Thank you for ignoring 95% of sombra players

Ana can disable all healing for 5 seconds and stun you for 5. She is obviously completely fine.
Judging by your post history, you only want Sombra to bed bad because she is annoying. That is terrible balance philosophy. You also seem to underestimate the impact of the bugs. The bugs can cause you to lose a game, that’s how bad they are. They have lost me games, and i bet if you actually played Sombra, you would know. Also, the reason Sombra mains are unhappy about the changes is because they don’t improve Sombra, who is objectively the worst hero in the game. They are counter-nerfing the worst hero in the game, think about that.


I’ve found that she seems to be better and better the more intelligent the player. Which feels…right…for hero design.

Yeah I can maybe(big maybe because hack is the most bugged ability in the entire game) disable a hero that stays within range, now what?
I’m not even sure disable is the right work, you can still shoot, in fact, sombra still loses a lot of 1v1s due to every other hero being able to kill her in a split second while she requires 3 to MAYBE get the kill done, if the rng spread lets you.
Which is why you don’t usually go for picks with sombra.

I bring absolutely nothing else besides some support tier damage, in relies on my teammates YET AT THE SAME TIME there’s no clear indication for my teammates to instantly go for the hacked hero.
But it’s ok now because you gain “infinite” timers on abilities that were never limited by the timers, making these changes add absolutely nothing to her while nerfing tricks sombra players used.
It baffles me how people are not ok with a sombra hacking them but it’s perfectly fine to get one shot from the air 10 miles away or insta stunned and 100-10 by brig.

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Ironicly the best Sombra buff on the PTR is the Mercy nerf.

Base speed: 5.5 meters per second.

Live speed boost, 75%, 9.6 meters per second

Ptr speed boost, 50%, 8.2 meters per second

1.4 meter per second difference.

In 20 seconds, Sombra can cover 192 meters.

Ptr version would take 23 seconds.

But can then maintain that speed, reach further distances in shorter time than live Sombra.


i believe the most genuine game impacting difference between live and ptr will be limited but particular gaps that live can cover which ptr won’t be able to

If you look back through the past updates you’ll notice she’s casually being nerfed and destroyed every update.

That is not the problem, it doesn’t matters how long invis is when it’s used mainly to get across a path quickly to avoid detection, you need like 3-4 seconds to get past an enemy team while invis, not 30, in short distances movement got nerfed.
The big, huge nerf comes in her ability to go through certain pathways, the movement speed reduce means your ms is not enough to jump over certain ledges, effectively cutting flank routes like you said later.
Take away those numbers and and the only real “gain” in this change, is the ability to return to point maybe 3 seconds fast after you die, as a sombra that can’t even contest anymore.
On the other side, she loses points where it matters the most, why is the soon to be worst hero in the game getting these compromises?


The fact that translocator is the 3rd ability she has which becomes null and void in the face of damage, is the biggest nerf to her kit in my eyes.


Keep contributing to the poisonous mentality that is killing balance in Overwatch.
I’m sure it will never come back around to bite you when people decide that your favourite hero is suddenly unfun to play against.

That is just one of many, this entire change makes no sense.
The biggest nerf for me is the fact that I can’t no longer offensively use translocator, if I don’t activate it mid air it will just die to any random spray.
I don’t know how the balance team had these changes in mind, applied them and then said to themselves they’re good changes, how do these people keep their jobs.


Any player consideres hack the worst thing in this game. That’s why they nerfed sombra instantly after buffing her hack.

Anyone who thinks Hack is somehow worse than dying or being stunned is either delusional or doesn’t want Sombra to be good because she counters their favourite hero (the reason why OWL cried and got her nerfed before we even had a chance to see if the buff would have worked).
It’s not an insta-win button (Sombra isn’t Hanzo) it’s an ability that brings you down to her level, you can still move, you can still shoot back (with your superior weapon) and you can still be healed.


Bump because they have done the exact same thing with symmetra

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Trust me i know i have been writing on many threads about it now, but to me this truely is the worst part of it.
The mere fact that 75 % of her kit gets negated by 1 - 5 damage is a joke in it self.

I csn see it for me now: " emp is now cancelled upon 1 damage" but they would still make some small change and call it a buff

S;hhhh they will hear you!

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At this point I would support the “leaked” rework from Reddit where they would allegedly kill her off after Sombra uploaded herself to an android with a reworked kit.

It was blatantly faked, but at this point I would support it.

I think her winrate will go up. Probably not by a lot though. And she doesn’t feel that much better to play, it’s just a mild improvement, in a clinical sort of sense.

Like taking laxatives. It can cure you, but you won’t have fun.

I don’t really see how, seasoned sombra players lose tons of tricks that were life savers in several matchups or let you get away with some stuff while new sombra players will fall into the trap of sitting on stealth for 20 minutes doing nothing of notice.
This is not even counting the flavor of the day players playing a “buffed” hero

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It’s a problem, they can’t keep on doing this. There’s no point in having a PTR if they aren’t going to listen to the feedback.

Don’t forget that once you factor in the use of translocator as a movement bonus (to jump ahead or to advantageous ledges as shortcuts) the difference between the two becomes negligible. Not to mention even in a basic footrace from spawn to point, losing 1, maybe 2 seconds of time is definitely not the deciding factor for most games.