Thank you dive for killing the game

Remember when tracer and dive as a whole was so strong they first added moira with her easy aim to kill genji and tracer and deal with the damage they deal with her ultra healing.

Then they introduced us to brig the power house that destroyed dive AND any other comp and SHE created goats.After that we began to see very questionnable buffs and nerfs, reaper mei etc… Then they introduced Ashe (their most well balanced hero since release, still shooketh, how did they manage to do that for once?) thinking her dynamite would deal with goats, it was an ultimate failure.
People hated the support role after that for being soooo “braindead” since we had two supports in a row who don’t require much aim and were just I exist thus I win (especially for brig).
So instead of nerfing dive they added one of the most controversial heroes hated from bronze to to gm to top 500.

PS: Not hating on brig, I main her, moira, ana and mercy, but I wish we had more ana and less brig, ability design wise.

Edit: There’s people who thought this post was a serious one, no meta killed the game the devs did.


the game wasn’t fun as supports because you’d basically just try to survive more than 5 seconds


Blizzard didn’t nerf tracer because they didn’t think it makes sense to nerf a hero where 80% of players were already bad at playing her and couldn’t get value.

Brig did severely damage the game though. She was a broken hero where 80% of the players were very “good” with.


Is it weird that I read the topic title to the Golden Girls theme?


Everyone remembers dive through rose colored lenses. It wasn’t all that great either.


And like most metas, it wasn’t employed that often, and people who try to recreate it can’t necessarily pull it off. People tried to do it all last week, and unsurprisingly found it very hard and easily counterable if they didn’t perform it correctly.

the only true metas that people played in all ranks in overwatch were Beyblade, quad/triple tanks + Ana, Moth, gravdragon, triple tanks + Brig, and bunker.


I mained supports during Dive. It was the greatest time for supports because they would carry depending on their ability to survive.

I mastered GA mechanics and hit GM with Mercy on my main account due to GA discipline and proper positioning. During dive supports with the best gamesense survived longer and contributed more to a fight.


Not that I don’t believe you, but the meta picks back then were lucio/zen as during dive GA wasn’t nearly as good as it is today. Neither Superjump nor Slingshotting was in the game yet- those came with mercy’s rework, after Moira was introduced.

While mercy definitely saw her playtime- especially as Ana completely sucked with only 60dps- getting to GM as mercy was questionable as the mechanic to abuse mass rez was still in the game.

Mercy was still a great pick on ladder. I would argue that even today, ladder has more viable heroes than OWL. Heroes like Sym thrive off being off-meta so people poorly try to counter her strats.

Not doubting you- I played Mercy back then too, I play her and Symm now too. Just pointing out a couple of discrepancies. It would be impossible to have completely mastered GA’s mechanics given that they didn’t exist at the time and Mass Rez could very easily artificially inflate people’s SRs.

Sorry but I don’t see it.

We have

And then

And Lucio kind of in the middle

I don’t see where there is an issue in types of heroes.

It’s pretty even from what I see


:lipstick: Well of course my SR was artificially inflated. Mercy’s performance SR gain was based off the amount of people you rezzed.

So I mastered hiding with my ult and rezzing whenever possible even if it is not a good move (Like rezzing after we won the team fight). That way I only lost 8 sr and gained 35.

Then she got reworked and I maintained gm and now I camp that rank by only playing 5 games a season on my main.

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I liked dive a lot. I didn’t like being commanded into it :woman_shrugging:t5:

If dive wasn’t fun for supports, then why would high rank support players say that the game would be fun with Genji & Tracer being meta again.

Swimmer said in a recent Boston Uprising video that ‘if Genji and Tracer were super meta again, it would be kinda fun’.

Good supports didn’t mind dive, it was only the bad supports which got farmed by flankers that hated it.

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Would work better with “dive” removed

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Yeah, of the metas that have formed since I’ve been playing, I would say Dive is honestly in the bottom three in terms of my enjoyment (alongside Double Sniper and right now). I frankly got a lot more enjoyment out of the game while GOATS, Double Barrier (before the tank overhaul), and Bunker were meta.


Goats was my fave because all five people in gm on ladder could do it. And no one else.

I love off meta heroes and symm 2.0 and sombra v brig on launch was like …ult fodder :joy::joy::joy:

And since my friends were all sniper mains… Brig wasn’t really an issue.

Finally… A chance to shine on symm


genji and tracer in low ranks were doing as fine as other dps, because they were hard to play and left you more then enough room to equally fight back, same goes for gm supports which is why they want dive back.

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indeed, bad supports who were very bad at the game who are now plat and diamond with moira and brig.


They never even tried to nerf tracer/genji directly. I’d rather they actually balanced them at the time than release brig as broken as she was. People try to laugh it off but brig really did kill most of the momentum this game had at the time. People also forget how bad it really was…I mean it got to the point where the voice actress for brig was getting harassment. That’s obviously terrible and should never happen, but it gives you an idea of how much brig was hated…