The Brutal Truth: Mercy will not be reverted. Stop asking for it

  1. I guess I don’t have to link the legendary tweet confirming this but just for the sake of having a proof, here you go.
  2. These forums are the only platform where people complain about Mercy being “unfun” or “unengaging” or whatever your problem is. Come on, if it was an actual issue, you’d see it everywhere, not just the OW forums.
    Even on r/MercyMains, I haven’t seen a single “#reworkmercy” post.
  3. Mass rez is the definition of bad game design.

Mass rez playstyles

  • Tempo rez

This playstyle was preferred by the mid-high level Mercy players. Essentially, it’s using your rez as a true support ultimate by rezzing one, sometimes two, fallen allies in the middle of a teamfight to keep the fight flowing.

  • Hide and rez

This playstyle was abused by low level Mercy players for SR gain and enforced onto mid-high level Mercy players to achieve better outcomes.

No matter your support role, all you had to do was to go hide, tell your team to stay on point, wait for them to die and then pop that precious rez.

Hide and rez problems

  • Lack of counters

The only way to counter Resurrect was to hack her or to kill her, while other ultimates have their weaknesses, such as CC or cover.

  • Weaknesses?

None. It could be performed in a completely safe position from behind a wall in a huge radius without any effort whatsoever.
And no, it wasn’t “hard to use.”

  • OP in lower ranks, totally useless in higher ranks

    • Lower ranks
      Players in lower ranks aren’t competent enough, teamwork is almost nonexistent, which results in uncooperative playmaking.
      Tossing ultimates everywhere, wiping the whole team, and suddenly Mercy reverts the past 15-ish seconds of the fight → No resources to fight them again because everything was wasted → Lost fight.
    • Higher ranks
      Teamwork exists, communication is not rare, mechanical skills and game sense are on a high level → Ultimate management/economy.
      People there could tell when Mercy had rez and saved AoE ultimates for that moment (Graviton surge, Self destruct, even Torbjörn’s old Molten core…)
      The result of this was lenghtening your team’s respawn/regroup time and feeding the enemy more ult charge.
  • SR gain abuse

The more players Mercy resurrected per match, the more SR they gained. Sometimes even 60-70 SR per win.
This issue was later fixed by removing performance-based SR from diamond and lower elos (after Mercy got reworked).

(Mercy and Non-Mercy players who prefer today’s Mercy over the old Mercy)
don’t want it back
and don’t miss it.


Bruh! Another 1 of you “brutal truth franchise” thieves!? Ugh— wait a minute… Reads posts Yeah, I can get behind this… +1 from me.


Decided to hop on the bandwagon before it dies off.


We knew it for a very long time now. I think it’s already been a year since the last time Jeff posted the statement that they have no intentions reverting her.


Fixed that one for you.


It was probably the best statement I’ve ever read from Blizzard.

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Because none of the developers look on r/mercymains. Also. I see it alot in facebook aswell. Just because you don’t see it on reddit, doesn’t mean it’s nowhere else.

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As much as I want to hate your statement, I can’t. Rez should go and tbh it should have gone already at the rework. Instead of rez they should add a new ability to mercy to make her skill ceiling higher.


There’s a whole subreddit deticated to this? Oh god.

EDIT: just checked, thank god there isn’t.


Non-mercy player here, and I definitely preferred pre-rework Mercy.


Thought this might happen, edited the post.

My bad. I ment r/mercymains

Now it’s just stating the obvious… people who prefer x to y want x… makes bolding it seem pretty pointless.


I still dont get the problem people have with mass rez. when the Mercy flies in even if she gets the rez off she should be easily killed all alone. the people she does rez dont instantly get to zip about you should be able to easily pick out the weakest and smack them down. if they died on point chances are they were poorly positioned they still will be after they are rezd.


If humanity would put as much effort into something else than complaining about Mercy we would probably have a cure for cancer by now.


Then what are you doing here.

Complaining about people who complain lol.


I honestly wish they’d flat out remove Res for something else. I’m tired of hearing about it.


While I don’t know if Mass Rez makes sense, I think instant-single-rez in Valk would make sense. Or really fast, like 0.5sec.

Can’t we go back to hard-to-swallow-pills format? It sounded slightly less retarded.


I’m down.
But #ReworkMercy players brought this format to life so I’m using this weapon against them.