Thank you Aria Rose, #ReworkMercy #ReworkBastion. Mercy ideas for change

If you haven’t already, please add this to the hashtag. We want to see posts like this that don’t necessarily agree with doing a rework, and their reasons for their stances. Nothing constructive comes from having an echo chamber of people who want a rework; we benefit and our ideas evolve from considering additional perspectives who do not want a rework, but we have to know why people don’t want a rework in order to do so.

With apologies, I dont think you and I have watched the same videos


With apologies…

I’m in at least one of those videos.

As near as i can tell, not the ones I have watched, then.

To me, it seems natural that a person involved with a youtuber would speat highly of the youtuber


If we start allowing plats to balance the game, you will see the game die instantly.

Look, I AM a plat on multiple accounts. And the things i believe are not what’s best for the game.

I think it’s a sin such a bad one trick could have a cult following probably highest below pros and streamers


Hoi Chibi! :slight_smile: Howzit?

Unfortunately I don’t think many people (including myself) will do that because it seems we are in support of the rework movement. You probably wouldn’t see people asking for Brigitte nerfs tagging “deletebrig” because it’s just not the same thing.

As a short summary of my opinions though,

  1. Statistically Mercy is performing fairly decently
  2. Fun is completely subjective–I personally still find Mercy “fun”
  3. Mercy still has a definitive role in the game, which is more than what many characters can say

On the other hand, I do support tweaks:

  1. The healing nerf was too far (60->50)
  2. Mercy lacks any “showing off” moments or skills that give the player a positive feedback (See Lazypeon’s comment for more details)
  3. Rez is extremely clunky and contradictory to the original principle which led to the removal of mass rez

The only reason I find credit in putting mass rez back is that it was the ultimate that encouraged ult economy instead of being the current “I have more Qs, therefore I win”

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Well then why take your time to make large sweeping statements if you haven’t even watched the content you are speaking about.

I simply do not take well to people talking bad about someone who i have spoken to directly, and know for a fact is a genuinely helpful and honest person.

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Honestly better than i would expect.

This is the million dollar question and what we’re trying to find. This is exactly why we’re looking for what people like, dislike, want, don’t want, and both from the perspective of Mercy and non-Mercy players.

We want a way to show off as a good Mercy without her being OP or a must pick. We want her to have counters and weaknesses and places she shines and others she doesn’t and have not only all healers but all styles of plays be viable. We recognize that is a lofty and likely unobtainable goal as certain things will have to be limited. That is why we want the best middle ground where everyone is happy, but that can’t happen unless everyone is at the table contributing.

“Involved with”

I have had conversations with this person, both vocally and through these forums.

I know very good and well where i stand when it comes to opinions about balance in this game, and she wanted to know those opinions.

And from talking with her, i know that she is a decent human being.


Factually, I have watched the content I am speaking of

Our experiences differ


Unless you want to argue “Experiences” I’m only here for factual conversation.

Mainly surrounding Mercy and her balance.

I would simply defend the name of a good person, given the chance.

I can assure you that I would defend a good person as well

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Well then we’re both soldier’s from the same battalion.
Put down your sword, pick up your rifle and follow me to the trenches.
We’ve got a hero to fix.

ChibiFox vs Megadodo summarized:

Agree to disagree? It’s clear that is about the only way that it will end, so might as well just cut right to the chase and move on to more important things.



We are not on the same side.

Factially, I am pro mercy, you are anti mercy.

There is as i see it no work to be done

In my opinion - this particular hero ain’t broke, so no fixing needed


To be frank, I don’t know the proper solution. I’ve had a couple rework ideas I’ve posted in the past, though I’m not sure if it would work or leave her in a balanced place.

My main issues with her are with rez on E. It’s a really strong ability that is hard to appreciate because of all the downsides, and I think it has been the source to a lot of her balancing issues.

I would like to see Rez moved back to ult in some manner (maybe not mass rez persay). My personal idea would he to move a valk to E to give her more interactive gameplay and change valk somewhat.

For example, I would probably cut the time on valk to about half of what it is now, chain beams do half the healing your main beam does, CD being about 20 seconds, starts when valk ends, change so self regen doesn’t keep healing through damage (numbers of course would be subject to change).

In exchange, rez could be buffed up to feel satisfying (instant? Increased range?)

This does a couple things for her. First, it gives Mercy a more consistent way to increase healing output when things are going bad. Mercy is the support. She should have a consistent way of amplifying that.

Secondly, it makes her have to choose how to use Valk. Valk is tied to being a defensive for mercy (increased mobility and range) as well as tied to enhancing her kit and boosting allies.

Mercy will have to make the choice on whether she needs more healing right at this moment, possibly using a major defensive with a fairly long CD, or saving it for when that Tracer is giving her a run for her money.

I think Valk is a lot of fun. I know a lot of people would disagree with me there, and say it’s boring. I think that’s partially because they are right, it only enhances mercy’s base kit for a lengthy timeframe. With that said, I think having the ability to increase your base kit when it’s not tied to your ultimate (which is supposed to often be seen as game changing) would make it feel better.

Lastly, having rez tied into her ult allows Blizz to give it more “oomph” so to speak so it does feel satisfying to use. Being able to rez someone in this game is huge, and I think being able to do so quickly and more efficiently would be a good way to help her feel better. Your Rein got caught between blocking a DVA ult and Bob? That’s okay. You can bring him back to the fray quickly.

I think overall this would increase her skill ceiling slightly without making her broken while simultaneously making her more enjoyable. I could be wrong, and I’m totally open to that, I’m nota game dev haha!

Anyway, I’m on my phone just spitballing. As I prefaced this, I’m not sure what the correct solution is to her.

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May not be broken… neither is my wrench.

But i need a shovel.