Thanks for doin nothing vs smurfs

It’s always a joy to have this game pollutted both qp and comp.

One can literally avoid comp because no matter what will always be a coin toss

and in qp can only stay afk instead of sweating over a game lost inside the spawn.

seriously blizz stop counting money and punish this people who only want easier games because they can’t rank up anymore


What exactly would you propose that they do?


each time I get this question,


is like you go to a doctor and he tell you ‘‘what do you suggest to deal with your disease?’’


To my knowledge no sensible solution exists because you can’t police or gatekeep skill
The elo system is inherently flawed as a concept in a game like this. It can never be expected to serve its function. The only thing it accomplishes is that it provides some loose idea of where you are, some sense of progression and some recognition although it fails to do even this reliably.
It’s an outdated and redundant system.




Same treatment as for t500. Phone authentication. Like he said: its not on us to find something.


They’ve said they’re working on a solution, but that’s not likely to happen until Overwatch 2.

Meanwhile, the game has a major problem with smurfs now. It’s even worse on console where smurf accounts are free to make and thus there’s zero player accountability.

They need to do something about the smurf problem in game now, not in a year or two’s time when they finally decide to release Overwatch 2.

I mean, according to their own definition smurfing is cheating so why they aren’t actioning these players alongside the hacker ban waves that they do is baffling, to say the least.


I think that might be more effective for consoles than PC

We need transition to real money skins or will never end.

They are protecting smurfing in many ways, you can report cheating but not deranking and eloboosting (you can’t neither see eloboosting thanks to a patch).

Stop sell boxes, sell skins and you can start fight the smurfing (more level to join rankeds, phone number, serious bans against).


what skill? they call it cHeAtInG, you know Kappa xD

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the report categories at the end of the match are precise on what is reportable and only on what is reportable and nothing is about smurf derankers/elo boosting. After years of complains they prefer to ignore us.


Just join dark side, we have cookies!

“Dear Company making products with the goal of profit, stop working for profit and make me happy instead”.

I dislike smurfs, alot. But at the same time i understand why a company trying to maximize profit would be unwilling to stop people from getting more accounts which i assume is the games current main source of revenue.

Come Overwatch 2 with updated business models we might see it get abit better but i very much doubt it. I would assume that the cost of loosing some people to smurfs does not outweigh the profit of having people buy more accounts.

it is what it is.


Dear company, stop providing a elo service, then we cannot complain smurfs. You can’t do both, like chess do not.

I get your talk but other companies can make money fixing issues, here we have activision around… enough said.

2FA for comp. Make each player attach a phone number to be able to play comp.

Also, raise the level requirement to play comp, so smurfs have to waste more of their time in QP and Arcade to level up to get into comp.


I was also thinking a rank system like league of legend (gold 1/2/3/4/5) prob will make longer to rank up but prob for ow isn’t the best system :roll_eyes:

You can:

  • make the SR rules for new players more strict
  • add more time to establish a more precise skill rating before entering comp
  • add a “smurf bin” for suspected smurfs.
  • add additional authentication tools
  • counter the NEED to smurf with a tournament mode

according to the dev/streamer AMA the devs agree smurfing is a problem and apparently some of these things are on the way.


To be clear, the OP is talking about Quick Play.

Both qp and comps (20 chars