The banning system in overwatch is awful

that wasn’t my intention sorry if it came off that way

For every “true” false ban post on the forums, there are probably 100 false ban post that are just people lying.

yeah i’ve never made a post or commented on one so i wouldn’t know seems exhausting

That is precisely what it smelled like to me, yes. We’ve had multiple instances of people either lying about what they did to get banned (as in, their actions were substantially worse than stated) or entirely fabricating fictitious stories of non-existent bans. I recall one person going as far as to doctor correspondence with customer support.

At this point, I don’t take claims of “I was banned, but I did nothing wrong! It’s all these other people who conspired to get me banned!” Could happen, usually doesn’t. If it’s a legitimate concern, then pursue Customer Support. That’s that.

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pursue these nuts??? no need to respond thank uuuu for everyone’s help

No need, but it’s worth responding anyway, because this is precisely what I’m talking about. Players come here claiming to be saints among men who’ve never even had a rude thought. Clearly, it’s the system and other people conspiring against them. Yet with effectively no prodding, they descend into crass profanity and exactly the sort of behaviour that deserves a ban.

Do you see why I don’t believe you?

plz go be a keyboard hero somewhere else i don’t need people with no life aspirations besides trying to prove the wrongs of everyone else no one cares what you have to say not once did i claim to be saint among men just had a genuine issue but everyone wants to have there say calling me a liar when they have no idea what actually happened have a good day and god bless plz stop responding thank uuuuu

Ya especially when they stuff like

Not really helping their case to prove their innocence.


you guys think tracer and widow be doing it on the lowkey?

People are calling you a liar for two reasons. Firstly, your post is entirely consistent with the behaviour of a number of blatant liars we’ve had recently. There’s no way around this. Secondly, your behaviour here, with your fellow forum-goers, is consistent with the sort of behaviour which gets you banned in-game.

I’m not claiming that you’re lying. I’m saying that I don’t see a reason to believe you until and unless you feel like providing any sort of actual evidence of events. Could be that you’re lying, could be that you’re honestly mistaken, could be that it’s all true. Melting down in my general direction, however, is not a good look.

Getting me to stop responding to you is pretty simple - stop responding to me. I turn up when I get a notification.


Mods ban him!!!

Why are your ideas so stupid? I disagree completely!! Take an autism test to make sure you’re thinking right. Usually when people get on here to complain they complain with good reason, and then we have people like you always assuming the opposite because you want to be right so bad. Work as a community and try to understand people’s perspectives rather than assuming they’re lying. You along with other people get on this website just to argue. Please find something better to do with your time like help the community or leave the article alone. Just delete your account we don’t need to hear from you anymore.

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welcome to the mod squad ^^^this is the friend that reported me btw so i’m not a liar all you apologize

Ah he thinks that his alt account is his friend.

How cute

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my ult account is the same name as this one sooo he actually posted on a forum a couple weeks ago and you were in his feed too blaming him so idk why you’re talking alex

Everthing your doing right now is stuff I did when I was 12.

Creating alt accounts to agree with you is so 2006

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idk how you can’t fathom that’s it’s not me you can join call if you’d like and talk to both of us idk how to explain it any better for your smooth brain but it’s not me you are severely overestimating my ability to use technology can i even log in on two accounts at once

Alex, Sincerely consider doing anything better with your life and time. You sit in your room for hours a day responding to people on the forms…You live a sad life. So don’t get on here saying “I did this when I was 12” because to be honest, you’re acting like a 12-year-old right now and I hope for your own sake you’re not an adult because this is a sad world we live in then. Get a job and get off the forms.

This is quite fun, its like looking into the past when I was a little child hurling insults around.

Enjoy your youth while you can

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Alternatively, I report you for being bad, 2 days later you get a message saying an action has occured and you smile knowing the boosted trash can has to create another account play through 5 games of bot games then unlock every character again until you meet again…rinse and repeat.