Symmetra was basically deleted

I loved old Symmetra, both 1.0 and 2.0, but 3.0 seems like a completely new hero. I have collectively over 160 hours on her, and she was my first golden gun all the way back in season 2.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the changes, I like the new teleporter, orbs and turrets. Her new ult is a little underwhelming but not too bad.

But then there’s her primary fire.
Unusable garbage. Absolutely pointless.
I’ve addressed the problems with it here if you’re interested:

The point of the thread though is this:
With so many changes to Symmetra in the most recent rework, she doesn’t feel like the same hero. Literally nothing was left unchanged between 2.0 and 3.0.
My suggestion would be to revert the changes to the primary fire. This would solve a number of issues:

  • It would be usable again
  • It would help to counter faster heroes again, namely Genji
  • It would help Symmetra to feel like Symmetra again
  • Those that perfected the use of the old beam would be able to transfer that skill again (Just because it didn’t require aim doesn’t mean you could blindly run into the enemy and hold left click)

Thoughts? Any Symmetra mains agree?


Sym is far from deleted, she counters Widow pretty hard as well as Genji and Tracer…not to mention her teleporters can send anyone right where they need to be for an ult or just to quickly get to the point (Valskya anyone?).


Old primary, while offering a bit of a change up in how it worked, was too often unclear with regards to range for both attacker and attacked, and felt irksome to play against in unsatisfying ways.


sym is much stronger now than before. she’s just harder to use.


I don’t know about reverting it, however there is something wrong with it since almost no one uses her primary fire. Maybe making the beam a little thicker or have it tier up faster or do a bit more damage would be helpful?

I don’t know. I have a good deal of time on her but I can’t really use her anymore. Her kit doesn’t fit my playstyle and I’ll be the first to admit I am not a very good aim.

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Old Symm was definitely a part of my hero pool. She was niche, but what she did, she did really well.

New Symm can’t do any of the things I used old Symm to do. What’s more, other characters can do most of the stuff new Symm can do, better.

Why would I ever pick new Symm?


no, she doesn’t :face_with_raised_eyebrow: still like the new Sym


I am previous symm’s main as well… They changed her so drastically that she doesn’t feel like the hero i fell in love with. Her game style has diametrically changed that I do not enjoy playing her anymore. Symm seems like a new hero that lives in the skin of another I spent 100h playing old symm and loved her… My issues with the new one are:

  • primary fire being useless in 90% situations
  • orbs do not pierce barriers (it was great when u played symm on attack on hanamura)
  • lack of shield generator
  • I loved having 6 turrets, I loved that i could cover point with them. (I am not saying her trowable turrets are bad. They are good, but i prefered having 4 of them, with decreased dmg ofc)
  • ult also feels useless, since she is ‘true’ dps now shouldn’t she have dmg ultimate?!
  • not being a threat to flanking genjis and tracers on hanamura…

In my opinion New Symmetra is just mediocre and weaker version of junkrat. Both of them nukes enemies with AoE dmg.
Blizz said New Symm is supposed to MELT SHIELDS DOWN
WIth her little range it is not possible. Junkrat melts shields way better than symm. So why should we pick Symm over Junkrat who has in addition lethal ultimate? For me, personally, this rework is not fully thought and total failure. Let’s forget fact that nobody uses symm’s TP, enemies instantly destroys her turrets and she has the lowest win rate than ever before

Why couldn’t they adjust Symm a little bit… And make another hero with those abbilites. Sanjay Korpal (member of Vishkar and secret leader of Talon, Symm’s Boss) Those abbilites would fit him sooo much. He might have similar to symm, since they both are from vishkar vishkar technolog it would be understandable…
(waiting for Symm 4.0)


Beam is weak or if you want to be picky, the least viable option to use in a normal chaotic battle. It does have it’s uses but the risk vs reward payoff just isn’t worth the necessary time to invest in it’s use.

In the 4 seconds it takes to reach level 3:

60+60+120+120=360 damage
120+120+120+120=480 damage

This is assuming 100% accuracy and I did not account for Armored enemies and enemies with Armor buffs from Brigitte and Torbjörn. For Orbs, that’s easier to accomplish and can be done at a safer distance and they are minimally affected by Armor. For beam, the best accuracy (realistically) is 60% cutting the potential DPS and then there is mortality rate as beam is short ranged, Symmetra is weakest of all the Damage Characters and no reliable escape options compared to other heroes in her class. THEN, the ~55% damage reduction because of Armor. The beam is just weak in all accounts.


Right click for long / medium ranges.

Left click for short range only.

Use left click on barriers, like Rein or orisa, to charge it up much quicker. Then begin slaughtering everyone on point who dares stand toe to toe with a fully charged symetra (here’s the kicker) who can aim. Lul

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That argument is so dated and can be proven wrong time and again (see my above post) you guys really need to come up with better evidence-based arguments than, “lulz, l3arn ta 4im!”


Absolutely agree. Her ult and primary are absolutely garbage. There’s no point in playing her anymore. I would rather play a real DPS if I’m filling a DPS slot. She is not even good at the niche things she used to be.

Literally unusable. I’m sure she works in bronze and silver but old Sym worked there as well too.

It literally baffles me how they can make an extremely weak, situational and niche hero even more situational and niche than ever before. The changes made really do not warrant everything else she lost in her kit.

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Im not saying she is good, she sucks. But so do a lot of other heros. Like torb’jorn for example. You want a special symetra sympathy cookie?

We want the hero fixed maybe? Cut the trolling mate.

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How so?
13 character

This IS a Symmetra post regarding how she’s weaker compared to 2.0. Can you not see the header?

I don’t fully agree with some points of OP’s post but the beam is the weakest of 3.1’s kit


I would like to see her be worked on again and just like 2.0. She was semi viable then and she still is today. The reason why players disliked auto lock because it killed them especially those that it countered. Players always wish she could aim with it, but keep forgetting that was her concept. For fact she was so vulnerable made better for her kit.

She always had to aim with her kit and that was right click, but that never batted the eye to many who disliked her.

Overall Sym 3.0 is less significant on the primary side and slightly behind 2.0. I’m tired of suggesting stuff because this been going on for two years +. Torbjorn and Bastion mains and any other under this boat knows this feeling. We have learn that the developers are slow at tweaking heroes. They always give the minimal results and not the moderate to max.

See? Perfect example ignoring the fact we always had a aim ability in our kit which was right click. This type of player always hated being defeated by left click and for the fact it was close range. I’m pretty sure this player is a long range main which is why they’ll complain about something that counters them hard when defenseless or can’t aim themselves.

Guess the argument is over and the insults have begun.

Attacking out of desperation for validation. Your life must be so empty. Don’t worry the Internet isn’t going anywhere so you can continue seeking attention from faceless peers in hopes to justify your existence.

I’ll humor you and your ego:

Oh, my feelings! You are going to make me cry! How can someone be so mean! Please, Daddy Jeff! Take the mean kid away from me!

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Yeah bub, I’m a tank main… still think sym was cheesy, she is an even bigger pain in the butt now with her shield break. I really don’t know why your complaining about it, it’s really strong for certain situations.

Agreed. Reverting her primary fire would fix a lot.