It is not toxic at this point. It is self defense and care. You will get more stressed, the results will be worse than if you have less dps(fights that are more stressfull, less mitigated damage, you will win by a tight rope, your job will be less efficient ).
The game will only be saved if Tanks and Supports are watered down to hybrids(and some of them downright deleted, since they cannot be hybrids, like Orisa and Mercy). It is not a question anymore of limits. People will want to play the role you need less help, has less responsabilities and has more incentives in game.
Again, game companies are noticing that people are less inclined to those roles. And guess what, they are running away from the concept of tank/support.
Even rpgs are doing it. You know. The games that started this.
So, either they continue the charade of having tanks/supports and slowly kill this game or they run from this concept before it is too late.
So the proposition of a 2/2/2 Meta Lock would destroy how you play the game, if I’m reading that right, seeing how flex could be anything. Would you be able to live with a 1/1/1 though if it had to be implemented or would it end competitive play for you?
Shouldn’t that be more reason to create fun support and tank heroes? I dislike the current build of both Reinhardt and Mercy because there are moments I feel like I’m not able to do much. If I’m being a static wall or damage boost tethered to a hero, I’m not actively participating and that isn’t fun to me. However I do like slamming people into walls with Reinhardt, and I do like getting off some slick Guardian Angel movements. Those times feel fun to me and it’s why I enjoy playing Tank and Support. If they had more moments that felt like contribution to the overall outcome of a fight instead of static, they would be considered more fun. However, that is my opinion.
My profile goes against everything you wrote. If Blizzard made a huge mistake and got rid of tanks and healers I wouldn’t play their version of Call of Duty.
All game companies tried. Western and eastern. Guess what, all failed. There is not one game that the immense majority of players is not dps. They tried every single type of healing and tanking imaginable.
Heal by damage? done. Stronger by taking damage? done. Powers of light/darkness? done. Debuff tanking? done. Heal by putting stuff on the ground? done. High mobility…You understood what I mean.
Even the character concept for tanks and healers are duller. After all, would you rather be a cyborg ninja …
Or a fat guy with a gimp mask?
Awwww. Isn’t Stockholm Syndrome the worst? I know the feeling sweettums: “How dare that person say that tanks and healers are outdated/not fun? I play tanks and healers all the time and I have fun! This is absurd!”
Look, take this from someone that had that mindset before, find a dps you mildly like and pour some more hours into him/her. Even more so if you are in a 4+ dps situation. Hurry, because I don’t know if Blizz will be sensible enough to not give in to the “2/2/2 lock party” or the “role queuers”. Remember: they used to say that there would never be a FFA mode when OW was launched.
Plus, hey, if you think hybrids are CoD material, you never play hybrids, and you should. They have great utility for them and their team and way more fun than tanks and healers can ever dream of.
Every multi player game I have ever played since 2006 when I started playing World of Warcraft a theme has continually taken hold of me.
I am requested to tank and heal. The reasoning’s are many, but most often it is the fact that tanking and healing require the greatest amount of personal responsibility. You have to be good at your job. You don’t have an option to sit as 1 of the multitude of Damage Dealers, some contributing and some not so much.
This has been something I have experienced throughout many different platforms of games. MMO, MOBA, Hybred (Tera Online), basically anything that revolves around the holy trinity.
Most games that exclude tanks, I personally do not remember the failed titles I didn’t even have the interest trying to play, do so poorly because they lack diversified roles within the game. You can only make so many different point and click to do damage functions before they all tend to look exactly alike. Balance becomes nothing short of what damage dealer is next in the spotlight of the coveted “top DPS” slot for this patch.
I disagree with your premise. Not to mention I have no hard evidence provided by you to change why I think the way I do…except, because you um said so.
Problem with this game which Paladins has them over on is that you don’t necessary need two healers. Having two healers is option, but the last slot can be a filler if anything a support role a.k.a old Symmetra or if they had another unique non healing kit. Paladins can have two healers, but one will build for dps a.k.a Seris a nasty spamming dps healer.
