The banning system in overwatch is awful

I don’t believe it is. I’ve gone days without getting one but the next day after reporting someone I get the message.

Do you have a source saying it’s bugged? One would think it would be posted up in the bug forum.

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That’s some joke…

Or that’s some friend…

I’m not sure which one…

Multiple people have experienced this and posted about it on this forum. You can go search for it on the bug forum if you like but it’s not exactly something I think people would really care about.

All you got is my say-so on my personal experience so I guess I could be lying… but I don’t see why I would.

It might be working fine for other people. But I’m not reporting anywhere near the amount of "thank you"s I’m getting… so my deduction is it’s bugged.

the ow system as a whole just needs to be bulldozed and rebuilt i’ve never once been banned on any other game valorant csgo any cod game fortnite the list goes on and i don’t think it’s any secret that that the game with the worst track record of developers is the one i’ve been banned on twice now the system is a joke i know there’s no way outside of a player you’ve interacted with to report them but still if me and my duo play 10 games that’s 100 people who have “interacted” with us if he says hey report this guy and if even just 5 percent of that 100 people report me im banned?? there’s no one going back through game footage to check for false reports and if there was i wouldn’t be banned and i just tried to appeal it and was told “after further review (lies) your ban will not be retracted please remember to do our survey to rate your experience today” what a joke

I reported someone bemoaning my skill because I only have 4 hours of gameplay this season. I didn’t think I was going to get a response, but I did. lol

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Seems like the system is working.

Considering what/how you are writing here, its not that hard of a strech to guess how you act while playing.

my point exactly people use the report button just for fun and it works! no offense to you i’m glad that guy got banned but the point stands “oh i did bad this game and my team asked me to switch. that was mean hey everyone report this account” and sure enough you’ll have a message the next day “thank you for you service”

Yeah. Why should the devs assume the person you play with would ask everyone in a game to report you? It wouldn’t even make sense.

plz tell me what i said that hurt your feelings so i can apologize i intended no disrespect to you in any way just frustrated over the system im sorry if i offended you truly

I feel it just needs better recovery. The system on the front end seems to work pretty well. But like anything it’s not perfect.

I mean… they’re not doing awesome but they aren’t the worst.

there’s lots of people vying for that title as we speak.

So… you … lied… or maybe you’d call it exaggerating.
I also wonder why you would continue to play with someone doing that for 9 more games.
That and the system isn’t supposed to count everyone in the lobby reporting you any heavier than one person.

neither of us knows if this is true really, they keep the actual number under wraps to keep people from gaming the system, but the amount of unique reports it took when tested from a friends list was around 100.

I honestly wouldn’t expect this from any game unless some sort of appeal is supplied and no evidence of a BM player is found.

I can agree their appeal system is a laughing stock right now. Form letters and non-interaction. That really should be fixed.

You didnt hurt my feelings?

Its just how you write. Like this

This can come across as genuine, or snarky.

Or this

Calling it lies and what a joke? Doesnt really make you come across as someone who is truly innocent.

You come across as very emotional in this thread. While that isnt nessisaryly bad, people who get over emotional tend to say/do stuff more often that can lead to a ban/report.

Im not saying you 100% deserve the ban, I said

You could be innocent, or you could be guilty. I have no way of knowing, but from reading this thread its wouldnt be suprising if it was deserved

HAHA not the day before article your right maybe not the worst lmao wdym lying or exaggerating though i don’t quite remember actually how many games it was just wanted to get a nice even 100% lol. but i am pretty sure valorant has a really good ban system if im not mistake i might be thinking of the wrong game but for anyone with x amount of reports and serious allegations they have people that will go through and see what was said i mean you dont have to sit through an entire replay to see at what point a certain thing was said they are the developers they have ways to check the match chat as a whole. I know my friends a pos for lack of a better term but it all just feels very salem which trials vibe like there’s no evidence and we dont care to dig for any but your friend said she saw you casting spells and now the whole town is saying you are and we’re having way to much fun burning people at the stake so i guess you’re next? i wont lie i have been to emotional in this so far and i truly am sorry if i did offend anyone i was just upset over the situation and other life factors that don’t effect any of you and i shouldn’t have reacted the way i did so truly sorry for that but i game mainly on xbox like i dont even have a way to type trash talk even if i wanted to

That. That doesn’t work and you said it did.

It’s a numbers game with some hidden values, but the numbers so far tell us it’s unlikely it was just your (debatable) friend that got you in hot water all by themselves, even if some people did do what they asked.

But if it’s any consolation I think it sucks that they won’t even really look at what you did and give you feedback.

I just feel that people who blow the problem out of proportion or focus on the wrong problem muddy the waters for actual change…

there’s another problem though… no dev reads these forums. So really we’re just yelling at each other in the void. If you want something done you’re probably better starting a reddit thread or a twitter (X) storm.

what a life we live at the mercy of the devs

It takes more than 4 people reporting you in a single match to receive an action against against you.

So you’re salty about one instance of bad behavior, but ignoring your actual behavior that resulted in the action taken.

Have you ever tried smurfing?

Like steamrolling as a metal rank?

Because it doesn’t work they way you think it does and is actually much harder to do than is commonly used as a strawman.

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what behavior plz inform me and no i have not tried smurfing until now that i am forced to do so

The stuff you’re not telling us, but showing by your responses.

Talk to support, the ragebait isn’t helping your case brother.

Ban evasion isn’t smurfing, but it is at least reportable especially with that admission lol

you’re right i came here created a post about what happened to hold back information and lie to get validation from people? at the end of the day the only people that will ever know what truly happened is the robots in the training range that handle all of the user reports i would really appreciate if you didn’t come on here though and just call me salty and assume im lying and that’s part of the problem with the community there is no innocent to proven guilty anyone that makes a complaint is hiding something or lying or just salty not everyone that gets banned is guilty

Can’t remember a time I was wrong.

Yeah that sounds about right lol

Deduction, common used tropes (such as the ones you’re using) and your on display character are also pretty good measures.

I didn’t say you were salty, I did insinuate that you were being deceitful though.

That’s because folks like you overwhelmingly paint the picture as such.

This isn’t an OW issue, this is online gaming in general lol. The actual innocents are few and far between.

If they’re banned absolutely.

And I’ve got examples from here that show that.

However those are very much exceptions to the rule, and your only recourse is to patiently go through the process to prove your innocence.

Question is are you going to or just evading your ban instead further publicly showing us your character?

Ya? That kinda what people do?

As your account is freshly made you might not know, but people do that all the time here.

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