Symmetra was nerfed within 9 days for being 4th picked DPS

It is not addressed until it makes it live in the game. If they put Genji changes on the PTR it will not be addressed for a month, if they put them on experimental it will be addressed in 2 weeks. That is a factor that MUST be considered, because to pretend that they had to wait a month did not factor into the speed of the decision would be silly.

Facts without context are useless and generally only used when people are searching for facts to suit theories when the best way to understand something is to find theories to suit the facts.

Nah. It means they used 9 days to decide. Period.

They’re not saying “oh well we can manage having X hero stay OP/UP for X amount of time since PTR takes time.”

Making a change on PTR or experimental means they’re saying such a change is needed now, based on data we have.


I don’t understand a character needing to be “niche”

So basically we can’t have “niche” characters be useful and characters that are easy to use can’t be good either as those kinds are stigmatized heavily as well.

So we should just have a roster of 6 heroes and the rest are just there for " fun niches"


Okay, let’s say that what you’re saying is the truth. For the sake of exposing your (strawman) argument, it’s relevant to simply agree with you and say: Yes it took a month to address Symmetra rather than the aforementioned 9 days.

It doesn’t change the base fact that OP is making: It’s taking them MUCH MUCH longer to address Genji’s power level (who is crazily overtuned according to a majority of the playerbase and statistically seen on ladder and in OWL) as opposed to pre nerf Symmetra’s power level (who was powerful, but statistically wasn’t even close to current Genji).

So it doesn’t matter if it took them a month in your mind to address Symmetra. The fact of the matter is, it’s taking them longer than it should to address Genji in his overtuned state.


You know this is nonesense right.

Truth is:

No one wants to play against McCree and his flashbang.

No one wants to play against Genji and his… everything.

No one wants to play against Widow and her oneshots from 10000 miles safety.

No one wants to play against any hero that can kill them, much less those with actually low counterplay mechancis like Deflect or sniper oneshots.

But people decided to excuse their own lack of attention and skill when dying (stupidly most of the time) to Sym, a hero with insane amounts of counterplay and counterpicks, by blaming the turrets or the lock-on or whatever is the new ‘‘skillless’’ part of her kit to use as scapegoat instead of saying ‘‘maybe I shouldnt have dashed into an entrance’’ when there is a Sym on the enemy team.

The truth is that any ‘‘skilless’’ part of Sym’s kit has just as ‘‘skilless’’ counterplay. Specially turrets.


Right, will you still purchase OW2?

Making continuous threads about this isn’t going to change or prove anything

Also Symm was a bugfix

I am bored and I love trashing Sym 3.0. Thats enough of a reason for me.


Overnerfed? Her beam still gets a damage increase for nothing, her L2 is still op, those turrets are still a pain. All rework Sym had were slaps on the wrist. She’s still unbalanced. Other DPS are just more unbalanced than her, but that doesnt mean Sym is fine.

Oh god yeah her damn beam eventually starts doing similar dps to other heroes for NOTHING. She should just be trash!


Nobody here probably remembers the McSnipe meta :sob:


I would take Symmetra being viable if it meant OWL were killed off.


:neutral_face: but their is no bias!


Jk, I tried to keep a straight face but I can’t when they are super biased :crazy_face:


You mean the slow, shiny, loud and destroyable in 1 hit balls with arming time that come directly from Sym’s inmobile self?

How do you deal with the actual low counterplay mechanics in this game if you are this bad?


Why do people always look at the exception? Are there any other examples of heroes everyone complained about being broken you could use?

Slow & loud? You wont know where they’re placed because you’re already occupied. Sym tryhards always know the right exact spots to put a turret.

Cant be bad when something is downright broken. In fact, old Sym’s turrets were fine, because they werent throwable, meaning the Sym player didn’t have alot of options.

This was the state of Symmetra during her so called emergency.

And this was Genji six months ago


It’s a bunch of BS. When I see “niche” used like it’s a “good thing” I automatically translate it to read “Broken enough that I don’t have to deal with them” and label the poster as a selfish aim-bro.

…I’m almost always right.


Dont run into rooms you have no info about? Thats literally basic gamesense, and it applies to a ton of other heroes like Junkrat, Mei, Doomfist, et… oh now I see. Heroes that counter bad flanker/dps are Toxiqué™ I guess.

Why not just say mains?

You know that turrets are slow, shiny, destroyable and have an arming time that was not present in 2.0 sentries? And their damage isnt even great either.

They are so full of counterplay that they are a meme unless you use TP sentrybombs.


Tell that to all the genji mains.