Tanks are still bad

Yes, I saw. What I said still applies.

Sure looks you me like Orisa and Sigma and even Rein had pretty low pickrate.

And that the meta was Dive and DoubleOffTank dominant.

The meta was more map dependent. The issue arose when they buffed Bap and caused one to be substantially better than the others.

Double Shield would have been played more if it hadn’t been played for a year prior.

So you’re fine with DoubleBarrier being highly niche and map dependant?

It wasn’t highly map dependent and niche though

Hence why a buff to Brig caused it to skyrocket, and even stayed that way when she was nerfed again and then continued to stay when Bap got buffed.

Then you’re correct. Even as a non-tank player the balancing in tanks is a mess. It’s not great for dps/support either but both of those roles aren’t powercrept at least.
My ideas:
D.Va: DM buffed to 14m (I hate her, but yes she isn’t great but NOT dumpster due to her ripping hitscan to pieces. Matrix is the fundamental part of her kit which hasn’t been good for a long time so hitscan took advantage of it. 15m was a little busted, so 14m will do the trick).
Wrecking Ball: Boop changes reverted (Boop is the main part of ball’s kit which blizzard nerfed. Giving it back is necessary for his viability but buffing other tanks will make this fair. I dislike ball too but they wrecked him)
Winston: Barrier Projector buffed to 875 hp & Health increased to 525. (Winston hasn’t been great for a while and he’s one of the most healthy heroes in Overwatch. Give our monke another shot!)
Orisa: Barrier CD decreased to 9 (this won’t bring Double Shield back, but it, along with the Winston buffs, will keep threatening rein’s pole main tank spot)

How is that even possible with those pickrates?

What non tanks are “tanking” at even a remotely close level as tanks?

Fat DPS is a much broader problem and bigger impact on the game than phantom “Thin Tanks”

I’ve said it twice now

You gotta realize that after a year of playing the same comp, people tend to shy away from it.

So DoubleBarrier was used plenty, despite Orisa and Sigma not getting used 95% of the time.

I didn’t say it was used plenty, I said it was quite viable

So get back to a point where Brig, Bap and Mei aren’t relevant to preventing Dive, against DoubleBarrier.


Should be kinda obvious that DoubleBarrier needs to be vulnerable at close range, and that heroes that aren’t offtanks are providing the close range peel for DoubleBarrier to be strong at close range.

Especially if we ever get back to a point where Rein barrier is roughly equivalent to Orisa and Sigma barrier.
DoubleBarrier will just be fundamentally better than SingleBarrier, unless DoubleBarrier has a close range vulnerability.

Tanks aren’t meant to be DPS. Tanks are actually doing to much damage causing them to explode with the added damage from DPS.

So yeah I say nerf tank damage and buff their survival/mitigation.
but my mind is done with OW1 balance, any balance now is just a bandage to OW2 and kind of pointless.

Double Shield wasn’t good at close range because of boops if that is what you’re trying to say

Kinda hard to be at close range, if you can’t be at close range.

That’s called counterplay, counterplay that isn’t unhealthy by any means.

The issue with Double Shield was self sustain

What’s the counterplay to DoubleBarrier of it’s effectively invincible at medium/long range, and prevents close range vulnerability?

Seems like kind of a pointless question to ask…

In theory, the thing that counters Double Shield is Dive, though the issue with Double Shield is self sustain which makes them not so vulnerable at close range.