Syms gun is the absolute worst

The game should be balanced for the top. That being said a hero having a prerequisite or need to have another 5 pro players with said hero in order for it to work is a failed rework.

No other hero in the game fundamentally requires 100% team-work in order for said hero to be even remotely useful.

And that’s assuming that other conditions are actually met like Symmetra not being hard countered (kind of hard when 90% of the roster does) and in specific maps and situations.


A hero with high utility should not have on par weaponry with other dps. Otherwise there would be no reason to choose other dps.

Her beam is fine - they have a Rein or Orisa, or even a Mei? Charge it up and let loose.

Which sounds fine, except she has no survivability for someone that relies on close range to deal high damage - survivability would help her a substantial amount, either through fixing her tele or increasing her HP.

Because, combined with your turrets, you can output insane damage once charged. It’s just a matter of getting that charge without dying.

While I dont like how you came off as agressive in the post, i do agree with your points. Sym’s gun isnt really that great in its current state

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Exactly, it doesn’t make any sense. 2.0 had to get close and was at a major risk of getting killed but that’s why she had photon barrier and shield gen.

2.0 will always be the best version of Symmetra


I think she’s in a good spot.
Most people lack of imagination to use her.
She can do lot of thing to impact the game and his gun is not even close to be weak. Only her survivability is weak.

When I’ve start to look at here I’ve look some video and find Stevoo stream (main sym), when you see him play, it’s amazing.
It’s like Sombra, about lot of communication.

Look him play, you’ll learn some good trick and be surprised how good she’s.

In low ranks? Sure. Anywhere above platinum, she was so useless.

Oh, yeah? Her current gun has longer range than her older one. So what’s your point? Do you want more range? Or are you just so mad that you can no longer autolock and smash jump while the poor Genjis cry for help?

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I like the range of the gun. But at the peak of the fight, i would use orbs if i want to do damage rather than tickle damage with her primary unless there is barrier…

I think I like her gun now. When 3.0 first came out it sucked, but it’s since gotten a lot of buffs.

The main problem with Symm summed up so succinctly in a single question. ^

In what world would you have a character not being able to survive when working at its ideal range.


Symmetra primary fire range: 12 meters
Reinhardt primary fire range: 5 meters

What on earth are you so close for.


Trying to attack/defend objective and help my teammates deal damage.

This is almost like Brig all over again.

Rein moves faster forward than you do backward, so it can be harder than you think to keep the ideal range than you may think. There really isn’t a lot of leeway <7m isn’t a lot in this game, let alone if Rein ever had a Lucio with him… oh wait…

She certainly isn’t a mid range character so she needs to be able to operate at close range.


your acting like she has no utility.
syms tp is one of the best in the game, and turrets are definitely up there, both are definitely better than zarya bubbles which are the most overrated abilties in the game

In theory maybe, but certainly not in practice.

TP is harder to use than bubble simply because the positioning, timing of deployment and requiring the person using it to use an interact button.

I’d also rather have a bubble than a turret honestly. A turret is a minor annoyance a bubble is a reliable life saver.

I’m not saying bubbles are OP, they aren’t. But they are a lot more forgiving than trying to juggle TP as an escape and have more utility than a sentry.


did someone seriously try to argue that TP are better than bubbles



so tp carries teams by helping teams across entire chokes, tp bomb strats etc.
and bubbles… help engagement for rein…

That is incorrect, because 195 isn’t even par for close combat heroes. Reaper has 240, Tracer has 210, I think Torb has 215 with his shotgun.

And NONE of those are incorporating their crit values, which don’t apply to Symmetra.

I’m going to assume that you are calculating her damage as M1 + 3 turrets, but those 3 turrets won’t survive that long.


Goodness gracious, she went from a no-aim hero into a hero that needs aiming? Oh no!
Her alt. fire can two tap squishies and requires you to predict your opponent’s movements. Good. This requires you to have at least some kind of a spacial and situational awareness. If you lack it and thus fail to get a kill, then it’s on you.

Her main fire doesn’t use energy when charging up and when used against shields. Literally the easiest way to charge up her beam and do crazy amount of damage.

She has a teleporter on a relatively short cooldown. This, paired with the fact that she can not only TP herself and her teammates out of any situation and be able to TP attacks too (such as RIP-tire, turrets, etc.) gives her a big strategical advantage.

You think Sym’s gun is the worst? Clearly you haven’t been playing her right.

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There’s something more than that. Because of both how her tickrate works, and her ramp-up time, Symmetra has increasing returns when it comes to higher aim accuracy. This isn’t the case like soldier, where 25% accuracy mean you do 25% damage. I can link you my thread that explains why is it a problem in detail if you want.

It sounds fine and dandy, until you realize you didn’t mention the fact she needs to charge her orbs first. Even when Pharah had to shot once every second, her time to kill was almost half of the Symmetra’s secondary, because it looked like this:
instashoot -> wait 1 second -> shoot again;
Meanwhile for Sym it looks like this
wait 1 sec-> shoot -> wait 1 sec -> shoot again;
One may argue you can release your second shot earlier, but I have yet to see someone risk failing to calculate lethal damage to do that.

Now, about “predicting movement”, this thing moves at 20 m/s and shoots once every second, requiring direct hits to do some damage. Anything beyond 1 second fly time isn’t predicting. It’s guessing. In other words 20 m is something that I would say is its effective range. Anything beyond that isn’t really consistent in value.

With this one, I agree. It’s not absolute worst. I’ve been trying Reaper lately, and for the whole time I was thinking: “How the hell am I supposed to kill something? He has like 90% damage fallof beyond 3 meters? I can’t get this close to anyone with his mobility.” I would never like to see sym with reaper gun.