Sure Paladins might be cartoon and all, but look at their aspect and dynamic which separates the two game. Paladins you have more freedom to goof around than on Overwatch which means picks matters.
Woah, your entire post is not helpful. Calm down. You don’t need to bash people’s opinions like this. There’s no reason for you to be so aggressive.
This is his opinion. He’s allowed to have it and I somewhat agree with him. I enjoy tanks and supports but I also have a difficult time with aim heavy games. That doesn’t devalue my opinion, I just have a different playstyle. I’m not a great McCree or Widowmaker but I enjoy Mei and Torbjorn. I can have fun as Bastion and Orisa. I love playing DVa and Moira.
Overwatch was built to be inclusive. Not everyone has to be good at the same things. Tanks and Supports don’t have to just be healing or protecting. They have other qualities that make them fun.
Try to be respectful of other people. We all want to see the game improve and this is supposed to be a discussion about a 2/2/2 or 1/1/1 role system in the game.
If they were to implement a Role System or Meta Lock, I think No Limits would be up in the arcade more often to compensate for it.
I haven’t played paladins but I don’t think they’re as easily comparable because of that builds system. I like Overwatch’s heroes the way they are and would like to see more advantages to swapping heroes rather than Paladin’s building up kits as the match progresses. I feel like it’s something unique Overwatch could take advantage of but don’t. I guess an example would be if you kept part of your ult charge when you swap (somewhere between 75% and 50%)? I think I’d like to see that since it would add in a new dynamic to the game and make some interesting plays occur.
I don’t mean to destroy your fun but it would be an unfortunate sacrifice to having a 2/2/2 or 1/1/1. At least with the 1/1/1 you could still do 4 supports and maybe some other support-ish heroes like Zarya, Sombra, and Symmetra.
I think we’d need role queue if 1/1/1 was ever really applied or an improved matchmaking system. It’s not an ideal situation to be forced into Tanking or Healing and it sucks being the person who has to. Right now the game forces your character pick in modes like Elimination so I assume it would end up like that and force you to spawn as the role.
It could be an improvement on the 1/1/1 if you could use LFG or a full group of 6 to pick your roles before hand but the problem is, this would still allow GOATS to be played in competitive and the 1/1/1 or 2/2/2 would prevent the other team from an appropriate counter. It would have to be fair on both sides so only those 6 stack teams would be able to fight other 6 stack teams with the same limitations removed. It’d honestly be a mess.
Or you could not remove at least 9 months of work the Overwatch Team invested into the game? Stop suggesting heroes should be deleted. They’d get a Symmetra 3.0 rework at minimum.
Yeah. That’s a tragedy too but it’s better than them being forced into a toxic situation that can only be made worse, isn’t it? Role Queue would improve some problems with a 1/1/1 system but not all of them…
Problem with Overwatch is that many heroes aren’t viable when it comes to the competitive than it is with Paladins. You have a bit more freedom in Paladins than in Overwatch for the fact you’re less ridiculed on your pick. Overwatch players tends to get toxic even before the match starts. Paladins you just need a slot to fill in the role and 5th slot is optional.
All that’s left is your build whether you wanna be an offensive tank like Roadhog or pure tank which is Reinhardt. Give Paladins a try though it might not be quality wise as Overwatch or take you away from it. However it’s just something to play on the side when bored with Overwatch. I’m satisfied with my choice on that one.
Hey man, some jerkwads can’t be helped. Role Queue’s job is to make a more balanced team so you don’t end up with 6 support mains on one.
The reason I haven’t picked up Paladins is more because I don’t find I have time for it. I barely play Overwatch weekly as it is. I feel like Paladins has it’s own thing going for it which is fine. Like I said though, if switching in Overwatch was more prominent, felt less punishing (losing any ult charge you have), and the heroes were all mostly balanced, it would be a different type of game structure to Paladins.
What if you get into a game as a dps, i assume your system locks you into that role
Oh the enemy has a pharah but neither dps can play hitscan, oh but our reinhardt can!
Too bad. Can’t flex.