The 'Black Girl' Hero & Apex Legends

I said geologically speaking.

I hate I have to teach people this crap on the Overwatch forums of all places. But pleas. Please, and I do sincerely mean please. PLEASE! Pick-up a book, or tablet, or whatever and start reading more. And not just video game and other hobby-oriented stuff. Read about history your roots as humans. Expand your mind, and stop filling it with trash. I don’t know wtf they’re teaching in schools these days, but clearly they’re not hitting the marks that they should.




Yes, she is, because she’s Indian. She’s not “east asian” though. Listen, if you’re trying to find a loophole in my wording, please don’t. You know very well what people ask for when they say “black female” and it’s no wonder they claim there isn’t one in Overwatch. Because there isn’t. Pharah and Ana might be African, but they are on all accounts “brown” and not black.


No. Not everyone in Africa is Black. That much is a given. But, you must be pretty foolish to claim Pharah and Ana aren’t Black. And then go and say that they’re Egyptian instead. As if Egypt doesn’t have Black people. Unless, you’re 1 of those individuals who truly believes only Blacks exist in North America. Because uh… No. There are Black people everywhere. Even as far as Japan.


So Southafricans are all black too? All Egyptians are black too?

Explain then why so, so many people don’t see Pharah and Ana as black?


Then what is she?

We have Efi :slight_smile:


Well, Paladins had one a month ago but imo it is just a cheap cash grab since they obviously did it on purpose. Those devs be like: “uh oh, OW doesn’t have black female, now is the time to strike boiz”.

Apex Legends characters have 2 skills and a passive, so technically 3. The overwatch characters are much more unique for sure in terms of lore, emotes, voice lines, etc. They have much more personality to them. Agreeing with you there for sure.

Asian, Indian. India is in Asia. Not in East Asia.

Look up any video starring “asians”, stuff like “asians take DNA test” or whatever. Most will have an Indian person.

Hell, even the dreaded Buzzfeed “questions asians have for non-asians” or whatever had Indian people. India is very much in Asia.

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So some Russians are east asian?

No, because they moved there, they didn’t “come” from there.

Russia’s territory expands all the way to east asia while still being Russia. And there are native Russians who live there. They’re not east asian?

You mean Slavs? Slavs are white Europeans. They are not East Asian.


Christ, this again . . .

Overwatch also has a bunch of other check boxes you people want. OW cast is definitely more diverse. But people like to pretend diverse just means black. And Efi is important BTW, just not playable. And I am sure later on one is coming when it fits.

Jesus . . .


But they’re in east asia.

Wait a minute. Pause. I just noticed that homie called the bih: “Brown” and not Black. So wait a minute, now we’re changing what Brown means? Or at least hints at? Because last I checked, claiming you’re Brown usually hints at Hispanic/Latin origin. Whether it be: Mexican, Spanish, Puerto Rican, etc. Most people who claim they’re Brown, are saying they are from somewhere in Latin America.

Now back to the initial issue/topic at hand. Ana and Pharah, are not Brown. They aren’t from Latin America. They are from Africa. Egypt to be specific. And yes, they DO in fact have olive-colored skin. They’re what us Black folk call: “light-skins”. But, still Black. Or if you’re my family from Down South, they’re “Yella”. Lol. But again, still Black nonetheless.

But here’s what I’m curious about. If you refuse to acknowledge Ana and Pharah as Egyptian and not Black, all while disregarding their skin color — what is Doomfist? Is he Black? And if he is to you, is it because he is dark-skinned? Where as Ana and Pharah are light-skinned?


In what way??? Almost everyone’s personality is paper-thin or generic as all heck in this game.

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What type of double standard crap is that? Lol. What? So hold tf up. Am I Black, because I am light-skinned (still identify as Black bruh) in North America? After all, my ancestors didn’t ask to be brought to North America. They were slaves as you can imagine. So because I do no “come” from America, am I not Black? Am I not American? Even though I was born and raised in The States? :joy: