Syms gun is the absolute worst

I think the turrets and teleport are Syms biggest problem. They are very weird abilities that require teamwork that people dont understand

wat. this must be the most nonsensical thing ever said. Turrets? Do i need to talk about that?

As for tp thats like saying lets remove all teamwork abilities in a teamwork based game to make it easier. Its unconstructive ideas like these that clutter the forums that probably make Blizzard think we are all children who dont know what we want.

I’ve been saying either make it start at lvl 2 or let lvl 1 do 90 instead of 60 damage


Her gun is bad because its close range, like reaper and junkrat. Its not a long range hitscan so most maps she is at a disadvantage with the gun, turrets, and teleport.

I like her shield wall tho

If it was like moira beam it would need a massive dmg nerf, like half its current dmg. Doing 190 dps after a few seconds of charging on a tank/shield while pretty much not needing aim would be silly, especially since her turrets are right click are good.


But he is doing quite well after some bug fixes, his slam pulling people in, having 6 sec cds. Good dooms still often get kills off of slam and uppercut, which are shorter cds now, and generate more shields since lower cds. Heroes that are in the bottom half of pick rates doesnt mean they are bad.

Doomfist is better because his mobility is way better than sym he can get in and out to heal if you know how to play

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I am done.


It makes no sense that anyone would have a gun that maintains lock around corner and at 180 degrees.


Damn I didn’t know the hitbox was so small lmao

I always thought when they were reworking her that the different beam charges might have had different aim requirements.

Old lock-on at 65
Moira style centre of animation at 130
Zarya at 195


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I was talking about moira hitbox, and it is massive in that pic.

She needs a shield tank to be viable in most cases. She’s a glass cannon area control hero.

Her ultimate makes her a monster when used properly because it negates her biggest weakness.

Sym is now is a character that need more teamwork then other heroes to enable. I personally have a lot of fun playing new Sym. She has steamroll potential and kills players with low awareness. When using her ultimate she can shield dance and destroy tanks that don’t melee. Ans if the someone is distracted by another team member she will melt everyone. She is a situational, but she can be really good(and fun to play) if you now how to. Also, she has tp.


Her DPS is pretty abysmal when you factor in the time to charge though. By the time she gets her powerful beam, she’s already wasted a few seconds doing negligible damage.

Her time-to-kill on a squishy is 2.2 seconds. Compare that to Mei, who also has a relatively long ttk and close range. Mei takes 1.5 seconds to freeze her enemy, and another .4 to deliver the icicle. She’s no longer in danger from that enemy after they’re frozen, is capable of freezing any enemy regardless of health pool, and has an extra 50HP to protect herself.

A better comparison for sym, however, would be torbjorn. He can take sym down in ~1.2 seconds with 3 shots from his rivet gun, or 0.6 seconds with 2 full shotgun blasts. He can also headshot, letting him take sym down with 2 rivet crits or a single shotgun crit. And his rivet gun has a much much longer range with no falloff. A skilled Torb should never lose a 1v1 to an equally skilled sym.

And that dynamic carries through across many heroes. Nearly the entire roster can land enough damage on Sym to kill her long before Sym can kill them. That list includes heroes like Baby D.Va, Mercy, and 0 Charge Zarya. Admittedly, in some cases they need to be close to flawless with their skill, but they get that option. Sym does not. If a Sym is flawless with 100% tracking, she’ll squeeze a tiny bit more DPS out, but not a lot early on. If Genji is flawless in his aim, he can land 3 headshots instead of 2 bodyshots.

It’s not as though there aren’t things that help Sym function either, but there’s problems there too. Firstly, they’re things that benefit every hero in the game universally. For instance, Sym does well when she exploits angles to charge her beam off somebody who can’t shoot her. Is there a single hero who doesn’t benefit from shooting an enemy that can’t shoot back? She also benefits when an enemy lets her charge up and retreats or dies, so she can enter an engagement at full charge. Again, is there any hero who doesn’t benefit from their enemy making a mistake. Lastly, she performs well if she’s got a tank shielding her or a healer pocketing her. Do I even need to say it?

The “tips and tricks” for playing Sym well are basically just broad advice for how to make any hero more effective. You’d still be better off if you were playing a better hero and getting those things. And even worse, most of them are things the Sym player themselves have no control over. Getting pocketed is nice, but it’s hard to plan for.


I disagree. Her gun is more engaging now. Not to mention how satisfying it feels to reach and maintain that max charge. I love watching those healthbars melt. Old Symm really only got that when nano boosted, but most people just treated Nano-symm like a meme back then.

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Symmetra is underrated hero against all this spam that people love to do and against enemy reinhardts. Symm’s wall is just godsent.

Symmercy is honestly lethal because Mercy helps her get to lv3 charge without dying and then that damageboosted lv3 beam is very deadly. It melts squishies in 0.8 seconds. Point it at somebody and they die.

I’ve also made it my mission to ensure every genji I meet has a very bad time against me. Eye for an eye, so to speak. I also lure predictable people into my turret nests, it’s pretty satisfying watching widows get grilled when they hookshot up into good widow perches and they get murdered by turrets midair. Or watching enemy genji come around the anubis walls with the intention to flank my supports into the tender embrace of my turrets and getting melted.

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Yoiu guys should watch on youtube what the pro Sym players say. Sym is fine as she is.
Not only watch what they say but also how they play her.


old symmetra’s gun wasn’t even that good

the key to its strength was prefiring an orb since starting a fight with 0 energy was basically suicide against basically every hero unless the enemy had bad aim

her ttk wasn’t even high enough to counter tracer


I think she could use a couple QOL changes, like a “snappier” teleporter placement.

And for it to not get stuck on hills.