Oh, but they had gotten close back in October. Rush was played, Dive was played, and Double Shield was played.
I mentioned this before, but there will never be a meta that is constantly the most desirable. People got tired of Dive, and it went away and was replaced with Rush. They got tired of Rush, so they cried for Dive. Dive came back, and people still complained. We’re in Rush, and people are complaining about that.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
People will complain when any meta is overly dominant. So the goal is to make all play styles niche.
No they didn’t. That was just a transitional phase between metas where people didn’t know what the meta was.
And even with that, that only helps out the top 2-5% of players, where everybody else gets to deal with Rein or Lose.
The meta was more dependent on the map.
Stop forcing your world of warcraft league of legends stereotypes on a shooter.
Tanks are the big-guy-with-the-bigger-gun that will tear you apart if you try and take him head on. He is easy to hit and won’t win a fight if you keep your distance, but he does a huge amount of damage.
At least some people still get this.
How ridiculous would the heavy weapons guy be if he did less damage than a scout or a pyro?
Yeah, and if they went back to that exact same patch it would be Sigma/Ball meta with almost no tank variety.
Just as it was a patch or so later.
“People don’t know what the meta is yet” isn’t a state you can keep the game in consistently.
Given a month or two, GM will always find a way to slim down the game to 8-10 heroes taking up 95% of the pickrate.
And faster if there’s a tournament season on that patch. (Which there wasn’t, in October).
You have no evidence of that.
One would think that after 4+ years people would be able to get a hold of the new meta sooner. In fact, they do. It rarely takes over 2 weeks for the new meta to appear and in October, they new the meta and the meta was dependent on the map.
Agreed. And that’s because there’s rarely a situation where pros aren’t on the same or similar patch as GM.
Pros were still on SuperHog meta patch in October.
I didn’t pay attention to what scrims were like, but I do recall several of the people saying that the meta was dependent on the map more than ever.
Yup, the ladder situation for Masters/GM was map dependant. For 4 weeks, where nobody had idea what the meta was because of all the radical shifts, and pros giving no guidance.
But even if you shake a snow globe extra hard, eventually it will all settle down.
It doesn’t take 4 weeks for people to find a meta. And as I mentioned, even the pros were saying things were way more map dependent than before.
Apparently it does take them that long to realize Sigma and Brig weren’t actually bad.
Because that is what it took for them to move from one meta to the next.
The same thing happened with people thinking mercy was bad, and Slambulance was the meta, only for mercy to become meta later.
There was a balance patch that happened that caused Brig and Sigma to rise and ruin the state the game was in back in October
Before that balance patch, things were more map dependent than they ever were before
I want you to understand that I never said it was perfectly map dependent. Only that it was close, the closest we’ve ever had in a long time.
Let’s assume that was the case.
So what you’re saying there is that removing the main sources of AntiDive made the meta more diverse?
And that when DoubleBarrier was relegated to a cheese comp, we could actually have some Tank diversity?
No, I’m saying the game was more map dependent than ever before back in October
In October…with the pickrates shown above.
Where Sigma, Orisa, Mei, Bap, Brig weren’t picked hardly at all.
And high tier was primarily focused on low/medium durability comps.
Is this a another d.va buff thread (silly imo due to her otps)
Or a thread asking for a correct tank balance? (valid)
Double Shield was still plenty viable. It’s just that people had already played a year of it.
Mei was just underpowered and clearly needed some help.
Rush was a viable.comp, Dive was a viable comp, and Bunker was a viable comp.
All comps should be viable.
The issue you want to avoid, no matter the comp, is making one substantially better than the other.
Wanna know why tank role still is bad.
Because one singular hero still having his shield, is the reason they got nerfed in the first place, and can’t even be buffed again.
cough sigma cough
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This was the GM Tank pickrate in October.
Asking for general tank balance. My career is open. This is my alt account but I play all off tanks at a masters level + I play maintanks casually
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