Thanks for the Cree buff but

Yeah orisa in qp make me cry when i am mccree

50% winrate in gm and the lowest out of all heroes there. Consistently in the bottom 4 winrates across the board. If he is one of the meta picks, his 4% (or something like that) would suggest otherwise. If you think the buff he’s getting is enough, its easy to tell you don’t really play McCree.

I don’t want it to work out though since it would only stop him from receiving actual buffs that are more beneficial. Instead, we get a this brain dead, easy to implement buff that doesn’t make him a better pick over anyone else still, which is his main issue. I’d prefer a predictable recoil on fth over this.

Why is this not a thing, they should have gave him this feature awhile ago.

I can’t think of a single other horizontal ability that doesn’t work in the air.

This is what almost everyone can agree on. Its barely a buff and yet Blizzard still won’t touch it.

Pharah’s rocket, Dva’s ram and Junkrat’s nades are all enough to lift McCree up slightly and stop him from rolling.


With mccree i’d say they could make that change, improve his ultimate and maybe reduce his flashbang cooldown to 8 seconds.

I say maybe for the last one because i can only handle so many stuns lol.

Believe me when I say I don’t agree with buffing random elements of McCree’s kit.

However, 330 damage on a tank can do wonders. That’s one shot from killing Zarya and a chunk of damage against all other tanks in the game.

Maybe when Overwatch was first released, but now McCree is just going to be punished hard for any forward aggression. There’s a reason he’s already being used to protect the backline.

He’s actually pretty good in the current meta. The top 3 dps are Sombra, Doomfist, McCree.
On ladder you have lots of snipers and those counter McCree.

And so do Tracer and Doomfist. And soon Ashe, who he loses out against unless he can force the 1 v 1.

Dive counters him, snipers counter him. The only middle ground is deathball, where he gets steamrolled.

No reason be to be forwardly aggressive. You can still punish tanks/squishies out of position with your flashbang, or even just by right-clicking them.

What do you think his core issue is that needs fixing?

Solo McCree isn’t strong, I agree.
A pocketed McCree by an Ana or Zen is really good however and is the #1 duelist in the game at that point. He provides strong midrange and exceptable close range damage.
When pocketed he’s pretty strong vs dive.

this buff actually turns cree into a credible threat to doom and brigitte.

too easy to kill.

big hitbox, crap mobility, no sustain abilities. It’s always been his problem - the last thing he needed was offensive buffs. What he needs is the reload taken away from roll, and roll given 2-3 charges (with maybe longer cd) so he can actually get distance from ults, junkrat, dva, etc when he needs to. A new ult would be nice, or even just I-frames or extra hp when Deadeye is acquiring targets - no one worth a crap dies to it anyway, would be nice to at least be able to kill the one person you know is still in the open - the sniper about to headshot you for free.

His immobility comes at too high of a cost, when there are more mobile heroes who can do his job (Hanzo and now Ashe), and there are now 2 healers which can handle the flankers anyway. He takes about the same mech skill as widow (the highest in the game), while needing twice as long from twice as close to get kills. There is simply no reason for Cree to ever be used in a game with Widow and Brig available, in their current states. Brig will kill any flanker way better than cree, while healing. Widow will kill any ranged target easier, while being able to escape most of what easily kills Cree. At one point in the game’s history, Cree was very valuable because he provided mid-range frontline dps AND could kill flankers - he was unique in this way (Mei, Hog, Dva all are very short-range). Now, there are so many ways to kill flankers, why deal with clunky, always-dived-on McCree? Use one of the new healers, or the new Torb for that matter - they all are better at vs flankers than Cree.

He has a place in the game - he is used to kill pharmacy. And he is good (like everyone else) behind a shield, shooting at people who are not behind a shield. Other than that, him (and soldier both) are in a bad place right now, which is strange because the flankers are also in a bad place. In fact, all the dps are in a bad place except snipers and the occasional one-trick DF or Sombra that can really impact the backline. 4 out of what…18? The healing and armor is really out of hand for a game that is built on a 2/2/2 setup. Hence, GOATS.


i’m just imagining a cowboy rolling at incredibly high speed while shouting “it’s your funeral”

If McCree doesn’t get aggressive with flash, he won’t be able to use fth against the tanks as flash is the only way to guarantee at least half of the shots hit. Otherwise its way too hit and miss to be worth picking him for.

In my opinion, it all comes down to flashbang. Besides fth, which doesn’t really have a purpose and is made worthless by just being good at McCree, its the only part of his kit that is underperforming in all situations.

It takes too long to detonate after throwing it, so Tracer can just bait it out, Genji has enough time to press E and Doomfist can literally punch through it, killing McCree and then get stunned afterwards. Sombra’s translocate also has some wonky interactions with it, where it can cancel it mid air or having her translocate while stunned.

If they decreased the travel time of flash, the only characters affected would be the ones I mentioned and Rein, who wouldn’t be able to flick his shield up in time. As for the Rein situation though, if McCree can push that far forward towards Rein uncontested, leaving the backline exposed, then the fight is probably already won by McCree’s team.

You fix flashbang and it solidifies him as a backline protector/pocket, gives him a role that’s unique to him and provides another method to countering dive that doesn’t require running Brigitte or mirror matching.

Only problem with that is McCree has no way to isolate a target, he has to wait for them to slip up in order to get that duel. With his low survivability he cannot force the issue himself without risking being traded out.

No, it doesn’t. Not any more than he already is at least. If Doomfist lands any abilities, he immediately has the faster ttk and McCree has to land 2 hs + flash or a full flashfan in the time it takes Doomfist to land 2 good primary shots.

And as for Brig, flashing around her shield and fanning her down is already good enough.
All this change will lead to is forcing McCree into this awkward rut of not being good enough but not horrible, landing him right back where he’s at now.

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Agreed the ability to roll mid-air is a must. Currently it fails if you are even 1 cm off the ground, and this simple thing makes him very vulnerable (overly so) to things that know him off the ground, even a little.

Flashbang on 8 is a must, so that flankers have to start respecting Mccree, most likely Mccree would not use FB, that much more than now, but his threat level would be higher to flankers.

Also the ult has so many things wrong with it i have 0 hope for it anymore.

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Poor survivability and mobility. He doesn’t need to be Tracer, but roll has some weird restrictions that get him killed randomly.

I care less about Flashbang than I used to because it’s ineffective on its own but becomes a potent part of stopping DF and friends when you pair him with a Brig. It does still bug out sometimes though.

At least he isn’t Soldier.

i think the fan the hammer buff is quite huge when combined with the roll timer buff

McCree does not need to be aggressive with his flashbang. It is vital to his kit and survival.

Being aggressive with your flashbang often means losing it when you need it the most.

You can, however, right-click any time during the course of a match. In this case, doing more damage than two headshots.