Thank you for ignoring 95% of sombra players

Then make bastion threads.
I’ve been making sombra threads since day 1 of ptr trying to communicate her issues with devs and they’ve always been completely ignored, same with many others like somvra.
Make your voice heard, at least


[Bastion is being forgotten]
[💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored]

We have been as Vocal as we can be, without being flagged for Spam…

The first of those two is near the post limit.
And there are MANY Others…

No, he really isn’t.
“Pirate ship” Is so heavily countered, that if you die, you basically HAVE To switch.


Okay, you’re clearly really slow because you missed my entire point of even posting in this thread at all to begin with. Read this carefully, okay. Take your time with it. Process it.

All you sombra players whining and complaining like this is the first time this kind of thing has ever happened in this game, you’re all stupid. This is like the 10th time this has happened. It very recently just happened, with Symmetra. A hero that I considered my main, because it was my favorite one to play, and I was very good with her. Symmetra was completely changed because of people who didn’t even play her, and look at her now. She’s worse now than she was before. But Blizzard still considers her a success, right, because now there’s people who never played her before to compare this 3.0 version of Symmetra to the 2.0 version of her which was actually really good, just because of popular opinion.

She’s more mobile now, so she’s more fun to play, and so now people are playing her and thinking “oooh she’s fun, but she kind of sucks” the reality is that she does really suck, and she didn’t before. And if you Sombra players think you’ve got it bad now, just put yourself in a Symmetra player’s shoes, and get some salt poured into that wound of yours.

Imagine now if a whole bunch of people started playing the new iteration of Sombra, and thought she was so much more fun now, and even advocated how great she is now, when they never actually played her before.

That’s the only reason I posted in this thread. So whatever stance you think I have on this subject, I can assure you, it’s wrong. Because I only play Sombra when I’m really bored and probably trolling. (Don’t act all high and mighty, we all troll sometimes, I’m just man enough to admit it.)

You’re implying so much for no reason, who the hell thinks this is a first?
I’ve been against the balance team constant screw ups forever, sym in particular felt bad as I played her a fair amount, but nowhere near enough to really feel like I can voice my concerns over symmetra mains as I don’t have the time invested in her as them so I steered away from that whole thing.

I’m talking about sombra because SHE’s my main hero, because this thread is about SOMBRA, because it’s the most RECENT example of the balance team not doing their job properly.
Instead of doing more for sym you come into a SOMBRA thread and complain that people are talking about SOMBRA.
Get real.


You remember what your post was?

Symmetra mains should shut up about the change and just keep playing her.

/s does not travel well over text


Actually I just found it really ironic, to be quite honest.
The only reason I’ve had to post here more than once is because I have to explain the simplest things to people here, in the greatest detail for anyone to understand anything.

So sorry man, but I’ll go ahead and spoil the ending for you: The Sombra changes go through, whether if you like them or not. Some people will like them, and they’ll advocate them and support them. The times they are a changin, no?

Have fun telling them that! I’ve been posting SoM bra change ideas and bug fixes for over a year now and no one cared while peoe seem to like the ideas.
This was the last one:

At this point, I just give up

Welcome to the club, day 1 of ptr here.
Of course they won’t listen and it’s why the game keeps sinking lower and lower, but at least it gives me peace of mind knowing I at least tried, and the off chance that they somehow do read at least a paragraph.

You never make a mistake if you say it was intended.

They are doing the right thing. The day sombra becomes half decent it is end of ow.

95%, huh? Did you make that number up? Or did you and the other patients who chew gum meet up in a secret meeting that filled a football stadium and take a little poll?

Sombra’s changes are the same reasoning behind the changes to Mercy’s original Resurrect. People were using Mercy’s ultimate as a reason to hide (avoiding playing) and then popping up to big effect. In Sombra’s case, people were simply hacking health packs and letting their team pick them up which filled Sombra’s ultimate. All the while, Sombra did not have to interact with the enemy or even fire a shot. With her ultimate ready, Sombra dives in, pops the ultimate, and runs away to repeat the same actions. Blizzard does not like it when a character never has to interact with the enemy. So, Sombra is suffering from radical changes and nerfs because the developers do not know exactly how to FORCE players to interact with the enemy team. And what changes they make just annoy people who liked hiding in a corner while their team fed them ultimate charge.

