The Ana Cabana (Ana Fans & Ana Mains Welcome): New Ana Legendary Skin! 8/6/2018

I’d always try to throw a Biotic Grenade as my Tanks are engaging the enemy team, that way it heals them & hits the enemy Tanks.

From there I’ll alternate between keeping people from being at critical health and damaging the enemy team.


Hey, I have 54% winrate with Ana so far.

Few tips :

  • Priority is to maintain your teammates alive and confident in teamfights. Alive and confident doesnt mean 100% HP nor 10% HP. But you can let for example one of your tank half HP if you don’t see any threat on him.
  • Priority is also to heal the opponent focus.
  • If your teammates are ok, dps. If you can take a pick on 200HP char, such as Pharah or Genji, do it. You will let your mates 2 or 3 seconds without healing and it’s ok if there is no immediate threat on them like a dive.
  • I always try to maximise the effectiveness of my nade. I will always wait the best moment to throw it. It is game changing. If you can hit 2 or 3 opponents in your nade just before engaging teamfight and scream it in chat, you have good chance to win the fight. I use it on my teammate if I see a real threat on them.
  • Get gud at you aim. I improved it from 60% to 75%. Mostly because I bought a 144Hz screen instead of 60Hz.
  • Don’t play Ana everytime on every maps. I play her only if Teammates need range healing (Gibraltar/Numbani…)and never on Lijang or KR for example.
  • Don’t use sleepdart randomly. Use it only if you see there is an opportunity to secure a kill/ save yourself/ save a teammate.

trips over box

I just want to scream! Playing Ana is just sooo frustrating, want to heal that critical player? Nope, Road Hog is standing close behind you “eating” all your shots. Great, you managed to sleep that smurfing Tracer? Too bad, 9/10 people will poke them awake just as you are standing above their bodies counting down to when you can do your combo. Oh, you need some emergency burst heal? Sorry, had to use my nade on myself because I was hit by splash damage from a rocket!

Sorry, I need to vent this.


i… i was looking for this thread to ask how people were finding ana in this meta but i think this is a preemptive answer to that :frowning:

i hope she gets the buffs she needs soon

You know I’ve always wondered.

Ana’s rifle feels way more like a DMR than a sniper rifle, except it is a bolt action. I wonder why Torb didnt just put a proper mag on it and made it semi auto. :stuck_out_tongue:

I swear it’s D.Va every single time. She manages to teleport to me across the map only for this purpose and then flies away.

Nope, it was our Tracer from at least 5 meters away! Shouldn’t she of all people know the Tracer will just recall?!

My Tracer is always dead. >.>

Probably my bad.

I don’t think some Tracer’s think about it. They know they can one clip her, technically, doing it for sleep doesn’t work though.

To be honest, I have barely touched Ana this season due to the unreliable healing and weird comps that I’ve been facing.

I’ve been mostly playing Moira and Mercy this season with the occasional McCree, Sombra, Tracer, Roadhog, Zarya, etc…

Can’t be frustrated playing Ana if you don’t play her.

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I love how the dart spawns a little behind you, so your shots can get blocked by people outside your field of view. Cause, you know, deflect wasn’t bad enough for invisible barriers to your heals.

I swear, there is no other character in this whole game that can be so easily disrupted by her own teammates - everything from blocking her nade and heals to waking up slept targets. And it’s not that they do it intentionally (well, most times) it’s just in the nature of the game for it to happen.

I want to play her but I’m this close to being done with her.


Oh I know, everything I felt about Ana was said in that giant spiel about her from two days ago.

I’m not going to stress myself out playing a hero that only causes me frustration and pain.

Despite my love for Ana, I don’t love her enough to pretty much throw games.

I just can’t deal with her being this way anymore! :sob:

Worst part is that I feel more or less forced to return to playing Mercy even though I really don’t want to other than for specific cases, and then people will just complain about me being a “one-trick”… I don’t think Mercy is OP, but she’s really the only healer that works with basically every stupid comp people want to play.

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I know Quizzy, I know…

Believe me, I would much rather be playing other heroes aside from Moira & Mercy but with the way Ana operates and just how easy her kit is countered by her teammates, what reason outside of giving someone a stroke, is there for you to actually stress yourself out with her?

I’m giving her up, not because I want to, but because at the end of the day, it really is bad for one to get to high levels of frustration from a game.

If there’s anything else I’d want right now it’s for Ana-Mains to stop going into non-Ana threads and bringing her up when she’s not the center of the topic.

Other than that, feel free to vent out your frustrations here at the Cabana.

We’re here for you.


You’re right, it just makes me so sad. I was so proud of myself when I finally felt I had started to find another healer I could and enjoyed playing, and now I have to give her up. :frowning:

I’ll probably still play her occasionally and get frustrated again, so it’s good to know there is somewhere I can vent and people will understand.

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Here are one of the instances of me trying to kill a slept Tracer and it getting completely ruined by a teammate. I was so frustrated afterwards that I virtually just threw away my controller…

Uh…it says that the video is unavailable.

I haven’t used YT before, maybe it’s supposed to be set to “unlisted” instead of “private”?

Yeah, change it to unlisted.

Private videos usually only apply to yourself I believe.

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