The Brutal Truth: Mercy will not be reverted. Stop asking for it

Someone evidently wasn’t around when the complaints were being made, then.

They were almost just as common as these revert threads are now in the months prior to the rework’s announcement.

I’ve been here since 2016… well, here and the old forum…

I was extremely active during the mercy rework, playing pretty much every day.

The only thing that people complained about was the amount of points mercy was getting, leading to a bunch of mercy mains getting boosted into gm by relying on mass rez.

Well, then, my friend, in that case I’m afraid you’re just misremembering things.

Like I said, there definitely were complaints about Mass Res, especially after the invuln buff. We definitely weren’t all singing kumbaya and praising Mass Res in unison or anything. There was always a divide, which is why it was specifically mentioned as one of their reasons in the video detailing the rework.


This is true, and I recall there always being some complaining even before the invulnerability. A few months before the rework is when it really took off though, and virtually every other thread complained about “hide n rez”.

Devs stated they wouldn’t change her ult in any way… until they suddenly did a 180 and dropped a complete rework.


As I said, the complaint against mass rez was about people getting boosted not about the game mechanics.

Problem could have been solved by tweaking some numbers.

Plus… if hide and rez was always an issue, why did they buff rez with invulnerability just before removing it?


The invulnerability was there for about 2 seasons. (half a year back then) They didn’t remove mass rez right after buffing it.

They could’ve replaced the rez for overheal and make Mercy similar to the chad medic from TF2

Again, not true.

Funny story, I was actually in the middle of an argument defending mass Res on the forums as the video announcing the rework was uploaded. That was a fun time. “They’ll never change Mass Res because it’s balanced!” 2 minutes later. “Are you kidding me?”

Anyways, I could try to link you a bunch of old threads with various complaints, but I think this one should suffice for now, as it goes over many of the common complaints people had on Mercy.

And just saying in case you don’t want to read through all of it (I honestly wouldn’t blame you), the SR gain bug is a last second footnote. The vast majority of it is going over how people cry about Mercy being easy and derailing a bunch of nerf ideas (which, ironically, are still being suggested to this day, but by the pro-revert squad, this time as a last ditch effort to convince the devs to go back. Funny how times change.)

Am I saying no one complained about the SR gains? God no, I have that anecdotal image of the bronze Mercy main hitting GM burned into my memory due to seeing it so much. I’m just saying, that wasn’t the only complaint people had at the time.

Where in my post did I ever mention hide and res specifically? I’ve been talking broadly about Mass Res this whole time.

Because, at the time, Ana was dominating, and Blizzard wanted to try and increase her competition instead of nerfing her. Unfortunately, that didn’t work so they just nerfed Ana anyways the following month.

just before buffing it

Mercy buff hit live in February, if memory serves. Rework hit live in September. I’d say that was quite a bit of time between the two.

Amen. The horse has been beaten to death so to speak metaphorically. Mercy is viable and balanced currently. She is in a good spot.


I think most people understand mass res isn’t coming back.

Harsh reality: those who confuse reverting and reworking (with or without mass Res) should educate themselves on the topic before writing about said topic. For example:

Following this logic, just spamming Resurrect whenever you got it pre-rework is just as effective as using your brain when ressing. Also following this logic, Mercy wouldn’t have been underpowered (which she was) and would’ve been used in pro-play more. We know however that she was D-Tier in pro play, with her only real objective, in the games where she is used, is to pocket a Pharah.


There are still many people who base their topics on reverting Mercy when we all know it’s not happening.

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Can you find a post from within this month of someone asking for a flat revert back to pre-rework Mercy? No new changes at all. Just a flat conversion back to Patch Mercy. Because anything else cannot be considered a revert at all.


Any change with mass rez in it is considered a revert.

And for those posts, check RevertMercy’s activity.


Is it a revert if the mechanic is completely changed though?

I mean, I guess the question is redundant, but it’s interesting to discuss what makes a revert (or a rework for that matter).


Nope, it is not.

Revert: return to (a previous state, practice, topic, etc.).

A revert is only a revert when it goes back to a previously existing state of said hero. Just bringing back mass Resurrect would not be a revert as there are changes to Mercy overall that didn’t exist in a previous state of hers.

I’ll ask again, can you find a post within this month of a player asking for the return of Patch Mercy.


What do you mean by “completely changed?” Adding cast time and LoS, as many mass rez advocated talk about?

Not a single iteration of mass rez is coming back.

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Umm, then maybe a rework could be nice? ^^/

Tweaks Goddarnit!

(I’m sorry to this person, gotta use their name now)

RevertMercy posted a few ideas for Mercy’s kit if mass rez were to return. Their idea of mass rez was to tone it down a little (again, by adding LoS and a cast time)
Why do they call themselves RevertMercy, if it is not a revert?

If mass rez were to come back in any version, it’s still a revert, no matter how different it is, it’s still the same game mechanic.

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Not saying it’s coming back, just asking whether if the “dragonblade rez” ever came to be a reality it would be considered a revert. The mechanic would be completely different.