Teach me how to dodge a firestrike

LOL you aren’t 2000 SR above me. You haven’t even placed in comp.

I’m not stuck in Gold. You just made that up out of thin air. I dropped into Gold this season due to disconnecting. I have a positive winrate, and I’m presently in the top 13% of Moiras on Overbuff. I can, and am, climbing.

All I’m doing is asking for help with a specific gameplay issue. I even isolated a clip from three angles to show exactly what’s going wrong. If you can’t work with that, then maybe you shouldn’t be offering to coach people.

Restate his question please.

Im 4200 on one account and 4300 on another. Yes, i’m 2000 SR above you.

As for being stuck in gold, sorry. You’re currently in gold. And unable to climb out. Congrats on being top 13% of Moiras, i guess lmao.

No coach can take a clip of 5 seconds of gameplay from 3 different angles, where a glitch happened, and give you any meaningful advice, whether they’re a professional coach or not. If you want actual coaching, send a full vod in, not a flukey 5 second clip.


You keep pointing to my rank like it means something in this conversation. I never complained about my rank, SR, or winrate. I didn’t even complain about losing matches. I didn’t blame my teammates or cheating or smurfing. You made up all of these things on your own out of nowhere, then you reacted belligerently to your own strawman while claiming to be high-ranked on an unranked bronze border account.

I asked very specifically for help learning how to dodge Firestrikes better, because as the video shows, my best effort just seems to make the problem worse. If you can’t understand or handle that, then don’t try to turn all this into a problem that you imagine you can.

How to dodge firestrike? Keep distance. It has a very telegraphed animation and sound cue, so you’ll have plenty of time to react.

Obviously in your clip, this was a flukey glitch, my tip wont help a ton there, but in 99.% of cases, distance and decent reaction time will save ya from getting firestruck.


Now we’re getting somewhere!

So when this “flukey glitch” is happening 4 or 5 times per match to some degree (this being an extreme but not uncommon example), the solution is to stand further back? What happens when I’m in the last room in Eichenwalde and there’s only 5-10m of space left? That would take me out of healing range, and our Rein had been getting massacred all match long, despite the gas and the orb and the other healer on him every engage.

If this is happening 4-5 times a match, something is wrong with your system lmao.

Anyway, like i said, you can react to the noise and animation of it, that gives you plenty of time to side-step it, basically make it so your rein isnt directly in between you and enemy rein. Most of the time, the enemy rein is firestriking your rein, and since firestrike only goes in a straight line, you can be anywhere besides DIRECTLY behind your rein and have plenty of time to react.

If you wanna send more clips of yourself getting gobsmacked by firestrikes, i can tell ya what else you’re doing wrong.


You could have just said “one to 6” or “one person or more”


Lol 17 characters…

that’s a very wierd glitch, genji’s cam shows him deflecting it in the open area, but, even if it corrected it’s angle it should have accounted for wall being in the way, yet let that firestrike go through

anyway, your positioning in this particular scenario was good enough, it was just a funky glitch
no way it happens in every match of yours, though, so this is not what keeps you at this rating
analyze that match in full, analyze what you heard, but ignored, what you saw, but ignored, what you should have noticed, but did not look around for, who your team was focusing and if you helped them with damaging that target, who needed to get some hp and was on your screen, but did not receive any topping

It’s not so much the firestrike in specific as it is projectiles in general. This was deflected, so maybe the physics changed to match genji’s primary attack or something.

More often it’s Junkrat bombs. I’ll hear the launcher, then see the projectile arcing toward me over a long distance (and out of LOS) and just as I dodge it I get hit. Sometimes I just blow up with no warning, as though I got hit with 3 at once even though only one was visible. This is from a Junkrat 30m away or more, behind walls or obstacles. I’ve had traps dropped directly on me from way out of range, too.

Always happens when there is 30 sec left before the objective times out or the round ends.

So I figure I need to learn a new way to dodge, because running sideways from projectiles suddenly isn’t working anymore.

No such thing :wink: it only changes angle and now goes from genji to where his crosshair was at the moment the deflected thing hit the deflect hitbox

There are some clips where hanzo arrows obviously miss the player, but then the trail in replay autocorrects and jumps back into player model from behind, but in your replay that correction had to acknoledge there was wall in the way, which it did not
e-sports ready, you know XD

junkrat’s nades have i little window of opportunity before exploding if there was no direct hit, so you may accidentally run back into it

what do you mean? that junkrat could not throw them that far from himself or that it triggers pretty remotely? First - junk from high ground or airborn can send trap decently far ahead, second - have you ever looked at trap attack hitbox? it can charge onto wallriding lucio with a chance of being instabroken, cause you know, lucio got quite nice speed

Yeah gota be careful with those traps out of LOS hacks


That would make sense if that line of attack existed at some point and was just late in rendering or something. But I was never that far out of cover. There was never a moment when a straight Firestrike would have hit both Rein and me.

I had no idea that was going to happen, but I was expecting the enemy Rein to Firestrike, and for a while I thought it was him. Had to watch the replay and see that he never used his E before I figured it out. I was more worried about Soldier. You can see how much I overreacted when I heard his rocket, which ended up hitting the shield on a trajectory that would have ended where I was going (left, again).

I spent some time trying to find other clips of “glitchy” projectiles, but they either contain such strong evidence of cheating that I would not be allowed to post them here, or they look like a series of very lucky coincidences. I’m not going to make a montage of every match in my Replay list to prove that I’m encountering this kind of “glitchy” stuff every time I queue. It sucks because I really wanted to show a Junkrat clip, but at .25x speed, it’s clear he’s using an aimbot. The crosshair consistently snaps (fast movement, precise stop, no overcorrection) to a position ahead of his target, and he pre-fires at targets behind corners and walls that he has no vision on. That’s not really what I wanted to show. I’ll make a note to get another clip when I notice the “I just blew up when all I saw was one bomb and I dodged it” stuff.

My dude that is the best Moira advice anyone could give.


looks like a combination of latency and scuffed map design, I have seen firestrikes do that before, I’m pretty sure there is a similar spot in hollywood server room near first point where moire orbs and firestrikes travel through walls because some cheap game model glitch

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It might be possible if you shut of your internet

If I told you that a Firestike stopped in midair, changed its mind, hopped over 5m and hit me center of mass while running deeper into cover, you probably wouldn’t believe that either unless I posted video evidence.

Oh, wait, NVM.

I’ll get a clip of Junkrat next time I see it. It happens more when I’m tanking than healing.

I had this happen to me on Moira as well on a different map. You actually reminded me to upload the video and ask why it happened lol

Edit: Here is my clip


folks, file that in bug reports forum, two separate instances of this recorded already

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Dude like seriously? You are stuck in gold. Your tank rank is not even gold, your dps is low gold and support mid gold and you have high level, YOU ARE Stuck. Unless you deranked on purpose.