Thanks for the Cree buff but

Blizzard took a stance that they didn’t want to give every hero mobility otherwise the ones that have it wouldn’t be unique anymore a while back I remember.

However, it’s hard not to feel like Ashe is the mid-range hits scan McCree players always wanted at this point. An ability that doubles as an escape and to get to high ground instead of having to slowly clomp around to try to get any height advantage.

Primarily he was built with having a high damage output and being a glass cannon, but one month after release that “cannon” part was axed without compensation, which gave him a weak kit and not enough damage to account for it. He was given a range buff, but 32m reminded everyone why McCree has damage falloff in the first place.

While I am finally happy they are buffing his damage output to a more reasonable level with the FTH buff, the pace at which this has gone is infuriating, and having a low win rate means everyone is going to be inherently critical of said hero (though apparently his win rate was low back when he was OP).

McCree is simply a hero who relies on his team more than others, and has no utility outside a skillshot stun, so a McCree on an off day (or a bad one) is dead weight.

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How about we stop buffing McCree??? He does NOT need buffs.
Mei, Reaper, Bastion and Soldier do, not McCree.

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the problem with buffing things the community thinks would be good is that usually it would be good and doesnt sound like much but the devs test it internally and its utterly overpowered.

And so do I. It was arguably his only buff since the falloff rollback that was not merely quality of life. That being said, he is still not worth playing.

I personally think that Mcree is pretty much balanced right now. The reason why he would not be shining at the top right now is because of the meta, which he is not made to counter.

All the problems people seem to list about him are his intended weaknesses.

I knew you were on PS4 by your post. I agree entirely, of course.

In GM on PS4, the most picked DPS are Widow, Pharah, Hanzo, McCree, and Tracer. Tracer has the lowest win rate of all heroes in GM, where she’s supposed to be good. Meanwhile, McCree didn’t even need his Roll CD buff, since he’s historically been a top 5 DPS, usually comparable to Tracer in both pick rate and win rate.

McCree is my fifth most played hero, and while I’m happy to see him become stronger, it really doesn’t seem necessary in the slightest on PS4.

Also, I play a lot of FFA, and while dying to a skillful McCree is fine, dying exclusively to a flash-fan cowboy is obnoxious.

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There’s no such meta where he is good. There hasn’t been a good meta for him since S2.

Which he has too many compared to others.

But if you hold onto it, you have to wait for them to make a mistake. And the further up the ladder you go, the less mistakes they are going to make.

Assuming all of the shots land. Which they never will. Even on a flashed target, there’s always one shot that comes out of the side of the barrel and decides it doesn’t want anything to do with the whole damage thing and shoots off into space.

Which is why I want flash to be fixed first, since its crucial to his role on the team. Otherwise, he’s just a budget Hanzo/Widow.

Funny. McCree has worse winrates than all of those you mentioned with the exception of Bastion who is an entirely different beast all together.
Edit: Just to clarify, I’m talking about on PC. If McCree is busted on console then there’s no reason for him to be buffed on there but he’s severely underperforming across all ranks on pc.

How would reducing the travel time of flashbang break McCree completely and ruin the balance of the game?

So which meta does McCree work in? He’s weak to dive, weak to double snipers, weak to deathball, weak to GOATs, weak to traditional triple tank. The only time he ever works is in hybrid comps you’d see in lower ladder or in pro play where they account for McCree being on their team and are fully aware of which maps are going to be played so they can practice for it in advance.

So what are his strengths? Because the only consistent one I can think of is his primary, which is still considerably weaker than Widow and Hanzo.

And I think it brings into question how often the highest level players use their flashbang when playing McCree. I’d say not very often.

Every shot has a nigh impossible chance to miss on tanks, even at your lowest falloff range, unless you’re playing against Zarya.

A target in range of your flashbang has a really good chance of dying to you, alone, if they don’t (currently) have 300+ HP.

Is this an out of season April fool’s joke?

I don’t agree with no meta being good for him. The super tank and super mobile metas are bad for him, but in any sort of “normal” meta he certainly wouldn’t be bad. We had one of those back when it was grav dragon, and while he wasn’t a part of the meta, I doubt he was trash against it.

And characters that have a lot of weaknesses have them because of all their strengths. Mcree is a very powerful character in the right hands, so he needs those weaknesses to keep him under control.

ye i agree that he did not need his roll on a 6 second cooldown, with 8 seconds he was already good, now hes better, FTH buffs would make him just insane.


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What meta was that? Because if you mean the one that came after Hanzo buffs that was sniper meta and he was absolutely horrible in it. The only meta McCree was part of was in S2 when there were no meta other than rudimentary 2/2/2.

There are other powerful heroes, arguably more powerful than McCree, who stil don’t have so many weaknesses.

Here’s a checklist of very punishing weaknesses:

  • Low health

  • No self-sustain

  • No mobility

Check the roster and there’s only one hero that fits the bill and one depending on how you count it. Combat roll is not real mobility, it barely takes you further than just walking for the same duration.

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He works in normal comps, because he isn’t a specialized character. He does a lot of things well.

As for his strengths, his gun obviously. It hurts, it’s accurate, it’s fast, it’s reliable. His gun is obviously the best part of his kit.

However, don’t discount his other abilities. Again obviously, his flashback. It sets him up to kill or flee or support a teammate. And the roll is useful too, refilling ammo instantly on a mobility tool is highly underrated. Lastly, his ult should never be underestimated given how fast it can K.O.

Just because other heroes are stronger, does not mean he needs to match them. That’s bad for the game in this situation.

And he would only be horrible in a sniper meta if he’s bad at aim himself. Obviously not ideal in a sniping duel, but Mcree can definitely hold his ground if he’s got the skill.

Also, Mcree doesn’t have low health, Tracer does. He has average health, as he should.

talkin about console have you been having lag spikes or just playing with higher ping than usual?

A bit, yeah. Had some lag last week, been getting disconnected more than usual this week.

Okay thanks, because i got disconnected around 6 or 7 times already.