It’s fine until you start including Mei.
And it’s fine unless it’s the only viable composition for all ELOs.
Heck, it’s fine, assuming it’s not the only viable composition for the bottom 95% either.
But ideally the game at high tier should alternate between Dive dominance, and AnchorTank+PeelTank dominance.
More like limit playstyles at high tier, but enable a ton of variety for Plat and below by having all barrier tanks be viable in that ELO as SingleBarrier.
The game did just fine for years without DoubleBarrier being anything more than payload cheese.
If we gotta choose between
DoubleBarrier at high tier, with Rein or Lose for Plat and below
Rein or Lose for all ELOs
Dive vs Deathball at high tier, and a ton of variety for the bottom 95%
The last option is vastly superior.
Realistic variety is more important than theoretical variety.
Yeah that’s actually asinine. You are wanting to greatly limit the viability of tank play styles and make tanks more homogeneous. People in the high ranks still deserve diversity. Back when Dive was a thing for over a year, the people in the higher elos were not happy. They want diversity as well.
Not to mention people that play the ways that are less viable in the higher ranks would be frustrated when they try to rank up.
So congratulation, you also ruined the competitive experience
This game isn’t what it used to be. You need to realize this.
The only Hero-limits metas previous to Dive were based on Ana being laughably overpowered.
The idea that people could be on the third hero-limits meta, and magically anticipate how problematic GOATs and DoubleBarrier would be in the future. And then be able to appropriately weigh that against Dive. Is pretty illogical too.
How nice of you to only use as example 3 hitscans and Reaper as if all of them don’t have massive advantages against some tanks in the current game. I’d love to see you using as example projectile DPS heroes other than Echo or Pharah.
Its not even that hard
people who are not tank players just think that the answer is nerf rein but no
you want to bring tanks up to rein’s power scale (almost)
remove rein’s most recent buff and give him back 3 seccond shatter
if you are shattered you are down for 3 secconds
no BS like on the owl expirimental
3 secconds
but remove his damage buff and maybe hp buff
then remove ball’s kb nerf
later revert his shield nerf but just his kb for now
Orisa buff her shield health by 100-200
the shield redeploy is 10 secconds
double shield will not come back
because sigma shield will drop hp by 100 BUT
the cooldown is completely removed
then give his hypersphere a small damage nerf
nothing huge
Roadhog revert to BEFORE the roadhog meta
Dva needs either 15 meter matrix
or at least 12 with booster cooldown 1 seccond quicker
Zarya needs her most recent nerf reverted
Winston can’t really be touched or else he becomes a monster so keep him as is
Of course. Because Zarya is as powerful as hitscans. (Overall balance wise) I’m not going to compare Zarya or hitscan dps to a junk rat. It’s the projectile dps being bad.
Theoretical diversity doesn’t matter.
Effective diversity is what matters.
And the idea that you can consistently balance high tier to allow for all metas to be equally viable is not based on anything we’ve seen over the past 5 years of this game.
(Much less the idea you could do that for all ELOs at the same time)
If anything, just balance high tier to favor the most desirable comps. Then implement a player selected ban system or a pick system for +3500SR lobbies.
What you’re doing is comparing a utopian perfection, versus practical reality.
As if that’s a real choice that can be made.