Thanks for doin nothing vs smurfs

Does a direct confession count?

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No. Because I could tell you I am a smurf.

People have this ability to lie or over exaggerate what they are doing.

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A confession isn’t good enough proof? I wonder why police try and get confessions from accused criminals.


Yeah, the logic behind him is this:

  1. Blizzard hide the data, so won’t be never a 100% proof of anything and this means automatically smurf does not exists (edit: or are irrilevant or low number) and I win all debates.

NO this means blizzard hided something, not more.

Again. Where have I said they don’t exist…

I just want my reports to be accurate. But you still haven’t told me what to check.

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So basically, I don’t like this, fix it for me

very sorry, edited, “irrilevant or low number”, that you won’t provide us

Wait… if a confession isn’t solid enough proof, what WOULD be considered proof enough?


Tell me what I need to see to prove someone is smurfing then.

Then I will play for a day and count everyone who meets your criteria.

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I am trying to get Vulpes to tell me what data I need. But it won’t tell me.

You’ll also have to count total players you see, as to have a sample size per populous

So, you’re rejecting real evidence based on a theory you made up and you cannot provide evidence to back up your own words? Do you own a MAGA hat by chance?

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Well obviously. I know how stats work lol

And you’re saying a confession isn’t good enough. So if you’re saying “that’s not good enough” for anything that would count, what level IS good enough to count?

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I could tell you I am King of a country… doesn’t mean it is true. So anything statement from a player trolling saying “I am smurf” should be taken with the biggest pinch of salt.

No one is telling me though what I need to check and what I need to see to prove someone is smurfing.

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He’s the customer, not the company. He pays for a elo system, he deserves not 1 single smurf on it (like chess players).

Vulpes… Why do you play this game.

You sound like you don’t enjoy any of it.

Come on man, don’t bring politics into this. While his argument is (in my own view) stupid and wrong, dragging politics into this won’t help anyone. That’s an ad hominem that just assumes his political stance says anything about his argument.

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So because I don’t think smurfs are that much of an issue I am suddently a Trump supporting dribbler? right…

As for evidence based. No one has provided the evidence to show the volumes of smurfs exist. Yet alone what 1 looks like.


It is ok. As I said. He is a troll. He has been on mute for awhile. I tend to miss what he says.

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