Thanks for the Cree buff but

…how about you actually buff him properly? I think I speak for most McCree mains when I say we’re sick to death of these bandaid patches. While its definitely a buff and it will help shred tanks, that’s not what is wrong with McCree. Once again, this buff completely misses the mark and looks like it was made to shut people like me up for a bit.

At this point, I’ll even settle for being able to roll mid air instead of making tank mains angrier at McCree’s flashbang.


Honestly, I just sort of gave up. Ashe is the biggest McCree buff since launch. It finally have us an alternative to one of the weakest heroes in Overwatch. I am surprised they even bothered to finally fix FTH. I never thought they would even go THAT far. So I am not holding my breath for much more.


Did his buff go live already? … has anyone actually tried it to see if it helps?

I would think that a thread like this would mention what these supposed problems for McCree are, because I for one don’t see anything really that wrong with McCree. He’s a sleeper hit when played accurately that covers two important territories in this meta; a reliable stun, and burst damage. A good McCree can pop off and take out entire teams, even in a meta that isn’t totally favoring him – which, as we’ve seen, can make him even more deadly if the environment suits him.

Honestly I’m surprised they’ve been buffing McCree at all but I suppose he has been struggling on a wide level. That being said, I would think these smaller buffs are perfect for him. He’s a hero that can easily turn hyper deadly, and he isn’t exactly a poor pick in most ladder games. I’d rather see FtH and Combat Roll get these little buffs rather than, you know, his extremely deadly gun and his very dangerous ult.


Don’t expect Blizz to listen to you. Pharah players have asked for survivability buff for literally 2 years (yes it’s been that long since her last buff) but after all this time,

they nerfed medium/long range damage/boop and slightly buffed her diving capability, 100% missing what’s wrong with her kit, similar to McCree


Console scrub diamond McCree main here (30+ hrs)

FtH buff is definitely welcomed. People think it’s a noob ability but it’s very useful especially on 250 hp+ heroes.

Im just waiting for Ashe to drop.

How can you be a Mccree main and fail to see the fundamental differences between him and Ashe. Ashe is a midrange hero with a long range niche. McCree is a midrange hero with a short range niche.

Ashe gets eaten alive my flankers. You have to respect Mccree’s personal space. Ashe is not a better Mccree. They do two different things


Wish they’d just give her some armor already


Don’t forget Pharah had her RoF buffed recently.

She is considered one of the strongest heroes on console, if I remember correctly.

Looked it up, it is. Pickrate 5.38% with a winrate of 58.22% in GM on PS.

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I’ve made that list so many times its gotten tiresome, but since you asked:

  • Low survivability + low mobility means he needs to be pocketed more than other dps and babysat, similar to Bastion. He’s too vulnerable to most heroes if singled out, even those he’s meant to counter.
  • His ult is a joke, its a reload or an anti-Pharmercy, other than that its considered lucky to hit anyone else with it. This is mostly due to the delays between clicking to fire and when he actually fires as well as the delays between each target. The character furthest to one side gets nearly half a second extra to react, which is added on top of the charge up time.
  • Fan the hammer loses all value once you can learn to consistently double headshot. It’s too inconsistent and random, making it worthless on smaller targets but its damage is too poor to make it worth using on tanks. While the buff does help with the latter, it still doesn’t make it any more useful considering the only reliable way to land it is as a follow up to a flashbang which means getting in close to a tank. And as mentioned before, McCree is really squishy so its a huge risk without the right set up for it.
  • Roll is good for the reload but it displaces him for the most part. It can’t really be used to dodge anything that doesn’t have a wind up and it barely escapes most blast radii. With the whole favour the shooter mechanic and latency in play, it only narrowly avoids the kill range of meteor strike but DF can then follow up with slam to easily finish off McCree. It’s not quite enough to make it a good ability but its definitely not bad. Would be nice if we could roll mid air though, been asking for that since launch.
  • Flashbang’s artwork does not match what actually happens at all. This video explains it well and even though it dates back to late 2016 its still relevant as the only change to flashbang was the one to stop people from carrying so much momentum.
    WHY THE FLASHBANG IS BROKEN - Overwatch McCree - YouTube
    In case you didn’t watch it: the first and third person models don’t accurately portray what’s happening, the visible trail is slightly off and it doesn’t function in the same way that every other explosive aoe in the game does.
  • No role, no niche that can’t be achieved by someone more independent with more versatility. Hanzo, Soldier, Widow, Torb and now Ashe all play the same role that McCree does as mid - long range poke. Soldier is probably the only one in that list that doesn’t make McCree look pathetic. Hanzo and Widow both have one shots, so they have better burst. Torb has much better sustained damage and more consistent dps with less reliance on player skill to find impact. And Ashe, well she’s everything McCree but better. There’s just no role that McCree can effectively play that isn’t performed by someone else but better.

Struggling is an understatement. He’s been consistently in the bottom 4 heroes for the past month, down there with Sombra and Bastion. In gm, the ladder players best equipped to make the most out of him, he has the worst winrate out of everyone sitting at about 50.7% iirc. Across all ranks, he’s a borderline throw pick.

