Syms gun is the absolute worst

the new one is very good and fair, i dont have a problem with it

No one does, but many prefer the old one because it executes better.

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Sorry guys to interrupt ur discussion here.
But once again (i rly feel like i say exactly the same things over and over again)
Symmetra was never ment to be a DPS hero, she always was a support with focus on utility and not healing
And i absolutly want her back like that. She is no good dps like we can see, she simply struggles still in so many situations.
She always was able to run over a whole team who was a bit careless.
But since she is now a DPS hero she simply doesn’t feel like she is Symmetra anymore.
Her utility based kit was always great and she still got so many things to support in an more active kind of way, but she is like a super bad hybrid of simply everything. Her ult feels like she can be a tank, while her turrets and her own damage-output together feels like she is a good dps. And she got the teleporter as utility skill too.
But it simply feels wrong for me as former Symmetra main back to her 2.0 state.
I rly want her back as a utility based support again, with less or no heal at all.
I would like to see her use utility stuff again as gap closer, as improvement for the whole team and be a protective backbone again too.
She could get instead her bombs at secondary fire a small heal which maybe heals only shield HP for example and a passive which creates some shield HP if she deals damage (to barriers or something like that.)
She could be such a good support with less healing capabilities if they only would focused at the shield part with her like they did with Brig and the Armor stuff.

Omg this 200HP hero with no mobility approached me and kept zapping me for 4 seconds. Why is she so stupid?

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before it required no thinking
so when you say many, you mean many symm players

You’re being bias. Stop.


you are too, but i’ve played long enough to witness the hate against autolock and moira’s softlock, it’s justified and shared by most of the community

animation centred lock


Elaborate on how I am being bias?

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guys please. Can we all just agree that the word is “biased”

because you LIKE symm 2.0’s autolock, i had a class about it in univ, the only way a human can be not biased, is by being ignorant on the subject, and being asked by someone just as ignorant, meaning that all of us are biased.


I called you that because you refer old Symmetra’s beam as a no thinking concept meaning a insult to Symmetra players who liked it and that’s rude. Symmetra old beam may look cheesy, but it actually was rewarding considering her lack of defenses.

Perhaps you should check on your wording next time. It can be viewed differently if not worded right.

it’s no insult, it’s the truth, i speak truth through my point of view and the one shared by most of the community

my wording is fine, just take off that imaginary target from your back and look throught the world as a genral player, not a main

It’s not an auto lock.

it’s an actual AIMBOT

You have to hit within the hit box. It just locks to the centre of a target.

I can’t take anything you say seriously anymore.

I feel like her range should be as long as zaryas and zaryas as long as syms
I’d like if they gave her sheild back
I don’t even play sym but I thought it was a great addition to her kit
If it was to much just nerf it. Idk how much health it had

Your truth is nothing, but a mere opinion.

because i’m joking captain golden glove

my truth through my point of view is sure just an opinion, just like yours that symm2.0 autolock was fine
but your opinion happens to be easy to prove wrong, as she doesnt need to aim, and has a small hitbox making her a * either be a god aim or have a plat team* which doesnt work under plat, and thus i’m part of the #reworkmoira movement

generally with jokes you can tell it’s a joke based on the tone. This wasn’t present here.