Thank you dive for killing the game

Balance is balance. If brig isn’t breaking the game now, she could have been amended then too

Other heroes who caused multi tanks over balance:


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Good for them but just wants to enjoy more aim intensive heroes, cause we only have 7 supports now. Not saying they should only add aim extensive heroes. For me personnaly I would like another one, if people don’t want to I’m not bothered.

That’s fine. I just didn’t get that from your op. Because of the Ana v brig mention.

There’s seven supports. Comparison of any sort imo, seems unwarranted. If it was just a “I would like more aim heroes” post, I wouldn’t have hyper focused on any one thing.

You like aim heroes … That’s fine :woman_shrugging:t5:

It was just one sentence, so I understand that people could not get it. I enjoy both moira/brig just as much as I enjoy ana. I’m not one of the: moira/ brig is brain dead.

That’s cool.

So do I. But that’s why the one aspect stood out to me. …

The rest of the post seems intent based and not like a full dissertation on why and how dive balancing and actions lead to certain formats of release or whatever.

Just, pointing to your perception of how the history of the game played out … that’s fine. I have my own view. glares at Mercy

But , I think the last bit is where you get people making aim and brain dead discussion, versus the overall point of what I think is your actual point

I mean if people don’t get it, it’s up to them at this point, I have an edit on my post, check it out. You really hate mercy don’t you? LOL, can’t blame you I hate hanzo with a burning passion.

Are we going back to this now? Deflecting blame away from an obviously-atrocious initial hero design that didn’t need to be the way it was to counter Tracer?

Most players never even experienced a real Tracer or real Dive. Every player experienced Brigitte 1.0.

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It’s on my edit the devs did a poor job designing her. Brigitte was meant to be something completely else, and we’re gonna see that on an other hero.

Puts on tinfoil hat
She…is the reason for everything bad in this game

Imo, if she isnt atrocious now…that’s not design issues. That’s balancing

Ana isn’t considered bad design for having caused triple tank as a meta. Which, in today’s era, would be the equivalent of “sombra goats”

Goats with a dps :woman_shrugging:t5:

So moth meta killed overwatch, explains a lot of things actually, lol.


My salt with Mercy is a compiled list of things back to her initial pull from her original design.

I have no beef with mercy in any one thing including moth which, imo, wasn’t too hard to play around since mercy was wildly popular and therefore a lot of people weren’t actually good and super predictable.

It’s a compilation of her history, design and influence that add up to a negative product.

I disliked her during her first 60 hps buff…

That salt came when they decided to talk about how she was a main healer.

Feel free to read my salt if you would like. But overall, I don’t put any blame on any hero at any time.

I don’t like plenty of heroes. But I also tend to not like a lot of things

i don’t like pizza ffs

So it’s a love rellationship, and what kind of monster doesn’t like pizza. I’m reporting you.

I am confusion

It’s…smooshy and …the cheese is oily and…no…just no…

I guess you wouldn’t like …





Wanted to say love hate relationship. PIneapple pizza? That’s just criminal.

No… I can appreciate her like how I appreciate that most people like pizza…but…honey traps are not my thing

It’s Canon. Finally. Some lore I can get behind :triumph::triumph::triumph:

For me mercy 1.0 was replaced by some sort of a disgusting alien. THAT’S canon.

The majority were not lol


From what I can recall, Dive became a thing after Hog (a known Winston buster) got nerfed, and was strong enough to carry games, which enabled Genji and Tracer to destroy everyone in their wake.

This was understandably bad, but the reason why Moira and Brig got added was because of Mercy players. The devs noticed the outcry from a playerbase that all wants to do is heal as they play a hero that requires no aim (nothing wrong with that. I don’t think it makes Mercy braindead.) so Moira was created to fit those specifications, thinking that people will like her as much as Mercy, and will have easy time dealing with flankers, heal, and escape.

Then Brig got introduced, who resembles the demands from people who don’t use aim intensive heroes. Brig needed to be so strong as to stop an entire meta, but she created another.

I think if the devs wanted to created supports to counter flankers, they should have added something as hard to play. I’d love to see supports with high mobility like Mercy but with the mechanical skills of Ana. I think that would be interesting to see.

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…the moment triple tank meta ended and dps freed, we started hearing a lot of support being free kills because support players were never battle-tested in triple tank and didn’t know what to do when they are directly pressured.

I always thought it’s funny how a lot of support players complain and say they don’t just want to be healbots, but hate flankers the most because taking supports out of their healbot comfort zone is exactly what flankers do.

Feel a lot of supports just want to bot far at the backline healing and dps without counter pressure, and be the last on the team to die.

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