Thank You, Aria Rose

Moving halfway is generously false. People could move around 1 meter and could not use any abilities or fire anything during these frames.

Also I can see you’re just going to repeat yourself saying resurrect doesn’t have any counter and that it’s just vastly superior.

I have proven otherwise, I have named the counters and every possibility, I even compared resurrect’s counters with sound barrier and such and I can’t see any form of real argument that proves otherwise on your side.

Let me just stop right here as it’s a waste of time trying to talk to you.

You can say I’m the thick headed prick here but I’ve given my fair share of arguments and you can’t say anything appart from ‘‘resurrect has no counter’’ so I won’t answer as it’s not needed.

I believe I’m in the right here. Good day/evening to you.

Can u help me out ? since i am a troll when i do it,

could u listen to what she says from 1.08 to 1.25 in her latest vid ? she simply wont comment on this.

smh very sad like honestly you sound so dumb

wel she called people like u brainless :slight_smile: yet you miss it.

Her explaining that the idea of Mercy mains being a cult is a bad thing representation of the community ?

Which, she isn’t wrong about. I call them a cult when I’m clowning around. In the end it’s just a vocal community, one of the only two (next to D.Va.)

This gives it the feeling of a cult, or a Hive. In the end, Mercy and D.Va mains make up most of the forums, and they’re also the most vocal.

Ana is a must pick now. I’m sick of the Ana meta, she needs to be nerfed.

The whole cult/cultist thing is giving me high school flashbacks when people would spend a week using the “newest burn” they heard from a ComedyCentral Roast.

Did a video need to be made on it? No, there really was no real need for one in my opinion; but again her choice on what content she makes.

its not what i mean, if you listen very closely and when u type it out you see how she actually thinks about the people that follow her.

see the problem with this is nerfs dont solve everything ana was so niche for so long , the reason shes strong is because people know how to use her just like widow , probably the best dps in the game yet her skill floor is super high making up for that fact that she can one shot any squishy

I don’t see it. 1:08-1:25? Type out a transcript, maybe I’ll see what you mean.

I didn’t really mind the OWL skins either. They were both pretty bad* anyways

True. xD I think the problem is they might make more, better ones. Sitting and watching OWL is just… ugh. x.x

I like OWL. NYXL and Dallas were my boys, but then they dropped xQc and I lost a lot of interest in the team

I wish
I struggle to find D.Va threads to satiate my thirst.

Everyone dont believe her lies. This Aria is a spy.

I’m onto you :thinking:

1.08 -1.25

“This isnt exclusive to mercy how ever as you can see from this screenshot basically any mains his fan base that has enough people to be vocal is called a cult, again this may seem laughable to people who actually have a brain, but its spreading and that is bad”

cmon you are so selective with what you hear you dont even notice this .

Edit: her words not mine.

D.Va mains only speak when she’s under fire :joy:

Edit: They’ve always been that way

Oh dear gosh, I thought the age of Spychecking was over!

Welp, I’ll go get my Flamethrower…


D: They’re on to me… runs away


Care to respond on your own vid miss youtuber? or are you afraid?