The banning system in overwatch is awful

we’re not talking about murder jesus we’re talking about words in a vide game! you can’t just up the scale and act like it’s the same thing

My question then would be 'how would you make any system 100% fool-proof? Especially when said system is led by reports from other human beings? People are fallible, either through fault or malice. How do we stop people from falsely reporting others?

Annology, its a annology.

Should we stop punishing hackers and cheaters, and racest people in video games on the chance a innocent person get punished as well?


Comparing people who break rules in a video game to criminals and murderers is a bit ridiculous. These are not the same thing. The consequences of not putting murderers in jail is much greater than the consequences of not suspending people who are rude in a video game.

Also it technically isn’t even a choice between a bad automated system and no system at all. They should be employing humans to review suspensions.

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anything that is harmful to people in the game yes but at the same time it’s real life the same kids that are trolling and reporting to be funny are the same kids that are calling you the n word and making fun of you and being racist and sexist it’s the real word that we live in

Did i say they were the same? no

It was a annology.


a bad annalogy at that

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This is true, but that creates another issue: are there enough people with enough hours in the day to review every ticket that is created?

I like to envision a huge call-centre like setup. But I’ve worked in places like this in the past and the workloads can be inhumainely large (even in well-staffed places.)

Either they hire more people, the wait times on ticket response goes through the roof, or they employ automated systems to handle the bulk of report processing.

I’m not saying ‘the system is right and faultless’ btw, I’m saying ‘these are the issues they face and why said system is there in the first place, how could they do things differently?’

I don’t. Having played games that don’t have punishment systems, they’re essentially unplayable to me anymore.

I don’t enjoy being in an environment where slurs are thrown around every game, where sexists are never punished, and where there’s frequent homophobic and transphobic insults. I’ve quit several games because of that sort of community, I just don’t want to be in a game with those sorts of individuals.

It’s not possible to do this with the number of reports people receive.


How is it bad?

Both are system designed to stop the bad from harming the innocent. Both are flawed systems where innocent people get conviced? Both are systems where you can try and apeal?


you have 3000 comments on peoples posts in an overwatch forum i think there are plenty of people with enough time to review gameplay……

No, there aren’t. But what they could at least try to do it similar to how the automated system is. After a certain threshold of reports it gets sent to a human for review and then they go check. How many people are hitting this threshold every single day? That would be interesting to know. It could be 100 or could 10,000.

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because the justice system isn’t a robot saying hey your buddy said he saw you murder there’s no proof or anything but you’re going to jail

Humans are just really advance flesh robots.

False reports get made all the time that officals act upon.

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Wait… I do? Oh my god I (nearly) do! :rofl:

Well spotted, can’t say I keep a keen eye on post count.

Anyway, although I agree that hiring more people would potentially help with the problems they face with dealing with tickets. Sadly, a person’s post count on a forum doesn’t even remotely equate to the workload faced by CS staff of any large company. (If it did then I should probably apply to work for them, I’d have their CS issues solved in a weekend, surely?)

This I think is an excellent idea, even just a cursory glance at the reports might help weed out ‘salt/malice’ from ‘genuine report.’

I still think OP has a good chance at appealing the ban.

this is ridiculous like so far off topic it’s not even funny the point i’m making that is if you were to send me your battle tag i bet by tomorrow i could have you banned have i ever played with you nope has anyone in my games nope but if i just said hey everyone this person is cheating report this gamer tag in less then a day you’d be banned and if you don’t think that is just a tiny bit ridiculous then you’re blind

Wow, just wow.


It’s one thing to get multiple reports… it’s quite another to ban someone without ever having interacted with them. People have tried to do that and they cannot.


wdym “they can not” i see it happen everyday “hey everyone report this player they threw my last game” then i’ll get a message the next day saying “thanks for keeping our servers safe” now I only report if i see them actually griefing or cheating etc… but how many people don’t wait to see if they actually deserve it and just hit report because it’s only 3 buttons

You cannot report people unless they are your friend or have been in a recent game with you.
There is no way within OW to report someone via gamertag and customer support tickets are incredibly inefficient, super traceable to you (you can get banned for false reports) and anyone can tell you here not usually replied to with anything other than a form letter.

People have tested this. Extensively. They could not get anything done even with 100+ people doing it.

This WAS nearly 6 years ago, so possibly this has changed… but you still can’t report only via gamertag ingame and if anything the ticket system on their website got LESS effective, so I don’t think that’s changed all that much to make it any more possible.

I get this message EVERY DAY… last person I reported was like 2 weeks ago. The system is bugged.

It is… on someone you’ve played with or friended.

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