The Ana Cabana (Ana Fans & Ana Mains Welcome): New Ana Legendary Skin! 8/6/2018

Done! A friend told me it was private, turns out he meant unlisted. :slight_smile:

Yeahā€¦teammates are usually the biggest culprits when it comes to me not wanting to use Sleep Dart.

Such a powerful tool rendered inconsequential in the long run.

That feeling when youā€™re standing above the Tracer, waiting, and then someone pokes them and they immediately recall. This is why I think Sleep Dart should cancel all mobility abilities for at least 1 second upon waking.

Were are the buffs? The woman has the lowest win rate of the supports and after Hanzo buffs/rework sheā€™ll probably become the lowest win rate hero in the game.

Sleep dart would be fun if I could land it. :frowning:

Well, with the way itā€™s interrupted prematurely 9/10ā€¦ Iā€™m going to quote another support:

Sometimes Iā€™m not sure why I even bother.


I think weā€™ll have to wait few weeks till Brig will be stable after the adjustements and then devs will take a decision about Ana

Im not an Ana main, but ill ask, do you guys think a revert on her grenade bring back some of her power (maybe even her rifle)?

Ive been playing ana this past week and ive been tieing brigittes in healing :man_facepalming: and im like this is the hero that dominated healing back in season 3 :thinking:.

PS. I wouldnt say im the best at Ana, but i am pretty good at her so i dont think my mechanical skill is to blame.

I finally mustered the courage to play her in QP and Iā€™m doing surprisingly well with her. Iā€™ve slept ulting Genjiā€™s, Pharahā€™s( poor daughter), and Mccreeā€™s and it feels good. In fact last night I solo healed for team on the iLLos KOTH maps and we won.

Maybe they can lower her grenadeā€™s cooldowns by 4 seconds so she can reliably heal heself when needed.

I wanted the devs to give Ana some shield busting ability (like the nade causing shields to take more damage) but i guess Symm beat me to it. Oh well.

Hey, so you did show up! :smiley:

Two mojitos for me and my friend here!

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Yeah i would not miss an Ana discussion for anything in the world.

Much appreciated

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I think 25% of the thread is me wailing about her and Epsilon trying to console meā€¦ :joy:


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but i remember your battletag from somewhere on these forums and it must have been a discussion about Ana or Mercy

Probably both, I do have the Ana Brainstorming thread gathering dust somewhere around here as well. :slight_smile:

Spot on!! Thats the one.

Buff Ana, please. The Ghost of Metas Past is really making Blizzard screw itself over with every change they make.

So I decided to give the old lady a try one more time in QPā€¦ and the minute I picked her someone told me to switch, and through the game they kept telling me how bad I was, how disappointing, and how egotistical I am to play her when I suck.

People say they want people to flex, especially Mercy mains, but when we do this is what we get. It wasnā€™t even comp and we won easily, I donā€™t understand why he had to be so mean about it.

Great, now he continues to text me about how I have absolutely no potential. Iā€™m beginning to wonder why I bother with this game at all.


do not take seriously every word of someone you meet in a QP match, sometimes they just say whatā€™s in their hearts or sometimes they just say whatā€™s in their minds when something is not right based on their own point of view