The banning system in overwatch is awful

this game has the worst banning system out of any video game literally my friend unadded me and reported me and told all of our games to report me as a joke and i swear to god blizzard just sees “oh this guy got reported 4 times let’s ban his account for 3 months” trash system but oh well ill just switch over to my side account and unintentionally smurf in the metal ranks thanks blizzard way to solve problems for the community terrible system


Would it be rude to say I don’t believe a word you just said?


its actually believable as ive seen people say to report xplayer in the ingame chat

It would be believable if it had even an attempt at evidence to back it up. To each their own, but I don’t tend to find “trust me bro” as a credible source.


yes it would and why

You need better friends.


i agree that kid sucks not really the point i’m making though i think it’s absolutely insane anyone can just say hey everyone in this game “report this gamer tag he threw my last game or he’s a bad dps etc…” and everyone will do it because kids love trolling and the guy will get banned

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If it’s all false then you need to contest the ban. CS aren’t psychic, they don’t know what’s gone on here.

Also, forgive people’s cynicism around here, we recently had a similar post where the guy got ratioed by the mods (who pulled out recipits on a guy after he claimed they got ‘banned for nothing’. Turns out he was being super toxic and lying for clout.)

The system isn’t great by any means, but if you’ve been wrongly banned you should be able to get the ban lifted.


You don’t like the automated report system where no human is ever involved or checks to see if reports actually violate a rule before suspending you?

How weird. It seems foolproof to me. :cowboy_hat_face:


I mean in a way it sort of works…like oh no the enemy team has a smurf carrying 4 other bags of trash in an elo he doesnt belong… “hey everyone report smurf” 2 days later you get a message saying an action has occured and you smile knowing the smurf has to create another smurf play through 5 games of bot games then unlock every character again until you meet again…rinse and repeat.

Most of the time the appeals system is also automated with no human involvement. It checks to see that the system did indeed automatically ban you and then closes your ticket. If you appeal enough times you may get lucky and get a human who will also just close your ticket without helping.


i see both sides of it i mean there is som benefit to the hey everyone report this cheater or what not but most other games actually will go through the game and see what actually happened not just a robot counting how many times you got reported to then say yep he has to be hitler because no one would report just to be funny. and ive been banned before and tried to appeal it and its literally just a robot saying “your account your responsibility”

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It’s also better than nothing, which a lot of people are suggesting.


Press F to doubt


i agree but also i feel like more people get banned for the most causal thing rather actual problems i’ve seen one cheater in my three years of playing the game but ive seen 100 kids talk the most mundane trash talk ever and still get reported

I hear this one all the time and have no reason to doubt it. However I also hear if you keep submitting tickets you do eventually get to talk to a real person. So it’s a pain, but it’s not a total loss.

and i think the real problem is im diamond usually so now if i want to play the game i just have to smurf for 3 months now and im sure ill get reported for that too

I think it is actually not better than nothing. When you decide to play the game and agree to all the rules they have it is unacceptable to ever be suspended and lose access to the game you paid for if you have never broken any rules. Even if the system happens to only suspend people who broke a rule 99% of the time the 1% of false positives is not ok.

I do think it would be better to have no system at all than to ever allow people to be suspended without ever breaking a rule. Instead they can improve the tools available to moderate your own social experience.


yes omg izzy is cooking and it’s also like i just grew up in a generation of cod lobbies where there really wasn’t banning like if you’re bad at the game your whole team will roast you and your mom in my mind i’d rather have that like i payed 60 bucks for a game yet they can take it away for three months over some kids just trolling

Welp guess we can arest people now for murder, since there are false convictions.

Lets just let the murderer just keep on going about his day just because we dont want to accidently convict a innocent person now.