The Anger Around the PTR Mercy Buffs Explained

Titanium and Megadodo for best OW couple

I respectfully disagree

Disagreeing doesn’t change the way things are.

I could hold the opinion that the Earth is flat. That wouldn’t change the fact that the Earth is round.

For statements that are in the realm of pure fact, like “Mercy is classified as a Support”, this is true. Your example, as I see it, falls into this category.

For statements that are subjective, such as “Mercy is overpowered”, disagreements can occur based on personal judgement. Your example, as I see it, does not fall into this category.

I don’t see how it’s not. If use at all is not underpowered, then how is constant use not overpowered? Was Mercy 2.0 on launch fine? Was it never in need of nerfs because other heroes were also used?


Disagreements can also occur based upon personal judgement in the example I provided.

And in both the example and in the topic we are discussing, one side is objectively wrong.

Now, if Mercy’s pickrate were closer to that which might be considered “balanced”, it would be more up to perception… but anyone with an objective viewpoint can see that a hero having 15 times the pickrate of one of their counterparts in the tier where viability is most isolated from other factors contributing to pickrate is not balanced.


You unable to comprehend my post and accept it as true =/= lacking thought

Simply re-quoting posts I am not talking about and I don’t care about = lacking thought.
Par for the course with you, though.

The leap of logic you and many other players make is that this now a reason to do anything forever. It’s not. And you’re being willfully ignorant if you honestly believe that is the only reason she was changed.

No, you don’t back them up. I’ve seen your propaganda piece before and It’s not nearly as compelling as you wish it was, sorry.

“a lot of reading” lol. The only reason it is “a lot” is because it is intentionally bloated.


Not really.

There is fact - water is wet - and there is opinion - water is the best drink, water is the worst drink, etc

I respectfully disagree

You are entitled to your opinion that Mercy is underpowered/unviable/whatever

I am entitled to my opinion that Mercy is balanced/viable/whatever

Pickrate is not identical to balance

Oooooohh… The Hook 1.0 crap… oh god… how we hate that, the worst was how people tried to defend that crap. this was one of the worst things ever in OW.

True. But it’s a multitude of factors that include pick rate. Otherwise, pick rate wouldn’t be part of why changes are made to begin with.

Thought it was due to the current Meta

Mercy is just not useful nor was she ever designed to heal multiple tanks

I mean, if meta is the cause for change, then the whole of those not in goats would be changed or those only in goats . Mercy, I think. Should always be picked lower than ana and Moira due to the skill ceiling. But she should be higher than now since she is one of three supposed primary healers. Her pick should be because her player is a god with her, not because she’s OP or to be a rez bot. (In higher play)

I don’t think this response could be any more like plugging your ears and shouting, “no no no!”

If you’re going to claim that Titanium is wrong and saying that s/he lacks thought, you could at least illustrate how. Otherwise, your whole post is kinda just saying “you’re wrong because you’re wrong”


And a lot of Mercy complaints are just ‘‘I’m right because I’m right’’~

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Perhaps. One’s bad behavior doesn’t justify your own, though, and Titanium has pretty habitually elaborated to a near-encyclopedic degree as to why he feels his point of view is right. Healer’s response to Titanium is honestly quite hypocritical because he accuses Titanium of failing to back up anything he says, when Healer does precisely that.

That said, though, Mercy arguments generally revolve around their personal fun. Do you want to disprove them that they no longer find the hero fun?


Don’t think you can really

I think most people just want 4+ threads everyday exclaiming the same basic idea of ‘‘I don’t find this hero fun’’ to stop

Plus there’s so many different reasons many of which counter each other that they would ruin other people’s fun for the hero

just a basic example would be the people who aren’t playing Mercy because they want mass rez back but there are also people who don’t find her fun because they want Mercy to have something beyond rez being her gimmick

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Right, exactly

And I think that’s a legitimate criticism. Personally, I’d love it if Blizzard at least gave us subforums for each hero class (Damage, Support, Tank) to help organize and clean up the topics. But, overposting doesn’t make them wrong or invalidate what they have to say, even if it makes them annoying.

This is actually talked about on Titanium’s thread, which I assume you’ve read (if not, I actually do recommend it–I’ve maybe put in a whopping 8 hours on Mercy in my Overwatch career, but from a DPS main point of view, I was actually highly impressed). Ultimately, though, the fun of one player should not come at the cost of another–but if it must, then from a game design perspective, it makes more sense for the fun of the user to come at the cost of the fun of the receiver, rather than the converse. Reason being, being the receiver of opposition in any scenario in a competitive game is typically not fun. Most people don’t get shot down by Soldier or spend 10 seconds dumping ammo into Reinhardt’s barrier or having all their hard-earned damage healed away by Ana and think, “oh what great fun!” Titanium explains it better than I do, but I think you can get the point.

I haven’t personally seen very many Mercy players that are 100% dead set on Mass Rez returning. Generally, I see the opinion that Mass Rez should come back because a proper balancing effort was never made and it’s an iconic part of Mercy’s identity, but if a suitable, Rez-free rework was proposed, then they’d be willing to support it. I know Titanium, at the very least, has said that explicitly in his other thread.


water can’t be wet, because it’s a liquid. /pedantic

When something is backed up by actual statistics, it pretty much ceases to be an opinion. Case in point, statistics back Titanium’s (and my own) opinion that Mercy is underpowered, turning it from something subjective into an objective fact.

It’s one of the many measures thereof, though. One of the many stats that showed Mercy 2.0 was brokenly OP, was her pick rate. Which has since been eclipsed by Ana’s, btw.


Oh, I can comprehend it. I can also comprehend the enitre situation.

I don’t think you can.

Case in point.

Bringing up a relevant post to serve as a counterpoint does not in fact, lack thought. Someone (in this case myself) needed to have the thought to type up that post in the first place.

Ignoring a relevant post that was introduced to the conversation simply because you don’t want to read it certainly demonstrates a lack of thought, and it displays the intention to stay ignorant on the topic you intend to discuss.

Although with what I’ve seen from you so far…

We call that precendence. There is no leap in logic on our side. The failure in logic is on your side, in which you think that a precedented reason for a rework at one point is not valid now simply because it doesn’t support your ideals.

Did I say it was the only reason for Mercy being changed?

Is the fact that it was not the only reason for Mercy being changed even relevant? We know that said reason was used to justify the rework, and that’s enough for it to be used to justify another one.

The other provided reason was “Mercy was hiding” which was already picked apart in the post I linked (you should read it) and actually has returned in the rework… Except this time, it’s an optimal strategy.

And “hide and rez” can be labeled as a contradiction… of which, Mercy’s current kit has plenty of.

If those two reasons can be enough to rework a balanced hero into god-tier for 10 months before nerfing them into garbage-tier, having yet to reach a balanced state for over a year and losing half of the hero’s playerbase because the hero isn’t fun to play anymore, contradicting nearly every reason for the rework in the first place and breaking every promise made in the Developer Update video introducing the rework, then more well-reasoned reasons can certainly be used to rework the hero into a balanced and fun state.

Can you shoot down any of its points?

You’d be the first.

If I’m going to explain the way things are, I might as well explain why things are the way they are… which just so happens to make the post that much harder to shoot down. All of the information is right in front of you, which makes it difficult to escape it when creating a counterargument.


And I have heard people argue against this.

Just like you are arguing against the fact that Mercy is underpowered.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion.

You being entitled to your opinion does not change the fact that you are wrong.

Pickrates with precision and context clearly indicate balance.

The last time Mercy was balanced, she had a 4% pickrate in GM.

She has 1/4th of that pickrate today.