Symmetra was nerfed within 9 days for being 4th picked DPS

No. It did not. She had way more nerfs than Zarya. They nerfed nearly every aspect of her kit.


Keep being a legend Venus.

Expose the blatant bias


Problem with symm nerf is not that they immediately nerfed her bugfixed beam.

It’s the fact that despite becoming a decent pick only because of bugfix, they also nerfed other aspects of her kit for no reason, so her turrets are now completely ignorable and wall doesn’t have enough uptime for a slow character like symm to do work.

So she just ended up becoming even worse after the bugfix that was supposed to help her. Then they nerfed her beam once more just to kick her down some more (was either damage or width).

What was the point of bugfix making her better if symm got 5 nerfs to go with it?

Zarya didn’t get the same treatment even if she got the same bugfix and her lazer is now very deadly.


She actually became a decent pick because of double shield. Something the devs did not address that I tried to get them too at the time was that EVERY barrier buster’s damage had went up by the similar amount. That’s because there was more shields so teams could take more damage.

Symmetra largely wasn’t getting to use her beam against opponents where the bug fix was relevant because her opponents were behind two layers of shield. The same was not true of Zarya, as an off- tank had more freedom of movement and more likely to be peeling. And ofc, she has more range.

It definitely went up at least partially due to the bug fix, but the amount that was due to double shield and the amount due to the bug fix was unclear. Which is why the knee-jerk nerfs being placed on the ptr without giving things a chance to adjust and be analyzed was ridiculous.

And the sad part is they didn’t even stop there, as they not only screwed with her beam but also with the rest of her kit, as you said.


This. The current group of Pro players are skilled with a particular set of heroes and anything outside of that group is automatically considered Trash and not even really considered for pro play until someone else does it (sometimes in Contenders, World Cup or some other one-off tournament). Blizzard have even acknowledged this as the reason for implementing Hero Pools.

It’s why strong heroes like Ashe, Mei and Orisa flew under the radar for so long.

The reality is that the majority of OWL players cannot consistently play every hero in the game (or maybe even in their preferred role) at a Pro level. And that’s why the meta becomes stale.

It’s one of the biggest flaws of OWL (and of Overwatch as an Esport), really.


Yep, they didn’t stop till symmetra was stamped into the ground hard, as they didn’t want to see a non-niche symmetra being used ever again.


Yup usually hitscan and speedy heroes are meta. If we want to see them be played they need quicker ability cast times. The slow abilities are usually low tier, it’s not because they aren’t skillfull but to slow and the faster things are easier to use the more accuracy you have.

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Absolutely. Like I remember I made a post about it because I saw she had even more nerfs on the PTR at the time of my post. That’s why i have these screenshots actually.

This was her GM stats right after her first set of nerfs.

And then they nerfed her even further.


It was to teach her a lesson for daring to be viable.



Right now it’s wow Genji is pretty powerful… better nerf Sym moments.

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Oh look symm is even worse than Genji.

Also look at that dva lmao.

Some still tried to argue that dva was still good.


I agree. I made a whole thread about it when it happened and I’m glad I did so that now I have receipts.

Like anyone that says the treatment of Genji vs Symmetra doesn’t show that there is a balancing bias for a select group of heroes need is bananas.

Genji, Tracer, McCree, Widow, Ashe, Reinhardt, Zarya, Winston,, Lucio, Ana

Those are the heroes that are allowed to be good and rise and fall naturally. If they ever struggle for too long they will be guaranteed to get either buffs, their competition nerfed, or both.

Let’s be real.


She is not the only one. Sombra got nerfed even when she was never meta. Baptiste got nerfed pretty quickly after a buff too, despite being ok.


I really don’t understand why people are still crying about this, if a “bias” is so obvious and it showing every time, then why do you still need to whine about it? Just accept it and move on.
Obviously Overwatch is all about money and not balance, they don’t care about that, all that counts is money. Flashy OWL plays from favourite characters bring in the money that’s how business here works.
Blizzard is a company, companies soley exist to create revenue. They don’t care about some Symmetra (or any type of normal) players.

We all know their biases. It’s on display with every balance patch.

Problem is blizzard used to be about making great games and overwatch at it’s core is a great game… because we love overwatch as a game so much is the reason why we cannot accept this biased balancing that is ruining it.

Capitalism and greed ruining all the great things is just sickening.


A higher win rate! Something people should realize, Genji is more popular than Symmetra.

Yes. But that doesn’t mean Symmetra should have been trashed or that they should pretend a hero that is viable is in the same position as an actually trash hero.

Nothing wrong with a little bit of dev bias towards the more popular or skillful heroes but that level of bias is genuinely way too much.

Like 6 nerfs for virtually identical stats that made them give Genji multiple buffs.

Symmetra should not have had her entire kit nerfed just because it was finally generally useful after years of being very map specific.


Very much same with Sombra. Like Symmetra, she had her short moment when she was a good pick. Other than that, she’s been either bad pick, or straight out throw pick.
The feeling when your fave hero has been troll pick forever, all the while they are giving Genji 4 buffs at time! Genji has NEVER been nowhere near as bad as these dumpster heroes (Sombra, Symmetra etc.). Why keep buffing him? Why not give some attention to the heroes that REALLY need it?


Imagine having your teleporter gutted:

Aug 13th 2019:

  • Now lasts an infinite duration until destroyed
  • Players can destroy their Teleporter with the ability 2 input
  • Cooldown now starts when Teleporter is destroyed
  • Maximum range increased from 25 to 30 meters
  • Teleporter is destroyed if the entrance is more than 40 meters from the exit

Then your beam gets nerfed because of the bugfix. I don’t get why the width was applicable and the damage value changes weren’t enough:

Sept 17th 2019

  • Beam width lowered from 0.3 meters to 0.2
  • Beam DPS per level lowered from 65/130/195 to 60/120/180

And then your nail in the coffin the following month:

Oct 15th 2019:

Photon Barier

  • Duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
  • Health reduced from 5000 to 4000

Sentry Turret

  • Damage per second reduced from 50 to 40

Photon Projector

  • Players impacted by the primary fire beam should now hear a louder impact sound

Why did they do this?

But dw its ok she got one buff on Feb 12th 2020:

Photon Projector Secondary Fire

  • Damage increased from 120 to 140