mass rez is to rez people, you didn’t counter it if she got it off

I’m not going to say that you can’t easily take care of the people who were rezzed but if she uses her ult successfully you by definition did not counter her


I’m not personally an advocate of mass res returning (nor do I think there’s any chance that it will), and think Mercy is not terribly far from where she needs to be. That being said, why should Mercy players who are unsatisfied with the character stop voicing their dissatisfaction? Feedback and discussion about the state of the game is precisely what these forums are for.

You don’t like this particular feedback because you don’t agree with it. If you truly believe that the feedback won’t have any effect, I would suggest that instead of polemics delivered in a condescending and imperious tone you just don’t read it. It’s hard to take your demands for people to stop discussing the topic seriously because you have an interest in the discussion disappearing.

The fact of the matter is that there is utility in the discussion even if it does not lead to Mercy being reverted or reworked. No hero is in their final form yet. The discussion surrounding Mercy will inform any future decisions made about the character. It might also lead the developers to moderate changes they make to other heroes in the future, or to design heroes that are meant to appeal to dedicated Mercy players. They might draw various conclusions from the uproar, regardless of their decision about mass res.


I’d say torbjorn and hammond directly counter with their ults.