Dva had her DM crucified
Hog’s damage / fire rate nerfs were terrible
Sigma… needed the nerf but he’s unfun / clunky to play
Orisa… lol good luck surviving longer than a second with that barrier
Ball got the wrong nerfs
Rein is the only tank who’s genuinely good. Zarya and Winston are still viable but not anywhere where tanks used to be
My point is tanks have lost almost everything. Now that GOATS isn’t a thing let’s give some of their power back?
Edit: I see a lot of the “they aren’t terrible, they just blow up too quickly” which I also agree with. Either buff tanks survivability or nerf damage creep
Would be a lot easier to do that if devs didn’t have to worry about creating overly defensive compositions when buffing Tanks.
I.e. Get rid of “Unmatrixable AntiDive Peel, on heroes that aren’t offtanks”.
And also a big buff to Tanks would be to make it so Hanzo and Echo don’t have a “delete a Tank” ability.
Yeah. I’m not sure how to fix the orisa sigma problem. Probably making them weak to dive by nerfing brig, accretion only knocks back, and fortify nerfed to the ground in compensation for her barrier
Except in ow they arent tanks, they are fat dps. If you make them survivable without reducing damage and increasing utility you will just make them even fatter dps.
I go with uou with Hog (who is a fat DPS) but the rest? Nah. Zaryas most important thing are her protective bubbles. Even Ball tenfs to be a dissruptive and, high mobility tank (they could easy revert his last nerf and reduce his slam-dmg from 100 max tolike 80 max.)
Kinda weird to have people argue that the only way a large hitbox character in a shooter game can be valid is if they are modeled after MMO/MOBA characters.
Much less the implied premise that making Tanks into non-aggressive meatshields with zero self-reliance would somehow make them desirable to play for current DPS players.
Yeah… tanks are specifically design to dominate in close range fights. Thats why Zarya (and every other tank) should have the advantage against mid-long range DPS. You CAN’T compare a DPS to a tank. Pls stop this.
It’s like you would compare a Lynx to an Elefant. All tanks (outside of Sigma) have either short range are strict limitations for their attacks. Zarya has to get energy. Orisa movement penalty, Dva short range, cd and movement penalty, Rein only melee and a cd, Winston only short range, Ball huge fall-off and cds. Why do you think tank mains hate Echo? Because she can safrly snd still effective fight tanks outside of their range and completly destroy them.
Once rein gets nerfed, im predicting Sigma and Ball be meta again. Sigma got a slight buff while still having his kit + dmg and a possible teamwiping Ult. Ball will be not as good, but he still got dmg, CC and survivability.
Reins damage needs to be certainly tuned down. Once he is in, there is no way out of it. I mean im getting 2-tapped when a Mercy is pocketin him.
You totally can. However there’s this weird holdover from previous to 2-2-2, where you needed to balance the game to prevent stacking 3-4 Tanks on one team.
But having 3-4 Tanks on a team is impossible with 2-2-2. So balancing like that isn’t needed anymore.
At worst a few butthurt DPS quit over “OP Tanks”, but that’s nothing compared to not fixing queue times.
I believe they just try to go the hog route making all tanks big dps with lower protections.
Hopefully soon they will see how bad this direction is.
If you ask me the best direction I would say making tanks a unique role, let dps be in charge of damage and kills. Tanks should be responsible for protection and space.
The reason most people don’t play tanks even before the nerfs are just
Lack of heroes. only 8 is not much…
Lack of protections. You thought 8 heroes is bad? If you want to protect your team you only got 4 protections with bubble, interruption,time based shield and hp based shields… (Hp change is also a thing but it’s more of a personal change)
Let tanks have more up time and impact. Orisa doesn’t have the damage to destroy the shields and Rein is stuck with shield+w most of the time, ofcourse they’re gonna be boring. Adding more tanks that can do their job without making them focused on damage or kills can be fun.
A lot of players love/d D.va,Sigma & Hog. And out of them D.va & Sigma didn’t even have to get kills in order to be fun, just the fact you provide help to your team.
Fix this problems and you’ve got a fun role without the need to make it a better version of a different role…
But overall yeah- they’re going the dps route giving tanks more power in exchange for less protection.
You can check Paladins tanks. They don’t have issues with the role there and none of them do insane amounts of damage like in OW. Also, the reason i’m complaining is because i don’t feel like the protector when i play as tank in OW which is why i quit the role long time ago, but Paladins provides me that feeling and until OW manages to i’m not going back to the role anytime soon.
I specifically meant power comparison. Tanks have to be a bigger threat in close range combat than DPS and sometimes even by still existing in the frontline. That’s what I meant. 222 should have made this easier but here we are…