Thank you Aria Rose, #ReworkMercy #ReworkBastion. Mercy ideas for change

That’s OK. The positivity and an open discussion both in support and even in opposition is exactly what we want. Even if its here. The goal is purely to get a healthy and productive discussion going.

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I personally think the problem is that the community is once again split on what it means to be “fun”.

For instance, I see absolutely zero fun in wallriding as Lucio and booping people off the map. It’s a very honorless thing, I think, to make use of map borders to kill people. But some others find it fun, so I don’t know.

Personally, I think the flying-to-people-and-healing bit is very fun. I don’t need to personally be making the big plays. That’s what being a support means in my opinion–I enable others to make the big plays. That is probably hindered by the fact that the recent 50hp/s nerf didn’t exactly do Mercy favours in terms of the healing, which I think can certainly be addressed by your suggested buff.

I still enjoy Mercy’s mobility, her damage boost, her healing, and even Valkyrie. I don’t see what people find so unfun about it, but if you are using Valkyrie as a spectator mode, you’re probably doing something wrong


I feel like this thread is a good leap in the right direction…

Like we’ve already started something larger. :smiling_imp:
Anybody else feel that way?

The well structured conversation in this place has re-lit the fire in my soul.



Roadhog players: Reaper hard counters Roadhog
Reaper players: Roadhog hard counters Reaper

…Wait a second…

Maybe we should look into how armor has made both our heroes irrelevant…and guess who designed the armor hero…

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I would just like to say thank you everyone for staying civil and not back lashing against everyone’s ideas but instead improving on them and inputting your own ideas.:heart:


That and the two heroes were simply being played more in the wrong places, and less in the right environment due to those changes, which has made them feel clunky and downright weird.

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I, salute you.

For creating a positive environment so early into your time on these forums.
(Assuming you’re new from your lack of posts)


I wasn’t necessarily talking about using wall ride to get kills or do obscene amounts of damage. I was speaking in terms of something to improve upon. Because that’s where I find mercy unfun. I find very little (right now) that separates a good mercy from a great mercy, and when I do play mercy…what should I do to do better? (aside from just better timing or better positioning)

You’re right, those 5 hours of comp this season look like you’re an expert at knowing what’s going on in ladder.

I don’t see the negative in what they are doing.
I mean I don’t agree that Mercy needs a full rework or revert, but I have not seen anything negative from saying that. I think a little change would make her playable.
I think mass res needs to stay dead.
And I like Titanium. :slight_smile:


And here we go op…
This is the point where a thread finally has traction and a LOT Of people start talking.

Be prepared for less… “fun” conversations, while probably keeping the peace.

You’ll see a few more rando’s coming in just to “flag and move on”
Pay them no attention, for they harm only themselves.


Hm…I won’t pretend to be a Mercy expert, but from what I see, good Mercy and great Mercy players do differ quite significantly. Due to smaller healing output, heal prioritization is more important than ever. It’s significantly less beneficial to be pocketing a tank, but rather spreading the heals around. Considering the raw numbers, it heals around 2x the amount of Zenyatta’s orb, and THAT certainly has skill to who to heal at what time.

And like you said, positioning and definitely key, as well as managing skills like the guardian angel vertical boost which I still cannot perform. I don’t suppose you counter Valkyrie battle angel as a skill to be mastered, but either way, I don’t think its particularly fair to exclude the two main skills of a hero and ask what other skills she requires.

Like i said, things like burst heal on guardian angel target (with a cooldown) or more fluid rez can certainly improve the skill requirement of the hero, but Mercy herself as of now isn’t Bastion levels of unfun in my opinion. She still has a role and a place, which is unfortunately better than around 5 to 6 other heroes

There’s some stuff here I agree and disagree with here. Dispite my earlier comment, I still enjoy Mercy and play her frequently. I really enjoy the mobility and enhanced mobility Valk gives me.

On the other hand, I can totally understand why people are frustrated with this version of mercy. Outside of rez (which is easily punished and feels bad to use) there is no real “hero” moments for Mercy.

I think that’s part of what makes her so polarizing. From my experience, everyone wants to be able to shine or be particularly great at something. Some sort of unique role or niche that allows the player to show off why they are good and useful.

Mercy lacks a clear way of showing off. And I don’t mean that to say that only those who are being vain or something don’t like her. Her power is hard to appreciate and often feels overshadowed by others, even if she is doing a solid job.

Everyone wants to feel strong or useful. It’s fun to feel that way. It’s just hard to evoke those same feelings with Mercy currently I think. And again, this isn’t to say I think she is bad.


Titanium is a saint.

This is your opinion, and you show that well.
Good on you.

And the conversation is what gets people thinking.
Gears turning… Like a well oiled machine.

Me either. :mag::face_with_monocle:

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This is very true, but might I ask how you would suggest some form of “showing off” (for lack of better word) for Mercy?

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Aria is the most passive aggressive person in existence lmao positive


Something i feel like that’s needed is some sort of boost in ultimate charge when a successful res is pulled of so that it feels a tad more rewarding for the risky resses that have been completed.

In my opinion, Mercy is not only viable, but excellent; and I know of no valid stats to back up your statement


I mean, there are good and positive people in every group just as there are bad and negative people

As far as I see, people who want tweaking for mercy aren’t all that different from me wanting buffs for Reaper. I respect them for it even if some opinions make me roll my eyes

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