Symmetra was basically deleted

Look if you died to Symmetra a lot then you’re the one complaining about a hero who extremely vulnerable to crush. That’s a you problem. I still have to aim with right click so nothing truly changed besides how fast it goes. You want to talk about her shield break? We already have many dps heroes that can do that so that concept alone on the developers end was pointless to put in since it carries no benefits like adding more shield hp to her up to 100 -150.

Primary only hurt those it countered, but now that it’s gone those counters come out of hiding.

The only issue I have with Sym 3.0 is that my teammates instantly become toxic when I pick her.

Only 4 games in comp with her because of the toxicity. I’m never going to be a one-trick, but not being able to pick a hero that is way more versatile than she used to be simply because there’s still a stigma is lame.

She has so much potential now. She can allow your team to bypass most chokes. High ground is yours whenever you want it. Her defense and offense both got insanely buffed. She truly dominates on KOTH and 2 CP maps. Her TP + 3 turret flank is godlike against enemy healers. All of this, and the community still detests her as a pick because she’s not a hitscan and her M1 is a little weak.


Stopped reading here… you’re just trying to upset me, or start an argument.

I’m saying her primary fire is actually her right click, her “primary” fire is for shield break. You get to ramp up for free, at NO ammo cost on shields, well then you’re doing 120 dps, you don’t even really need good aim with that kind of damage. I actually like it and think you’re silly for thinking it’s useless.

It’s going to be the exact same scenario. Sym mains already saw what Sym was capable of since 1.0 days and people marked her off as completely useless garbage because they didn’t play her enough or well enough at all to accurately deem her potential.

3.0 will be in the same boat. All incarnations of Sym could be serious playmakers, but nobody wanted to “build around Sym” so as I’ve been saying since this rework began, why would a shiny new kit suddenly make people want to “play around their Sym?” It won’t.

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I would literally take any buff at all to her primary other than giving it that auto lock nonsense.take her range out to 15m and have her primary passively recharge her shields to make her a little more sturdy

Here’s the thing. The charge up mechanic makes the first two levels of her beam useless. Why? Because her orb also does 120. As a burst. That hardly has to be aimed. When her beam locked on, the ramp up mechanic made sense, but now it holds her back as a DPS completely, because a large amount of her damage and the bridge for the gap in the overall inconsistent damage of her gun lies in her strong reliance on her turrets. 2.0 relied more on her turrets to control space, but 3.0 relies on their damage output which is easily neutralized just as it always has been. 2.0s gun also controlled space, because the Rein behind his shield knew that if he let it down against Sym, the squishy next to him would probably be vaporized.

If her beam is to stay as is, it needs two levels. 120, and after 3 seconds, 195. I say 195 because that’s what it was originally supposed to be. Blizzard probably thought 195 was too much because they had no idea about the exploit she originally had, so they knocked it down to 180, which is unjustified now having the exploit fixed.

She’s one of the worst DPS, why? All of her abilities are weak, her turrets, her teleporter, even her ultimate.

She’s a support now more than ever.

I wish they added a secondary ultimate, too. I mean, so she can choose between a defensive or attacking ultimate.

Her shield is good but… ehh not too good for a dps

Range or sturdy doesnt matter if it doesnt deal damage.

That train of thought could be used for any hero though. “Playing around (insert hero here)” is a version of teamwork. No one bats an eye for playing around a Genji/Tracer/Mercy main, but for some reason Symmetra is taboo.

Prob a genji main who loves the changes, cus shes bad. Its a reason why noone plays her.

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The passive idea would be amazing. While I’m for the 15 meter range too, I think the overall issue is not range but utility and mechanics. There’s no need to increase damage from 60/120/180. But tweak ramp mechanics and add utility. The regen shield would be great! But to add to it:

My honest opinion on sym is that she has been a poorly designed hero from the start. She has always been a gimmick. Only useful on certain maps with certain hero’s to synergize with . I personally don’t like gimmicks. They had a chance to make her less of a gimmick and failed. It’s a sniper meta right now anyway, sym isn’t very good against snipers. Not sure what to say to make you feel better about her current state. She sucked before, still sucks now. For the most part at least.

It would actually make more sense just to give her a flat rate and use the charge mechanic for barriers only.

So, against heroes, she would do say, a flat 120 all the time. Against barriers 120/150/200. Keep the ammo charge and I still think the passive sheild regen would give her the stability she needs to stay in the fight.

I really dislike auto lock abilities, especially hard lock stuff like 2.0

Because “playing around x” doesn’t really exist. No team really “plays around x hero” unless it’s like Bastion. Heroes like Soldier and McCree just do their thing and the team as a whole does it’s thing.

The only thing Sym needed was the team to not tilt immediately. Or not tilt and have the first thing blamed be the Symmetra that’s probably doing fine.

Probably the easiest and most realistic balance suggestion I’ve seen to date.

Squishies will be damaged as they should without nullifying armor buffs given, it’ll suffer against tanks but not as badly as current build, and actually award damage to barriers.

finally some other hero mains can expirience what junkrat mains got since always - all ranged and hitscans use you as practice target - no shield to hide behind, minimal mobility to escape their dot

I have to disagree. I’ve been playing her a lot lately and I feel like yes, the range is an issue. There is no reason for Sym to be engaging at 10m or even 12. Sometimes it can be highly effective and because you can charge off barriers you can easily hit level 2 before actually going in to damage enemies.

The issue I have is that a close range primary fire has no synergy with any part of her kit. I do not want the old beam back because it SUCKED to play against. She needs a total rework on her primary or for the range to be at least 15m. I don’t know what it could be, but it needs to be ranged to fit with her new playstyle.

She doesn’t counter any of those characters you mentioned anymore. She USED to, but when they removed the locking beam, those characters can have a field day.

If you place the turrets right, you counter the hell out of flankers.

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Something tells me you don’t play Symm very much. The only Tracers and Genjis I’ll capture in that turret trap are rookie ones. Those who actually have had more than 4 hours on those characters know how to escape from Symm’s turrets with their Dash and Recall/Blink.

Symm stopped those flankers with her Turrets + Her Primary Fire before. Turrets don’t kill decent flankers alone, only terrible ones.