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Have a seat with the Mercy mains, who have just wanted a revert since the proposed rework . pats you on the back it’s ok friend


you can disable any hero’s abilities in 0.65 seconds. You don’t deserve to complain.

So sitting in permanent invisibility and having to translocate even further away from the team fight because your ENTIRE kit is now shut down by 1-5 tickle dmg is “interacting with the enemy” ?

We asked for buffs to make her viable in team pushes, not to spend more time doing nothing in the background away from everyone. So Blizz gave us the literal opposite, so now players can really not engage with the enemy by sitting in perm cloak for that “perfect moment” that will probably never come.

Like I said before, this PTR patch is for nobody.

New players will use her for 20 minutes, then go right back to their regular main heroes when they realize they can’t do a whole lot in a team fight and can get more done with 10% of the effort on someone else. All while driving the actual Sombra mains even further away from her. This Sombra patch helps nobody. I have close to 210 hours on Sombra and even I have been trying to pick up more Doomfist and Mei because I know the eventual shut down of my main hero is going to occur (if going by Blizzard’s previous track record.) Just bury Sombra next to Bastion and call it a day.

Let’s get that pickrate to 0% Blizz, I know we can do it!


Sitting invisible and not interacting with the enemy until your ultimate was charged was why Sombra got changed in the first place. Which is what I said previously.

I don’t recall reading Sombra players asking for buffs so she they would be more willing to team fight. From what I saw in the game, and on the OWL stage, was that players were perfectly happy to hack every health pack around their team, hide, wait for their allies to pick up the health packs so Sombra could get ultimate charge, and then drop in out of no where on the enemy team, pop her ultimate, and run away to repeat the process. Maybe getting in a parting shot on a low health hero on the way out. THAT is why Sombra got changed; she wasn’t, in Blizzard’s view, participating enough. And Blizzard doesn’t like it when players don’t participate.

Sombra isn’t even being touched in the current patch. So, I don’t know what it is you’re complaining about.

I’m not a Sombra player but shouldn’t the new changes allow Sombra to rollout faster?

That was the original Sombra and nobody enjoyed playing like that, me included. It was a lame play-style and became very boring/repetitive. But because her primary fire was so poor and the rest of her kit isn’t used to engage the enemy, but made to escape, you had no other option most of the time.

She’s currently in the PTR with a whole bunch of changes that only do harm to her overall. We need Sombra to be useful in team fights and not wasting time “setting up.” She’s a DPS hero with a kit that says 100% otherwise. Now her translocator can be destroyed by 5 damage, making it where it’s incredibly risky to use it in a team fight and you’re limited by where you can place it (no longer able to place it aggressively behind enemy lines because they can just shoot it.)

Check the PTR if you haven’t kept up with Sombra. They nerfed her hard. Made her slower, made her entire kit able to be shut down by 1-5 damage, made her aimed at wasting more time.

People have been asking for things like just her bugs to be fixed, some sort of indicator to your team that someone is hacked (just like Anti-heal is purple and Discord has the giant ball), things like that because every match turned into a 5 v 6 because Sombra was 20 miles from the team and has no weight in a team fight with her primary being so poor and her kit used to just escape. So they just doubled down on that and made it even HARDER to help in a team fight.

Cloak never runs out so now people are gonna just be sitting and hiding waiting for that “perfect moment” that most likely is never going to come. It’s also not able to contest the payload either and now 25% slower movement. And now translocator, as I said earlier, can no longer be used to be aggressive with your placement or to maneuver around a large team fight.

Wait till that PTR patch goes live (which is will, because Blizz hasn’t listened to the enormous waves of feedback from us Sombra players.).

If you thought Sombra just sat camping to leave your team 5 v 6, baby, you haven’t seen nothin’ yet.



Trade that amazing hack for a stun!

No deal? Didn’t think so.

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I don’t play Sombra. So, to be honest, I’m not that involved in the changes Blizzard makes to her.

What do you mean there is no indicator that Sombra has hacked someone? Do you mean an indicator to your teammates that you’ve been hacked like how Ana’s potion turns you purple for a few seconds? Yeah, I could see that being viable.

Sombra is suppose to be a quick get in get out character now with infinite inisablity you got all the time in the world. Take a bathroom break, make a sandwhich, take your dog for a walk.

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