Thank You, Aria Rose

is this our glorious cult daily meeting thread?


how do you feel about this ? hoenstly i feel calling people cultist is taking a game wayyyyy to far

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I definitely heard that part, but that was saying that anyone “with a brain” understands that the “Cult” thing doesn’t really make sense and is used in the wrong way.

I definitely heard it, but I think we’re taking it different ways.

Hey Aria how did you think about BTC’s video on mercy?

Didnt they gave u memership yet? like u seem pretty devoted :joy:

Guys… Aria is about to be eggsposed.
She says she is a spy…
She makes youtube videos…
This only means one thing…
She’s a dorito eGirl


It was cringy as a joke, but it’s gotten way out of hand.

I disagree with a few things, but it wasn’t a terrible video. ^^

they will soon. i just have to purchase another ow account and name the battletag ‘ariasminion’, such an honour i must say. i am delighted and excited. long live mercy and glory to our cult!

What did you disagree with? I’m kinda curious

c’mon respond on me i dare you, you cant you made the most silly mistake ever as a youtuber but you wont defend your own words and this is where your opinion loses power as a youtuber.

Oh gosh, I don’t remember. I watched the video like, when it came out. xD

I wish i had your motivation.

Call me crazy, but you’re a lot nicer on the forums than the YouTube channel. What’s with the difference of energy? Entertainment purposes?

Forums dont make money, when she clickbaits on yt it does.

But she simply wont respond on a part of her vid she made her self XD

Hmm, could be that it’s easier to actually discuss. On Youtube, I’m usually bombarded with hostile comments. It’s much more relaxed here. Maybe I’m just on edge too much.

relaxed??? sis do you see the stuff these guys are saying?

no on the forum you cant fav the comments aways, no one likes u but a few people.

I remember one of the points being that rez as an ult only resetted the fight rather than save it. When I heard that I thought mercy mains wouldn’t agree with that. So what’s your opinion on that?

“Again this [using the term cult/cultists] may seem laughable to people who actually have a brain [ie: people are finding cult/cultist as a way to discredit a mains’ fanbase], but it’s spreading and that is bad”

At least there’s how I understood it.

Did you hear a different connotation in it? I am legit curious as to how you heard it.

I mean, like I said earlier, I really don’t think a video about this needed to be done, however Aria as free to make whatever content she wants.

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Maybe is because is only the same 1 or 3 people that attack her here in the forums

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