Symmetra Season 2 Balance

They announced that they will do balance changes to Symmetra on season 2, now we wait until they reveal the changes and threads like “They killed symmetra” and “Symmetra is useless” start to pop up, like she isn´t one of the worst heroes already

To be fair, their history with the character leaves little to be desired. I, for one, expect them to fail as they always have.

The worst part is even if I am wrong and they make her viable, people will complain as though she is Sojourn tier anyway until she is subsequently nerfed.


The thing is, every little change they try to do to symmetra is either deemed as “They killed symmetra” or “They removed her essence and uniqueness”.

Theyre giving her a second gun. So shes going to be dual wielding in S2.


i kind of wonder if its balance or a whole rework change. dont know what to expect tho. i just hope it doesnt make her worse which they usually tend to do with symm


Balance = more screwing up the character


If they keep her the same = she stays useless

If they try to change her = “You killed my hero/removed his essence”

What sym mains expect the devs to do then?

Watch them buff team TP gimmicks for OWL a bit more while shaving even more of her damage.


Didn´t they nerf her tp in the last patch? i don´t think they are going to buff it anytime soon

Rework her from the ground up.

She has the strongest technology in the entire game.

Let her create things!! Allow her to become something much stronger as a ability, like bastion transformation.

There’s a lot of things you can do with sym!!


You can buff Sym without a rework, and a rework can perfectly keep the identity of the hero because the only problematic part in her kit right now is team TP.

I suppose that is true. That bias is not going anywhere regardless. In my opinion, balance changes to a poor foundation will get them nowhere. She just needs a rework quite frankly.


good luck with that. But i agree with you

HP nerf is only a nerf for personal usage.

For team TP gimmicks HP doesnt matter. But they speed up the deployment so Sym can now be switched out faster for a real DPS lmao


repeat what I said early

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No need for that when the issue with her kit is being overnerfed and underdesigned thanks to being attached to a map breaking gimmick.

Remove team TP, make it personal, and you can let Sym be a good DPS from there.

No. The issue is her kit.

It always has been.

She has the BEST creative freedom, and it’s not even used.


I don´t think current symmetra kit fits overwatch, too much dependent on her team/shields, having no range and no mobility (apart from the obvious TP )

Yes, she needs to 3D print objects in the game!

How delightfully ambiguous and very much not a removal of what you dont like about Sym.

That doesnt have anything to do with Sentries, since thats quite obviously what once again is being blamed for her being weak, despite being nerfed already with zero compensation.