I’m not asking for anything major. Being able to roll mid air and reducing the travel time on flashbang (only affects hypermobiles and Reinhardt) would be more than enough for now. But instead they threw him a poorly thought out buff to a part of his kit which is made useless by playing him well and knowing Blizzard that’s where they will stop. It’s been happening for 2 years now, he’ll start to drop a bit so they throw out this bandaid on a fault line kind of patch to keep everyone quiet.

Don’t get me wrong, I know he can be effective at times but the level of skill required to hit that point is just completely disproportionate to the amount of impact he has in comparison. Compared to Ashe or Hanzo, who in my personal experience take less mechanical skill, he just can’t keep up.

I’d rather them scrap fth entirely but I know they won’t. So I’ll just keep trying to get them to reduce the travel time on flashbang (which would help stop a lot of the wonky interactions between stun + mobility) even though I know its a pointless pursuit.

By the way, the combat roll buff hasn’t helped his impact all that much. If he survives after the first roll, he’ll either die regardless or have enough time to go for the full reload instead. I’m yet to come into a situation where those 2 seconds off the cooldown have ever been what’s saved me. And as mentioned above, his ult just isn’t that much of a threat anymore.

As much as I hate to say it, she’s definitely going to be my go to for comp until I have another reason to play McCree other than for style points.

Yeah, I know. This is more of a vent than anything else I guess. It’s been so frustrating that since the changes to flashbang, none of the buffs have made McCree objectively more impactful (other than the falloff changes, but those were universal).

I’ve been playing Ashe like I would McCree, only I’m not as reckless up close. I’m getting roughly the same results if not more impact purely because of the extra mobility.

Dynamite + Coach gun are more than enough to get flankers to respect your space. That boop is enough to throw off Doomfist’s combo and if Tracer gets caught by dynamite it chews her up.
On the other hand, McCree’s flashbang is woefully easy to bait out as Tracer, too easy to react to as Genji so you can scoop it up off the floor and into his face and it just doesn’t do enough to stop Doomfist. I’ve done the maths, if Doomfist lands one ability, McCree is a goner. He just can’t kill him before Doomfist kills Cree, even if the Cree lands all headshots.

Tl;dr: I don’t want anything major, I just want him to be competitive. Right now, there’s not much of a reason to pick him over anyone else.


Don’t worry for us dude, we have stopped being angry a while ago. We kinda get used to see that in every patch, now, we just know it will be harder and harder and see how much time we are able to bear it before we quit the game.

So do your job, shred us, we’re just a huge meatbag after all.

To be fair, the tanks have gotten really lucky with the way the support roster has played out. The only thing stopping the tanks from being completely dominant is the cc in this game, otherwise there wouldn’t be much stopping Rein, Zarya, Dva and Winston from completely controlling the game.

Not even sure McCree can do that, all things considered. I’m sure you know what its like trying to get close to their frontline as someone designed to do that but could you imagine what it takes for a large 200hp character to do that?

Most of them go down immediately if there is no heals on them and they are focused.
Rein without heals is half as Rein, and is very limited in his play. I play Rein as main and the biggest problem for me is, if I have no heals, I can’t do anything because I am then punished immediately.

Look at the hero changes overall : here’s the pattern :
DPS buffs > too much damage > Healers buff > not enough damage [repeat]
When tanks get changed, generaly, that’s their damage input that changes.

Today, when you play tank and you look at your health bar, that’s scary. Let’s take Reinhardt : you hold you shield, then you got stunned (choose your favorite one) : then it’s DPS vs Healer who will be able to push the able at it’s end first ? And you can see your health bar going crazy. Sometimes you get litterally instant killed like you were nothing. Sometimes you have 50hp left and you see you health bar going back to full in 10 milliseconds.

Tank players didn’t ask for those huge heals that enables 3 tanks in a same comp. And btw, tanks have not that much changed since a year before. At least main tanks did not. So what’s going on ? :man_shrugging:

McCree barely even needs a buff. He’s one of the meta heroes right now. One of 3 core meta dps heroes with Sombra and Doomfist. All he needs is a buff to his ult and fth which he is getting.

Using dynamite point blank is not a good idea lol

easily dive-able, widow is a better hitscan, roll sucks, and apparently ashe is a better mccree now

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I think his TTK is still good, even compared to Ashe. He does good damage, maybe we all have to just wait and see how the FtH buff will work out, it makes it more reliable in its application.

I would kind of wish for McCree to be able to roll midair, but I don’t know if the devs will go for that, they already buffed his roll recently.

Buff? What? I don’t see anything on PTR patchnotes. Where can I find the source?

McCree is all about Shooting things. Literally everything he does is meant to facilitate pressing Left Click. He doesn’t change positions, he doesn’t pierce defenses (directly). He just stays right where he is and shoots his gun.

In a Vacuum (or just a game that was actually about shooting things), he’s actually very good.

The only problem is Overwatch has steadily involved in to Counterwatch.
You have a problem? “just switch” to a certain hero or abuse a certain ability and watch your problems melt away in 90% of situations.

Primary Fires happen to be one of the most easily negated things in the game. Whether it’s Barriers, Deflects, Absorption, Healing, Resistance, and even just the inherent difficulty of low-capacity Hitscan.

When you’re someone as Vanilla as McCree who only has one thing they do, no matter how good they are at it, they’re going to feel gimped in that atmosphere.